Miles Til Empty Gauge.


Active LVC Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Kansas City
Posted this a few days ago but I was kinda drunk and it all didn't come out to clear heh.

When I fill up a full tank, I am roughly at 310-315miles til empty. Have had no problems until the last tank I put in it. Same gas as always, premium QuikTrip gas.. After about 50-60miles the gauge was varying WAY to much. It's roughly 5 miles to my work each way, In that 5 miles on one day it went from 275 til empty, to 330 til empty. Then on the way home it went from 330 til empty to 180ish til empty. It continued to vary quite dramatically every time i would drive for a bit, then park and turn it off then when I left wherever I was at. I just filled up again yesterday and it's not doing it yet, but we will see..

Has anyone heard of this prob? Car still under 50k miles with factory warranty *no deductible* but I'm wondering what a Diagnostic on something like this would cost if it was just a fluke and htere are no problems?
did you try resetting the computer.. i believe you have to disconnect the battery for a few.. and it takes a few runs to reset the mileage thingy
did you try resetting the computer.. i believe you have to disconnect the battery for a few.. and it takes a few runs to reset the mileage thingy

No I haven't yet, but It did it once last night.. I did about 60miles already yesterday and at one point when you added the trip + til empty I was at 313, which was very accurate compared to the amount I had til empty upon fueling... Then it jumped to 337. then back down to 312ish.. I did sit in my car in park for about 15minutes with the ac going, but that wouldn't make it go up... Does the manual have directions to reset the computer?
KC_Valentine said:
Posted this a few days ago but I was kinda drunk and it all didn't come out to clear heh.

When I fill up a full tank, I am roughly at 310-315miles til empty. Have had no problems until the last tank I put in it. Same gas as always, premium QuikTrip gas.. After about 50-60miles the gauge was varying WAY to much. It's roughly 5 miles to my work each way, In that 5 miles on one day it went from 275 til empty, to 330 til empty. Then on the way home it went from 330 til empty to 180ish til empty. It continued to vary quite dramatically every time i would drive for a bit, then park and turn it off then when I left wherever I was at. I just filled up again yesterday and it's not doing it yet, but we will see..

Has anyone heard of this prob? Car still under 50k miles with factory warranty *no deductible* but I'm wondering what a Diagnostic on something like this would cost if it was just a fluke and htere are no problems?

Do you turn your car off while filling it up? Most folks do but some of us don't. I noticed one time that i filled my car, without turning it off, and the Miles till Empty gauge was doing some screwy stuff similar to what you are describing. To aleviate the prob. i always turn the car off while filling now. Works fine.
Yea I always turn it off to fuel.. It started to do it last night a tiny bit, but only a variance of 5-10miles and then it settled again.. Wondering if I had a bad batch of gas or just a fluke I dunno.. If it continues i'll try resetting the comp. thanks for the replys.
unfortunetely.. if your having problems with your distance till empty.. the control is self contained in teh Intrument cluster. if your speedo or fuel guage isnt acting funny. you will need a new instrument cluster to fix the problem.

disconnecting your battery will not do anything for your vehicle. just reset its strategies and piss it off..
Something is Definately wrong. I dropped 17 miles til empty on a 5mile commute yesterday on the highway with cruise control at 65 the whole way... It goes UP with city stop/go driving and goes DOWN on the highway... what the ......

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