Memory function not working


Active LVC Member
Oct 10, 2014
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Nice sunny Hawaii
Aloha, guys. I did sue the search but couldn't find what I'm looking for. Maybe "memory" alone won't work in search.

Anyway, memory function which move the seat, steering wheel, mirror, etc does not work on my 2004 LS. Set button will illuminate when I press it, but when I go to press 1, or even 2 button, nothing. Only once I got some kind of message in the message center, said something about memory has been set or something. But I when I push the button, nothing happened.

I can live without this function, but sure makes your life easier. Any idea what may be the corrupt? Seat does move in all direction, and so does the mirror. Steering will move as I have the easy entry/exit enable. Power pedal moves freely as well.
I have a feeling you aren't using it correctly.

while in PARK w/ car running:
~ move your seat/steering to where you'd like it.
~ press SET
~ press and hold 1 until beep or display on console

to test:
~ move seat/steering to other positions.
~ turn car off, turn car back on
~ push 1

:: should adjust as function intended.

^ something like that, haven't touched it on mine since I bought it.

Also download your OM from the Tech Articles on the top Nav menu of this forum, it's covered in full detail in that document I'm sure.


funny side note:
I have mine set where the only difference is when I press 2, the steering moves all the way up, rarely use it though.
funny side note:
I have mine set where the only difference is when I press 2, the steering moves all the way up, rarely use it though.

So do I. Sometimes I start the car by reaching though the open window. With the easy exit function turned on it can make getting in difficult with the steering wheel in a lower position. So I just open the door, press the #2 setting and the steering wheel goes up. I sit down and hit #1 and the wheel comes back down.
makes it easier to plug in the OBDII reader as well.

I have a feeling you aren't using it correctly.

while in PARK w/ car running:
~ move your seat/steering to where you'd like it.
~ press SET
~ press and hold 1 until beep or display on console

That's how I do mine, and as I mentioned, that's how I got the message in the message center, and now that you mentioned it, I think I heard the beep as well.

But I'll try again and see if it works. Maybe I didn't hold the button long enough..............
One of the two position buttons on my 04 goes through spells of not working. It hasn't been a problem since our remotes are set to trigger the setting needed for each driver anyway.
memory , what memory oh the only memory i have is in the computer and i dont trust it......:N
Hi, I have a similiar issue. the steering wheel & mirror adjust (1 or 2), but the seat does not. Does anyone know what would cause the seat function not to work at all; I am good DIY, looking to fix this on my 2002 LS8.
Hi, I have a similiar issue. the steering wheel & mirror adjust (1 or 2), but the seat does not. Does anyone know what would cause the seat function not to work at all; I am good DIY, looking to fix this on my 2002 LS8.

Possibly, the seat position sensors have failed.

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