Mailed off my Flight school application


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
Ft. Campbell
I finally decided to chase my dream of becoming a AH-64 (Apache) helicopter pilot, I submitted my warrant officer and Flight school application today, I wont know until Mid-November if I got selected, everyone please pray that I get picked up. Damn! I just realized how lonely I truly am, I am asking guys on the internet to pray for me. LOL
Nothing wrong with getting the good word out there more!

I hope it works out for you!!

My friend who is a Paratrooper decided that it's not challenging enough and is looking for the next step???
Sounds like fun. I've always wanted to fly a fighter jet, push it to the point where I'd pass out. That's how I'm going out.
Good luck dude! I have thought about the same thing, joining the army and being a chopper pilot. The thought of being a soldier has kept me from trying. ;)
I finally decided to chase my dream of becoming a AH-64 (Apache) helicopter pilot, I submitted my warrant officer and Flight school application today, I wont know until Mid-November if I got selected, everyone please pray that I get picked up. Damn! I just realized how lonely I truly am, I am asking guys on the internet to pray for me. LOL

got a video for you buddy!

I always loved the Airforce (and related) because I love planes/helicopters :-D

YouTube - Army Aviation (Top Gun Theme)
good luck man i hope to flight choppers or jet in the military one day too!
Good luck dude! I have thought about the same thing, joining the army and being a chopper pilot. The thought of being a soldier has kept me from trying. ;)

If you decide to do it let me know, I got a letter of reccemondation from a 1star and full bird, I think I am good.
I finally decided to chase my dream of becoming a AH-64 (Apache) helicopter pilot, I submitted my warrant officer and Flight school application today, I wont know until Mid-November if I got selected, everyone please pray that I get picked up. Damn! I just realized how lonely I truly am, I am asking guys on the internet to pray for me. LOL

Interesting, because every recruiter I ever met always sworn up and down that if I just "signed" up, I'd be flying helicopters. Just like that. In fact, I think I even read that here.

I don't say that because I think that distinguishes me. I just think it's a dirty recruiting trick.
same way they said "you won't die in Iraq, we got machines to do the grunt work" psht yeah right :p
Interesting, because every recruiter I ever met always sworn up and down that if I just "signed" up, I'd be flying helicopters. Just like that. In fact, I think I even read that here.

I don't say that because I think that distinguishes me. I just think it's a dirty recruiting trick.

That is somewhat true, maybe, kinda, a little.
A Marine = Machine. They got it right.

Good luck man, I just talk to a recruiter today. He started to salivate when I said I have an A&P cert. Then I told him how much I again, 75lbs down but need to loose 27 more lbs before I can go.

Friend of mine who is 25 fly’s the V-22 in the marines and an other one fly’s c-130's in the AF. I'm sure you will get there if you really want it.
C-130 is the biggest POS i have ever flown in. Maybe I just have a bad experience with them. My first time flying into iraq was in a 130 from kuwait to TQ. I'm 1/2 asleep when all of a sudden they start shooting flares out the ass end and dipping and diving like crazy. Not quite the warm welcome I was hoping for.
C-130 is the biggest POS i have ever flown in. Maybe I just have a bad experience with them. My first time flying into iraq was in a 130 from kuwait to TQ. I'm 1/2 asleep when all of a sudden they start shooting flares out the ass end and dipping and diving like crazy. Not quite the warm welcome I was hoping for.

Thats cause the majority of the fleet is from the 60's!!!!

Combat landings are fun aren't they??? :D
That is somewhat true, maybe, kinda, a little.

The bull:q:q:q:q sales pitch?

Because, if I remember the rest of the pitch, IF you asked some tough questions....
next it was, "yeah, you'll fly.... or, y'know... maybe WORKING on Helicopters."
There's a friggin' worlds of difference between being a chopper pilot and working in the shop servicing them.
BUT SIGN NOW!!!! And then the pressure tactics kick in.
As far as I'm concerned chopper pilots are some of the most important guys in the army...They saved my azz many times...and the 101st also saved me..
A friend of mine flew Loaches in a hunter-killer squadron (aka "Pink Teams") in Vietnam; they say Army helo pilots are about a half a bubble off of plumb to begin with, and he was certainly proof of that. He could sure as hell spin a yarn, though--and he had enough photographic evidence that you could never be sure which of his stories were fact and which were pure BS. :D

Anyhow, he told us that the three most frightening things you can hear in the military are:
1) An Ensign saying "I'm in charge here!";
2) A 2nd Lieutenant with a map and compass saying "Follow me, I know the way!"; and
3) A Chief Warrant Officer in a helicopter saying "Let me show you something you ain't never seen."

At any rate, best of luck!
My dad was in the army for 25 years, flew apache longbows and apaches. Let me tell you, they are bad ass!!

Good Luck

I always support the army, as my entire life has been around it.
So I was a qualified-Non-Select, I will send off my packet for the next board, I was kind of down for a few minutes, then I saw they picked up a lot of E-3, E-4, and E-5, I am a E-6 so they are probably thinking "can't teach an old dog new tricks"
sounds like they grabbed the guys that re-up'ed. Your time will come, just stick with it.
sorry to hear the news linc, I LOVE those helicopters! Totally badass.
Man it hurt like hell, but i am not giving up, they have another board in Feb, I also get looked at for E7 so either way I win, unless I get passed over for both.

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