McCain Wins By 38 Electoral Votes


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
We are down to the nitty-gritty.

I am counting on the PUMA's (Hillary's "Party Unity My Ass") supporters to come thru for McCain/Palin.

Hillary received 18,000,000 votes. The media is acting like everyone of them is in the bag for Obaaama.

We need 5% to defect to give McCain the win.
I bet we'll get closer to 10 percent but Obama will get alot of those new illegal votes so that will offset the PUMAs some.

So I see a 288-250 McCain Victory.

If more PUMAs toss aside Obama, this could become a route.
This entire election contest has been like running at night with a blindfold on. The media, the one business that is given formal constitutional protection, has so flagrantly abused their trust, I simply can not find enough consistent information to make a confident determination.

Any one of the stories about Obama should have been enough to undermine his candidacy. Any one of his policy positions should have been enough to end his candidacy. Do people not know? Do people really just not understand anymore? Or are is the support for Obama radically misrepresented and inflated?
Monster and Cal,

Not that I really agree with the polls and Obama will landslide this, but what will you say come 11/5/08 is McCain barely exceeds 200?
Monster and Cal,

Not that I really agree with the polls and Obama will landslide this, but what will you say come 11/5/08 is McCain barely exceeds 200?

Oh nuts.
Then I'll try to find the positive while preparing for the negative.

I know I won't find comfort saying "I told you so" for the next two to four years.
I tried to buy an HK91 today. I couldn't get the manufacturer on the phone, nor could I reach the main distributor. I spoke to a retailer here in town and he barely had time to talk to me due to the heavy traffic in his store. Finally I got ahold of a guy on (it's "ebay" for gun buyers), who had seven models left. He said he had already received three phone calls today from nervous buyers wanting to beat the election. He predicted that all of the HK91s in the country would be sold out inside of a week if Obama wins.

This is called "unintended consequences." Threaten our gun rights, and we'll just buy more. I'll bet the gun industry posts record sales in 1Q 2009.

Needless to say, I got my order in.
Good, all this gun/ammo purchasing can only help the economy. Should have purchased an American-made semi-rifle, though.
Gee, thanks for telling me what I should have done. You know what they say about free advice - it's worth every penny.

By the way, PTR 91 Inc., the company that makes the HK91 clone, is based in Farmington, Connecticut.

Some day I hope to grow up and be as smart as you.

Because I should have just known that yours is a knockoff. HK's were imported and there is a market for them.

First grow up, one step at a time, no need to rush and spoil things.
Actually, it's not a knockoff. There are two types of HK91s - preban and postban. Mine is made from the exact blueprints, and improvements have been made to the design.

Not that you'd know this, but knockoffs are made with aluminum receivers. Mine has a steel receiver.

You FAIL at gun knowledge.
While I'll freely admit my gun knowledge is very limited, your vocabulary fails.

Main Entry: knock·off
Pronunciation: \ˈnäk-ˌȯf\
Function: noun
Date: 1966
: a copy that sells for less than the original ; broadly : a copy or imitation of someone or something popular

Yours is a copy, aka "knockoff"; they don't have to be inferior either.
While I'll freely admit my gun knowledge is very limited, your vocabulary fails.

Main Entry: knock·off
Pronunciation: \ˈnäk-ˌȯf\
Function: noun
Date: 1966
: a copy that sells for less than the original ; broadly : a copy or imitation of someone or something popular

Yours is a copy, aka "knockoff"; they don't have to be inferior either.
But your implication was that it was inferior; why else would you have mentioned it?

You said "I should have known..." What was the purpose of that statement other than to be a dick?
But your implication was that it was inferior; why else would you have mentioned it?

You said "I should have known..." What was the purpose of that statement other than to be a dick?

No, I wasn't insulting your gun; it seems you have some sort of inferiority complex about it, so if it makes you feel better, I'll just say "Fossten, you have the best and biggest gun."

I took a light hearted jab at you for not buying American (or so I thought) in conjunction to my "all these guns sales [because of Obama] will help the economy" implication-comment.

BTW, it is a nice gun, I read up on it; I'm a bit jealous.
Are you guys done crapping on my thread yet?
Put your mouth closer to the mike when you speak, Bryan. :D

Monster and Cal,

Not that I really agree with the polls and Obama will landslide this, but what will you say come 11/5/08 is McCain barely exceeds 200?

Well 'F' me, McCain may not clear 175 (if that). Seems all those polls that had Obama sweeping were indeed correct.
brand?? these look awesome and i assume that its a one shot stop
It's an HK91 clone called the PTR-91F. PTR, Inc. makes them. You can order them from Atlantic Firearms, and I got a call today from Atlantic that they are in stock.

And yes, the caliber is .308, which will drop you in one shot, even if you're behind a tree.
sweet i just now realized your from louisville. i play poker at the horseshoe quite often. thanks for the info
sweet i just now realized your from louisville. i play poker at the horseshoe quite often. thanks for the info
Very cool, dude. I was there Sunday night. I go about twice a week. Which tables do you play?
Well 'F' me, McCain may not clear 175 (if that). Seems all those polls that had Obama sweeping were indeed correct.

How do you figure this?
Even according to CNN, it's 207/129 at this very moment.
While an Obama win is evident, it's not a blow out in the Reagan/Mondale sense.

The country gets the government it deserves....
How do you figure this?
Even according to CNN, it's 207/129 at this very moment.
While an Obama win is evident, it's not a blow out in the Reagan/Mondale sense.

The country gets the government it deserves....

While I'm probably wrong and McCain could very well clear 175, MT, MO, IN and NC are very close.

Yeah, the Republican party will always have that.

Considering you have a very negative view of Obama's policies and the government he'll bring us, why do you think "we" deserve something negative? Or did you mean something else?
Considering you have a very negative view of Obama's policies and the government he'll bring us, why do you think "we" deserve something negative?

Because "we" voted for him.
And worse yet, the expanded majorities in the Congress.

The increased power of Pelosi, Reid, Frank, and Schumer, as well as the State governments is very alarming and scary. As a student of history, there is NO WAY this will work out well for anyone who is freedom loving and believes in the simple principles that this country was founded on.

But "we" voted for it in 2008, so "we" deserve it.

A Democratic Republic like ours is a huge responsibility. Voting isn't the responsibility- any idiot can do that. We have a responsibility to research, understand, discuss, debate, and apply that wisdom when voting. Voting is the payoff for our work, it's the culmination of everything. Unfortunately some, for nefarious reasons, have misrepresented that and they have made voting the focus without emphasizing the incredible responsibility that comes with it.

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