

New LVC Member
Nov 16, 2005
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I have a 1985 Town Car. I have two problems. Maybe they are the same problem.
1. The fast idle will not kickdown. It doesn't seem to matter if the engine is warmed up or not. Sometimes when warmed it will idle perfectly at a very low speed and sometimes the fast idle.
2. The weather just changed to cold. Maybe that has nothing to do with it. At a stoplight the car is idling fine and then as I begin to accelerate the car will die. It restarts fine. Then same problem. Once I get past that initial stall then the car runs fine. Sometimes the car acts up travelling road speed when the accelerator pedal is released.
I know the problem with the stalling. You need to run some Sea-Foam thru the fuel and it will clear it right up. As for the fast idle, it's probably the choke.
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I would also check the vacum lines.
radie842 said:
Did you just reply to your own post?QUOTE]

I would like to know to. Good way to get the post count up. LOL!

Since the car ran better when seafoam was uesed in the tank, it is possible that you will need a new Fuel filter.
Yes, you caught me red handed. I got tired of waiting for a response. So I told what I did thus far. Yes, the sea-foam worked thus far-the problem just went away as soon as I ran it. I just put a new fuel filter on and will be installing another one soon. I don't think the "choke" has anything to do with the fast idle problem. I think it is more to do with one of the sensor switches. I have not bought a hand held diagnostic tool yet to check anything. I just wanted to see if anyone had ever had similar trouble or had any suggestions.
radie842 said:
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I would also check the vacum lines.

You were right. There was a vacuum line on the back of the breather (to the EGR) that apparently had come undone. I think I will replace it with a newer one that fits tighter. Thanks.
No problem. My x brother inlaw is one of those guys that buys a car and then plugs all the lines and all his cars run ruff. Shift funny or idle hard. I always check the vacum lines first. Any big auto parts store or JC Whitney will have a full vacum line replacement kit.

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