Matt Lauer opens mouth and inserts foot...


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Apr 24, 2005
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On international TV!

Today Show: US Soldier in Iraq Zaps Media - "I'd be Depressed Too if I got my News from the Newspapers"

Posted by Mark Finkelstein on August 17, 2005 - 07:37. When the Today show sprung a surprise this morning -- an unannounced trip to Iraq by Matt Lauer -- one US soldier had a little surprise of his own for Today and the media at large.

Lauer interviewed a group of soldiers at Camp Liberty in Baghdad, and at one point asked about the state of morale. After getting two responses to the effect that morale was good, Lauer had this to say:

"Don't get me wrong, I think you're probably telling the truth, but there might be a lot of people at home wondering how that could be possible with the conditions you're facing and with the insurgent attacks you're facing. " (video available: Windows Media and Real Media)

If Lauer was the advocate for the anti-war case, he then made the cardinal mistake that no advocate should make: asking a question to which you don't know the answer.

Asked Lauer: "What would you say to those people who are doubtful that morale could be that high?"

Captain Sherman Powell nailed Lauer, the MSM and the anti-war crowd with this beauty:

"Well sir, I'd tell you, if I got my news from the newspapers also I'd be pretty depressed as well!"


Powell went on to add that, while acknowledging the difficulties the media face in getting out into the field in Iraq,

"For those of us who have actually had a chance to get out and meet the Iraqi Army and Iraqi police and go on patrols with them, we are very satisfied with the way things are going here and we are confident that if we are allowed to finish the job we started we'll be very proud of it and our country will be proud of us for doing it!"


Even his name is G.I. Joe-ish: Sherman Powell.
And there you have it Left wingers...straight from the horses mouth. We're gonna win this war...Iraq will be free...Afganistan will be free...Terror will lose.

Hoorah Captain...Hoorah.

We in the military are sick and tired of a bunch of pansies with yellow ribbons pretending to be the voice of the services. So next time any one says "I support the troops but not the cause"...well, you can take that ribbon and shove it up your a$$.
What Captain Powell should have said...
Hey look, if I had to sit and look and listen to a pussy like you on TV all the time, I'd probably shoot myself to put me out of my misery.
I wish they would take a guy like Lauer, blind-fold him, drive him 5 miles deep into Baghdad and drop him off at midnight.

The anti-war movement is looking for any anti-US Iraq soldier to stick a microphone in front of. They're foaming at the mouth again. Makes me want to yack.
Wow now this is a real coup for the military. God Bless em' the MSM pretends to play the objective role when reporting on our military but their blatant slant against our military is very apparent. Case in point with MSMM, Main Stream Media Matt.

Matt got out maneuvered by one of our bravest and finest citizens... a good ol volunteer.

fossten said:
On international TV!

Today Show: US Soldier in Iraq Zaps Media - "I'd be Depressed Too if I got my News from the Newspapers"

Posted by Mark Finkelstein on August 17, 2005 - 07:37. When the Today show sprung a surprise this morning -- an unannounced trip to Iraq by Matt Lauer -- one US soldier had a little surprise of his own for Today and the media at large.

Lauer interviewed a group of soldiers at Camp Liberty in Baghdad, and at one point asked about the state of morale. After getting two responses to the effect that morale was good, Lauer had this to say:

"Don't get me wrong, I think you're probably telling the truth, but there might be a lot of people at home wondering how that could be possible with the conditions you're facing and with the insurgent attacks you're facing. " (video available: Windows Media and Real Media)

If Lauer was the advocate for the anti-war case, he then made the cardinal mistake that no advocate should make: asking a question to which you don't know the answer.

Asked Lauer: "What would you say to those people who are doubtful that morale could be that high?"

Captain Sherman Powell nailed Lauer, the MSM and the anti-war crowd with this beauty:

"Well sir, I'd tell you, if I got my news from the newspapers also I'd be pretty depressed as well!"


Powell went on to add that, while acknowledging the difficulties the media face in getting out into the field in Iraq,

"For those of us who have actually had a chance to get out and meet the Iraqi Army and Iraqi police and go on patrols with them, we are very satisfied with the way things are going here and we are confident that if we are allowed to finish the job we started we'll be very proud of it and our country will be proud of us for doing it!"


Even his name is G.I. Joe-ish: Sherman Powell.
MonsterMark said:
What Captain Powell should have said...
Hey look, if I had to sit and look and listen to a pussy like you on TV all the time, I'd probably shoot myself to put me out of my misery.
I wish they would take a guy like Lauer, blind-fold him, drive him 5 miles deep into Baghdad and drop him off at midnight.

The anti-war movement is looking for any anti-US Iraq soldier to stick a microphone in front of. They're foaming at the mouth again. Makes me want to yack.

Yeah that would be a real treat for MSMM. Lets test how much love the Iranians and syrians has for his tender left wing :q
I wish I was watching that yesterday. What a jerk-wad. "I think you're probably telling the truth . . . ." You THINK they're PROBABLY telling the truth?!! Typical liberal point of view. They think the military is brain-washed and ordered to lie to the media. They think our military is some kind of draconian, evil force that oppresses the world somehow. How totally wrong they are.
Haven't you heard? The United States is evil and her armed forces butcher children in the streets...

That will be the argument from the left... "Oh, he was told to say that." or "He doesn't represent the vast majority of servicemembers."

Notice the look on the Captain's face...he was glad to say it...he'd been waiting for the opportunity to spread the truth on live national television.
FreeFaller said:
Haven't you heard? The United States is evil and her armed forces butcher children in the streets...

That will be the argument from the left... "Oh, he was told to say that." or "He doesn't represent the vast majority of servicemembers."

Notice the look on the Captain's face...he was glad to say it...he'd been waiting for the opportunity to spread the truth on live national television.
I heard what really happened today. They do what is called a pre-interview before going on the air. The 4 guys were supposed to talk about each of their pet projects they were doing to help out the Iraqis. One guy flys chopper support and they drop teddy bears for the kids, etc. You get the idea.

Lauer tried to blind side these guys and asked questions that were not part of the pre-interview to trip them up. These guys passed with unrehearsed flying colors. They were lied to but the truth once again prevailed.

Man, I hate the MSM so much it is not even funny.

I wish I had the power to do something about it.
MonsterMark said:
I heard what really happened today. They do what is called a pre-interview before going on the air. The 4 guys were supposed to talk about each of their pet projects they were doing to help out the Iraqis. One guy flys chopper support and they drop teddy bears for the kids, etc. You get the idea.

Lauer tried to blind side these guys and asked questions that were not part of the pre-interview to trip them up. These guys passed with unrehearsed flying colors. They were lied to but the truth once again prevailed.

Man, I hate the MSM so much it is not even funny.

I wish I had the power to do something about it.

The great thing is that our boys over there can fend for themselves. We need but to cheer them on and we're helping!
fossten said:
The great thing is that our boys over there can fend for themselves. We need but to cheer them on and we're helping!
But why do they have to fight the enemy over there and the enemy over here ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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