Misc. Mark VIII Parts

Mopar68GTX has a nice selection of GenII Parts, and is very good to deal with. Might try finding some of his auctions. I would like to very much get involved with GENII parts, but they are much harder to come by, as I'm sure you know.

I have saome misc Gen 2 parts...let me know what you need

BTW, I think Thomas has dibs on anything I have first. He has always remembered me when he gets parts.

Thomas...one of the best sellers to cross our path.
Tom you don't have anymore Climate Control units?

There are a few up there now. One is real cheap if you don't mind changing a few bulbs. Watch out though, becuase bulbs can be pricey. Be sure to check with your dealership first.


Thanks BlackIce, I always try to keep my customers happy :steering

Well, that was a very random bump of a four year old thread! :p

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