ND4SPDLSC said:In my searches, I never found anything. I am not sure about their relationship with Cibie. Perhaps they were one company or became one company. Cibie Airport 35 lights are duplicates of Marchal 750s in all but the lens. Perhaps they are one lighting company now. Both have a long history in premium automotive lighting. I am not sure if Marchal still makes lights. Cibie is alive and well. The Marauder used Cibie fog lights.
I currently own eight Mark VIIs and I didn't know that Cibie Airport 35's are Marchal 750 Duplicates.Lscr1 said:Marchal has no relationship with Cibie . The company/manufacturer went out of business a long time ago . Everyone knows that Cibie Airport 35's are Marchal 750 Duplicates .
Chill Dude.Lscr1 said:History and lineage is what I'm after , not the obvious .
Lscr1 said:Marchal has no relationship with Cibie . The company/manufacturer went out of business a long time ago . Everyone knows that Cibie Airport 35's are Marchal 750 Duplicates .
History and lineage is what I'm after , not the obvious .
mach8 said:Valeo is currently the parent company of both Marchal and Cibie. Don't know how that came about, but I would suspect hard times in the mid eighties.
Valeo doesn't seem to have much interest in the lighting aftermarket and has let the Marchal brand fade from the international market. Check them out at Valeo.com, maybe you could e-mail them for more info. (Know any French?)
You're human and an adult. It's cool.Lscr1 said:Not a great week for me , sorry about that .
My lights cost a small fortune but again, I was restoring a car and owned and operated my own business and had cash out the wazoo. I still have champagne tastes but I'm on a broke dude budget.Lscr1 said:Call me compulsive but it doesn't make any sense .