Military person accuses Obama of treason


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Obama accused of treason



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An Open Communication to Governor Linda Lingle, Hawaii

22 June 2009
Governor Linda Lingle
State Capitol
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813

Dear Governor Lingle,

I am hereby requesting, in the legal sense, “demanding” to know the factual eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama to serve as President of the United States under the provisions of Article II Section 1 of the Constitution of the United States of America. You have the ability to settle that matter once and for all by directing that the vault copy of Obama’s birth certificate be made available for forensic examination and public viewing.

It would seem common courtesy, much less satisfaction of Constitutional requirement for one to show proof of eligibility for the office of President. The requirement does not have to be translated into law, it is in the Constitution. But, Obama has denied access to his records including his birth records and you are enabling potentially the most egregious violation of the Constitution in U.S. History.

Dr. Fukino’s attempt to put Obama’s eligibility issue to rest has not succeeded:

“There have been numerous requests for Sen. Barack Hussein Obama’s official birth certificate. State law (Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §338-18) prohibits the release of a certified birth certificate to persons who do not have a tangible interest in the vital record. Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.”

Hawaii law in force at the time of Obama’s birth would allow one born at the South Pole to register birth in Hawaii. So, Dr. Fukino’s statement means exactly nothing.

Millions have taken an oath, fought and sacrificed to uphold and defend the Constitution, that law of all man-made laws, that foundation upon which all other laws in the nation rest and that makes possible the nation’s civil discourse.

We, soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen have earned a right to know that orders issued by the Commander-in-Chief are valid, and they are not valid if he is ineligible to hold the office notwithstanding election results and pompous ceremonies. To refuse to substantiate eligibility he and you effectively make a mockery of the law, the Constitution and the lives that stand in the breach between evil and good.

Make no mistake, the enemies of this nation are evil and we are good no matter what Obama has said overseas to the contrary. We have and will sacrifice much, but what if there was suddenly reason to refuse obedience to his orders that arose from the question of legitimacy? Then what? A handful have stepped forward, but most are too busy fighting, surviving and winning or dying to have time to think about this at the moment; but they will.

I do not know to whom to attribute this quotation but it captures the essence of the dilemma for this present and all future generations: “The irresponsible confirmation in the Senate of the irresponsible tallying of votes in the Electoral College does not supersede the clear meaning of Article II, Section 1. If it is allowed to stand, disregard of the Constitution by all branches of the government would be openly established. To all who believe that the Constitution is the government’s basic law, that the Constitution is the only instrument that gives the enactments of Congress and the commands of the Executive validity, it will be clear that the rule of law in the United States is a fiction.”

It is my understanding that you directed that Mr. Obama’s records be sealed. As you are well aware, that act stands squarely in the way of military members’ right to know whether or not Obama’s orders are valid without regard to the their morality. The uncertainty attendant to potentially invalid commands undermines the good order and discipline of the Armed Forces, military readiness and the ability to defend this nation.

Like it or not, you are at the center of the gathering storm surrounding the eligibility issue. The more it is stonewalled, the greater the potential storm; and yet you have it in your power to settle the issue with the stroke of your pen.

I have two requests:

First, please provide a copy of your order that sealed Obama’s birth records, or point the way to its official location that it can be studied.

Second, given the enormity of importance to all U.S. citizens I urge, indeed in the legal sense demand that you to release a certified copy of the vaulted original of President Obama’s certification of live birth.

Thank you for your consideration,

Semper Fidelis
Robert Pappas,
Colonel, USMC (Ret)
Funny how this never makes the news but Obama's dog breeder dies and it's a headline...
36 views and 1 reply. Says it all doesn't it.

Hawaii again releases a statement saying Obama was born in Hawaii. Who gives a crap. We want to see the ACTUAL certificate to see if he is a natural born citizen.

CNN's President Joe Klein says the originals were destroyed IN 2001. Hawaii says they have them. Which is it.

And while you're at it Adolf, release these too...

