McCain up 10% on the Messiah


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Wow ee wow wow.

McCain up 10 points (54%-44%) with likely voters.

See the USA Today Gallup Poll from this weekend.

Taking bets now on how soon Obama drops Biden and picks up Hitlery.

Hell, the Republicans haven't even fired the 1st shot yet and there on the ground lies Obama, bleeding to death. Must have got a paper cut.:D
Wonder if Keith Olbermann's head will explode. He was touting the accuracy of the Gallup "likely voters" poll last week.

I agree. Obama should keep his mouth shut. Without a teleprompter he is nothing. Of course, I said that 6 months ago.
ABC News' George Stephanopoulos Reports: The rivalry between the Democratic and Republican tickets for president could shift from the ballot box to the hardwood if Barack Obama has his way.

In an exclusive interview airing this morning on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," the Democratic nominee for president said he would be open to going one-on-one in basketball with Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin.

"You know, I would play her a game of horse," said Obama. "She looks like she’s got some game."

Palin was a standout high school basketball player whose skills on the court earned her the nickname Sarah Barracuda. But Obama said he doesn’t fear her.

"On the basketball court, I think I’d stand up pretty well," he said.

Still, Obama said he wouldn’t want to go head-to-head with Palin in another sport: target shooting.

"I know she’s a sharpshooter, and I know that -- I probably wouldn’t do target practice with her," he said. "I think she’d be a better shot than me."
Wow. And Drudge now reports that Keith and Chris have been removed from the anchor desk for the debates and election and have been replaced by David Gregory.
Wow. And Drudge now reports that Keith and Chris have been removed from the anchor desk for the debates and election and have been replaced by David Gregory.

Can't wait for Herman Munster, I mean Keith Olbermann, to whine about this. :p



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