Mark refuses to start after short or long drives. What could be the problem?


Active LVC Member
Mar 12, 2005
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I own a 1995 Mark VIII. It has been starting fine in the morning it will take you where you want to go, but after parking it for a while it will not restart. It does crank and you can hear the pump but it won't start. I thought maybe the alarm was triggered which would cause the ignition to be offline. It is happening more and more lately. I had my mechanic give it a complete tuneup, the last time it did this. It worked fine for 3 weeks. He thought it could be the ignition coil on the car. He replaced that. Does this car come with two or just one ignition coil? It cost me $65 for that one part. What do you think it could be? What could he be overlooking? Thanks ahead of time for you help. It will be greatly appreciated.
there are two coils - and if the alarm system was triggered, then the car wouldn;t crank at all. It sounds like you have a crank or cam sensor failing, that can lead to this type of no start.
A search on this wonderful site will reveal that the usual culprit is either the crank (most often) sensor or the cam sensor. The cam sensor is really easy to replace but I must admit the crank sensor is a little challenging. There are some writeups on how to do both. But, also make sure to check the wires for brittleness. They sometimes basically rust and stop making contact, resulting in the intermittent symptoms you may be experiencing. It is also could be the alarm but I would look at the crank sensor 1st and then the cam sensor. Both are less than $20 each. Good luck.
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i was checking out my cam sensor wires, how am i supposed to tell how poor of a shape they are in - and if they are in poor shape, how am i to replace them? do i have to replace the connector for the sensor?
67Continental said:
i was checking out my cam sensor wires, how am i supposed to tell how poor of a shape they are in - and if they are in poor shape, how am i to replace them? do i have to replace the connector for the sensor?

I went to the ford dealership, bought the correct wire terminals for the sensor connector, and spliced new wires in place.

As an added layer of protection, I wrapped them in 4 layers of 3M Electrical tape, and 1 layer of aluminum tape. The Crank sensor wires are exposed to the elements alot more than the others.
Where are the crank sensor and cam sensor located? Is there a website or a manual available at an auto park store that can help me with their location and replacement? Thanks again for the quick reply. :wrench :F
I want to thank everyone for their help. I purchased the cam and crank sensor today. I also installed both of them. My car started up with no problems. I especially want to thank 1wykdmk8 for giving step by step instructions to another individual who had this same problem. The cam sensor was no problem replacing but the crank sensor was a pain in the butt to replace but with those instructions I couldn't go wrong. Thank again everyone! You guys are great! :yourock:
Evian said:
I want to thank everyone for their help. I purchased the cam and crank sensor today. I also installed both of them. My car started up with no problems. I especially want to thank 1wykdmk8 for giving step by step instructions to another individual who had this same problem. The cam sensor was no problem replacing but the crank sensor was a pain in the butt to replace but with those instructions I couldn't go wrong. Thank again everyone! You guys are great! :yourock:

You, and anyone else that have used those directions are more than welcome. It makes it easier if someone else has busted his/her knuckles on a specific job and can give easy step-by-step directions.

I plan on updating that and putting it on the site in the tech section along with putting on my website in the Tech Help pages section.
Ray is my hero!

I was in the process of installing my crank sensor today. Lifted up the car, got the serpintine belt off and got 2 of the bolts off the compresser but the 3rd one was stripped! I couldn't do anything with it. So I just unplugged the sensor and plugged it back in and it started right up...
95LSC32V said:
I was in the process of installing my crank sensor today. Lifted up the car, got the serpintine belt off and got 2 of the bolts off the compresser but the 3rd one was stripped! I couldn't do anything with it. So I just unplugged the sensor and plugged it back in and it started right up...

The only problem with that is it is a temporary fix. You should still put in the new crank sensor. What you can do is purchase the Craftsman bolt out kit in the appropriate size. I have the kit and it works GREAT. I had to use the kit to get the stripped out nuts on the torque convertor on the junk car that I had. Purchase the kit and then remove the bolt that you could not get to and replace the sensor. Also, check the wiring while you are at it to see if there is anything wrong with it....that could be another problem.

Hope this helps.

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