Obama/Dunham marriage license - Not released
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license - Not released
Soetoro adoption records - Not released
Besuki School application - Released
Punahou School records - Not released
Selective Service Registration - Released and under suspicion
Occidental College records - Not released
Passport (Pakistan) - Not released
Columbia College records - Not released
Columbia thesis - Not released
Harvard College records - Not released
Harvard Law Review articles - None (maybe 1, unsigned?)
Baptism certificate - None
Medical records - Not released
Illinois State Senate records - None
Illinois State Senate schedule - Lost
Law practice client list - Not released
University of Chicago scholarly articles - None
All of this is easy enough to clear up.
Either there's an effort to conceal something,
or they are leaving bait to discredit and occupy the energy of some of this more energetic opposition....

or both.
Your original post, will no doubt shed some kind of influence about you among forum members.
That post looks like the babbling of a lunatic.
Do you honestly want people to think you are associated with, or condone this kind of crazyness?
It is more than obvious in the many,many post you have put forth on this forum that you don't much care for Obama, and that is your right.
What your motives are is your business but, the rediculous first post in this thread are the words of someone who frankly seems a bit unbalanced.
They are the ramblings of someone with a more than casual hate for this president.
It has gone far beyond just an "issue" catagory.
By reading that post, the first thing I felt was, this person needs imediate mental evaluation, followed up by anger management intervention.
By posting his message, along with the many other post you have made concerning Obama, it makes one think you are in the same catagory as the person who's message you posted.
It is lunacy and babbling, and posting it under your name does nothing for your character.
GOP leaves Birthers standing at the altar.....

Lead Birther Bill Sponsor Votes To Recognize Hawaii As Obama's Birthplace
By Eric Kleefeld - July 27, 2009, 9:00PM

The House resolution to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Hawaiian statehood -- which included language recognizing the state as President Obama's birthplace, in a none-too-subtle jab at the Birthers -- passed this evening by a 378-0 vote.

Among the Yes votes: Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL), the lead sponsor of the infamous "Birther Bill" to require presidential candidates to present their birth certificates, and who had previously said he wouldn't "swear on a stack of Bibles" that Obama is a natural-born American citizen. Several other co-sponsors of the Birther Bill also voted yes: Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Dan Burton (R-IN), John Culberson (R-TX), Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Randy Neugebauer (R-TX), and Ted Poe (R-TX).


:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

luxuryrules said:
Thank you for that mature contribution to the discussion, JohnnyB.

My pleasure, just responding to the seriousness of this thread in kind. Bob (above) pretty much voices my sentiment on this bunch of whackos.
Your original post, will no doubt shed some kind of influence about you among forum members.

Hummm... All I wrote is the title: Obama accused of treason.

Interesting you could read so much into that 4 word title.

Here's the bottom line Bob.

I don't hate Obama. I think he is naive. I think he is grossly under-qualified. I think his past is troublesome. I think his solutions for this country are disastrous. But I don't hate the guy.

I just want the truth to come out.

Here is a guy who was elected that NOBODY knows anything about.

We really don't know who his daddy is if you are truthful to yourself. Obama does not appear to be from the Luo tribe in Kenya.

We have no college records. No State Senate records. One writing and his two autobiographies that he didn't write.

He can't talk unless there is a teleprompter directing his every word.

He is anti-capitalist.
He is a race-baiter as demonstrated recently and goes back over 20 years with his decision to attend that racist church.

He has hung out with communists most of his life.
He was a practicing muslim in his very formative early years.
He went to Pakistan at a time when he had no good reason for going there.

The passport records were broken into to hide his trail. The kid that was going to testify about the break-in was killed.

Obama wants to socialize our medicine.
Obama wants to redistribute our wealth.
Obama wants to create a permanent under-class that will create a socialized America thru the voting booths. He has arranged billions for Acorn to continue their fraudulent registrations.

Where do you want me to finish? I could go on for pages more.

The media laps up this guy's spunk and nobody questions anything he has done or wants to do.

Hate the guy? No. Want to see his presidency stopped on a technicality? Yes.

Want to eventually repeal everything he has already done? Absolutely.

Calling me crazy is wonderful.

If stopping a race-baiting communist from destroying our safety, liberty and financial well-being makes me crazy, I'm proud to say I'm crazy.

