Media skews economic stimulas debate

Mick Jagger

Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 6, 2008
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Declaring GOP winner in "stimulus message war," media oblivious
to their cohort's role in skewing debate

Many in the media have proclaimed the GOP the winner in the "stimulus message war" over President Obama and congressional Democrats. But they often do so with no self-reflection or acknowledgment of their cohort's role in advancing the Republicans' side in the debate through the credulous repetition of falsehoods and other Republican talking points.

Your party is selling your future and you sit there whistling dixie.


My kids will be fine. They'll be able to access money whenever they need it no matter how much the government steals from them. The other 99% of kids are going to have a really rough go.
Your party is selling your future
Your party is selling lies about the Economic Recovery Package.

Here's an example:

Ignoring Congressional Budget Office, GOP claims that recovery
bill is "spending spree unlikely to jolt the economy"

The AP uncritically reported that Sen. Mitch McConnell and "other Republicans" stated that the economic recovery bill "allows Democrats to go on a spending spree unlikely to jolt the economy." But the AP did not point out that the Congressional Budget Office "anticipates that implementation of H.R. 1 would have a noticeable impact on economic growth and employment in the next few years," or that CBO director Douglas Elmendorf said the bill "would provide a substantial boost to economic activity over the next several years relative to what would occur without any legislation."
You really need to stop listening to the AP. Please. You are soooo misinformed.

Try listening for once to someone who actually knows what is going on.

Peter Schiff: Stimulus Bill Will Lead to "Unmitigated Disaster"
Posted Feb 06, 2009 08:05am EST by Aaron Task in Investing, Newsmakers, Recession

The fiscal stimulus bill being debated in Congress not only won't help the economy, it will make the recession much worse, says Peter Schiff, president of Euro Pacific Capital.

Schiff scoffs at the notion the economic decline is starting to level off and concedes no government action means a "terrible" recession. But the path of increased government intervention will lead to "unmitigated disaster," says Schiff, who gained notoriety in 2007-08 for his prescient calls on the housing bubble and U.S. stocks.

The problem, he says, is the government is trying to perpetuate a "phony economy" based on borrowing and spending. With the U.S. consumer tapped out, the government is "now taking on the mantle" of consumer of last resort, he continues, predicting the bond bubble will soon burst - if it hasn't already - ultimately leading to a collapse of the dollar and an "inflationary depression worse than anything any of us have ever seen."

If nothing else, Schiff is an nonpartisan critic of American policymakers, comparing President Bush to Herbert Hoover and President Obama to FDR, and neither in a favorable way.
Jagger-bot, how about the government just prints enough money this year to give us all $1,000,000 each. Then we'll all be millionaires!
Jagger-bot, how about the government just prints enough money this year to give us all $1,000,000 each. Then we'll all be millionaires!

What's the point of debating anymore. 53% of this Country are tards.

Socialism is here to stay.
Schiff is an nonpartisan critic of American policymakers, comparing President Bush to Herbert Hoover and President Obama to FDR, and neither in a favorable way.
What does Mr. Schiff propose we do to deal with our sick economy?
Jagger-bot, how about the government just prints enough money this year to give us all $1,000,000 each.
Why don't you pitch that idea to your Representatives.

Then we'll all be millionaires!
People who lay around all day listening to Right Wing Talk Radio don't deserve to be rich. Smart hard working lawyers like me do deserve to be rich.
Why don't you pitch that idea to your Representatives.
So you think it'll work?
If not, why?

People who lay around all day listening to Right Wing Talk Radio don't deserve to be rich. Smart hard working lawyers like me do deserve to be rich.
It was easy to conclude that you hadn't studied economics, now we know that you fashion yourself as an attorney.
People who lay around all day listening to Right Wing Talk Radio don't deserve to be rich. Smart hard working lawyers like me do deserve to be rich.
Is this supposed to be an argument? Are you a starving lawyer? :rolleyes:
Your party is selling lies about the Economic Recovery Package.

The CBO said the same thing.
But, what part of the so-called stimulus plan, or the spending plan, do you think will "jolt" the economy in 2009?
what part of the so-called stimulus plan, or the spending plan, do you think will "jolt" the economy in 2009?

CBO director Douglas Elmendorf said the bill "would provide a substantial boost to economic activity over the next several years relative to what would occur without any legislation."
what part of the so-called stimulus plan, or the spending plan, do you think will "jolt" the economy in 2009?

CBO director Douglas Elmendorf said that H.R. 1 would "provide massive fiscal stimulus
So you think it'll work?

If not, why?
Because the people don't want it.

It was easy to conclude that you hadn't studied economics.
I have a Masters in Economics from North Texas University. Dick Armey was one of my instructors.

you fashion yourself as an attorney.
Come to the Collin County Texas Court of Law No. 6 tomorrow and see me in action. The show starts at 8;30 AM.

Collin County Court at Law No. 6
University Drive Courts Facility
1800 N. Graves St.
McKinney, TX 75069
Socialism is here to stay.
Since you and Rush Limbaugh despise Socialism so much, why don't you two start a movement to abolish the Veteran's Health Care System?

I forgot that not only was he an attorney, but he had a masters in economics....
Ah- you mean Mr Jagger - I thought perhaps you were talking about Schiff...

Schiff has also thrown his hat in for the 2010 Senate race in Connecticut. He would be going against Dodd - who seems to be a bit more vulnerable than he has been in the past.

It will be interesting to see someone run for a fairly powerful office, who has reportedly been quoted as saying that he can't remember the last time he voted...

In an interview with Roll Call, Schiff said he was new to politics and only recently registered as a Republican in Weston.

“I don’t know when the last time I voted was,” Schiff said. “You can’t blame me for any of the politicians. I didn’t vote for them.”
You're incredible, and that's not a positive observation.
Of all the things you could just casually mention about Peter Schiff, that's what you think of?

Schiff has been one of the lone credible voices on issues of economics in recent years, having foreshadowed the economic situation we're experiencing now and what lies ahead. I think has the potential to be an excellent Senator from Connecticut when he wins.

And more on topic--
with the benefit of hindsight- let's review this thread.
You're incredible, and that's not a positive observation.
Of all the things you could just casually mention about Peter Schiff, that's what you think of?

Schiff has been one of the lone credible voices on issues of economics in recent years, having foreshadowed the economic situation we're experiencing now and what lies ahead. I think has the potential to be an excellent Senator from Connecticut when he wins.

And more on topic--
with the benefit of hindsight- let's review this thread.
What makes Peter Schiff so credible?

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