Michael Moore rejected by his High School

Is it me, or does he look like he's been hitting up the Crack-rock again? Even after losing like a 1/2 ton and finally remembering what a razor is used for, Mikey still looks like the founding father of the League of Urban Outdoorsmen!(click on image to enlarge {to get the fright of your life!} ARRGH!)
It's never been the fat on his body that has been the problem. It's the fat between the ears that has caused all the trouble.
MonsterMark said:
It's never been the fat on his body that has been the problem. It's the fat between the ears that has caused all the trouble.
Actually it's the rampant lies created by the adipose between the ears that comes out of the mouth like a bulimic's vomit that's causing the trouble.
(Don't forget it's easy for me to put the Towny into a 3-wheel motion when I drive it{that's without hydro's!} Fatman's gotta find someone to pick on.....
Ha-Ha-Ha! ) ( Don't mind me it's just my freakish sense of humor......)
(And my venting anger about Mikey's lies, You do know, I used to be one of his "little sheeple" until he showed his TRUE COLORS!)

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