But my attempts to smoke this guy out into the open does not mean I hate him. Those that put him on a pedestal I do have contempt for, if only for how truly ignorant they really are.

Bob, you wanted to give the guy a chance when he won the election. That's fine. How are things going now and do you think things will get better as his presidency wears on?
All of this is easy enough to clear up.
Either there's an effort to conceal something,
or they are leaving bait to discredit and occupy the energy of some of this more energetic opposition....

or both.

No effort to conceal, all the required proof was presented and certified long ago.

No effort to "leave bait", there is no reason for Obama to waste a second of his time responding to the insane false claims and demands of the Birthers. It's not his fault they don't belive the certified facts. What would make anyone believe that if he showed the Birthers further evidence that it would be believed anyway? Quit wasting my country's time w/ this nonsense.

If anyone is to be blamed for "occupying the energy of Obama's more energetic opposition", it is themselves and no one else.
It is lunacy and babbling, and posting it under your name does nothing for your character.

Nothing like censorship, eh Bob.

The lunacy is coming from Obama. All he has to do is release his birth certificate Bob.

We are asking the President of the United States, the most powerful man in the World to release a copy of his original birth certificate and that is asking too much?

Give me a break Bob. The guy has co-mingled with a very bad group of people his whole life.

Personally Bob, you are better off keeping your head in the sand. Plausible deniability will serve you well when this all comes crashing down. As Obama famously said, he took the blue pill. Bob, I suggest you take the red one and join the rest of us fighting to save this Country.
How are things going now and do you think things will get better as his presidency wears on?

Just some quick things of too many to list:

Dow Jones & NASDAQ are back up to where they were last fall......

New home sales have skyrocketed.......

Used home sales have been up 3 straight months......

Rate of increase in unemployment claims has slowed.........
No effort to conceal, all the required proof was presented and certified long ago.

No effort to "leave bait", there is no reason for Obama to waste a second of his time responding to the insane false claims and demands of the Birthers.
Those two statements are linked. And by answering the one question incorrectly, you're responding to the second based on bad information.

You said "required" proof. Apparently, there is very little "required" proof, to put it simply, the required proof is basically requested proof. The information disclosed is voluntary, unless challenged.

It's not his fault they don't belive the certified facts.
Again, compare with the manner in which John McCain responded to the challnege concerning his eligibilty with how Obama has done so.

And John McCain's biography and family history were abundantly known. There was no mystery there. I think it's difficult to deny that Obama has a fairly unconventional upbringing and family.

What would make anyone believe that if he showed the Birthers further evidence that it would be believed anyway? Quit wasting my country's time w/ this nonsense.
If everything was above board, a document dump of all the questions that MonsterMark has presented would pretty much resolve things.

If anyone is to be blamed for "occupying the energy of Obama's more energetic opposition", it is themselves and no one else.

"Birthers" is a derisive term penned to ridicule and discredit those who are asking legitimate questions about Obama's background. It appears to be a broad brush used to discredit a large number of people, with different questions. It would seem that "birthers" aren't just claiming that he was born in Kenya.

It seems like the birth certificate issue is more than just about whether he was born domestically, but it's symbolic of Obama disclosing his personal history- starting with his birth certificate. Then his adoption records. Where he lived. Where'd he go to school. What did he do at school. Who'd he associate with? Where'd he work and for who. Ect.

Politics asides, do you really know his personal history or simply not care?
So, send money - find out from MonsterMark where you need to send the check...

Send lots of money, spend lots of time... Use up resources like crazy!!!!

I am sure the 'expert' attorneys they have hired need at least a lot of money to go back to school to learn how to file a case... Since obviously they don't even have any paralegals on their staffs (oh, they probably don't have a staff, sorry...)

And then they need to find more gullible military guys

And then they need to find some operative who will sneak into the White House, grab a glass that Obama has used, smuggle it out, and take it to be tested for DNA. After that, grave robbers will need to be found to unearth Malcom X, Davis, and heck, while they are at it, Thurgood Marshall as well (just in case).

All this will take money - lots of it. So send lots....

So, make sure that check has at least 2 zeros before the decimal point...

;) ;) ;)

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