McLaren LS info


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 5, 2006
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I was bored today so I looked up the dead McLaren. I found a cool spec sheet I thought some of you might want to see. I visited a few of the alliance partners on the sheet to see if they offered anything for the LS, but couldn't find anything. Anyways here is the site I found this at:
and here is the spec sheet

Why isnt their someone out their who will make a manual transmission for the LINCOLNS!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheRebel said:
I was bored today so I looked up the dead McLaren. I found a cool spec sheet I thought some of you might want to see. I visited a few of the alliance partners on the sheet to see if they offered anything for the LS, but couldn't find anything. Anyways here is the site I found this at:
and here is the spec sheet
That website is of the new President of the LLSOC, Ray Sundland. He's had that info on his site for quite sometime. He's a pretty good guy.
His pictures were very nice, unfortunaley I had to save them as a gif file so that I could post that one here. The one on the site look much better.
GrayGhost1 said:
That website is of the new President of the LLSOC, Ray Sundland. He's had that info on his site for quite sometime. He's a pretty good guy.

In the club is it whatever is in it stays in it? Because I was on here a few weeks ago and someone posted a picture from llsoc and I forget who it was said that it was LLSOC property and it wasnt allowed anywhere else. Does this mean there are many things in that club than we don't know yet?
J3FF said:
In the club is it whatever is in it stays in it? Because I was on here a few weeks ago and someone posted a picture from llsoc and I forget who it was said that it was LLSOC property and it wasnt allowed anywhere else. Does this mean there are many things in that club than we don't know yet?
Maybe... :shifty:
LS should of had that power from the get go, and abit more abvertising and we would have LS still being made.
I agree with the advertising. The only reason I knew of them back in 2000 was because a friend of mine bought one. I know then I had to have one. So I got a 2000 tri-coat white V8. NO ONE ever knew what it was. Everyone I have ever talked to about the car had no idea Lincoln made the LS. Until the last couple of years when they showed a few comercials with the LS in the lineup.

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