Memory Seats Stop Before Fully Adjusted


New LVC Member
Feb 26, 2005
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I own a 2002 LS V8 Sport. We have the "easy entry" seats activated and often when you enter the car the memory seat stops before it fully returns to the "memory" setting. For example, the seat will stop several inches further back than it should. It is a random thing (from what I can tell)... sometimes it works fine.

I've reported it to the dealer at least 3 times and they are never able to reproduce the problem (no surprise).

Has anyone else had this problem? I don't think I'm doing anything wrong... I get into the car insert the key and the seat adjusts (almost). I then have to push the "memory seat 1" button to get the seat to continue to adjust to the right position.

Any suggestions/ideas?

I had a Continental before my LS, it use to do the same thing. It would drive me crazy. The dealer could never figure it out, so I gave up. Same with my LS I just never use it. Sorry I wish I could give you a better answer.
The scantool I have has a test for this. I forget what it is called off the top of my head but once the trest is sent to the pcm it will move the seat through all range of motion. I imagine it will send a dtc if the test fails. They might have to run it a few timessince it is transient.
Check for loose connections. Sounds to me that the system thinks it's where it needs to be for an instant, and it's enough to stop the adjustment process. It's either that or the slide or rotary potentiometer that they are using has dirt, or a bad spot on it. I haven't torn into the workings of seat memory yet. Although it seems rather straight forward, how I would do it and how Ford has done it are usually worlds apart. Go for the obvious stuff first. The randomness of it makes me think of a connector or poor connection.

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