Mark 8 vs 5.0 Kill storys


Well-Known LVC Member
Oct 14, 2005
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K, I have a few friends with slightly moded 5.0s auto, and there talking trash. I think my mark could take them it prob be good race, but In your guys experience how due we hold up to 5.0's? I heard of many kill storys before here but I thought it be nice to have a thread targeted toward 5.0 kill storys, so let me hear them, or hear the lost,lol.
It just depends on how much they have done to them. You can make a 5.0 go real fast for not a lot of money. Stock for stock they aren't as quick.
I beat the living crap out of a 5.0 last night... granted it was an LTD Crown Vic, but still.

Like brentalan said, it depends on how modded they are. Stock for stock you should be able to take them, automatics you'll take a bit easier. Once the mods come in all bets are off.
Auto 5.0 unless driven by someone who knows what they are doing will lose. I had my stock/freemodded one doing 14.59 at 95 which would have put up a great fight for a Mark, but that result is atypical.
Yeah my friend has intake and exhuast and a new tranny. My cars bone stock with K&N panel filter and no mufflers, so its stock,lol.
No 5.0 I've ever owned (and I've owned eight of them) has been beated by a Mark VIII. That being said, I did take a stock 94GT 5spd on the freeway from 80-120 once in a 94 Mark VIII. Of course, he ran out of gear, and was ahead of me until I he had to shift into 5th.

All of these "I kill 5.0s all the time" stories are a bit far-fetched methinks. Lincolns are frikkin' slow.

I beat a 5.0 by 3 cars we both spun off the line

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