Miss Me Yet?


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 14, 2005
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'Miss Me Yet?' Billboard With Photo Of Bush Is Real; Not An Internet Trick
By Mark Memmott

Internet chatter had led to speculation that it might be an urban myth -- nothing more than clever digital trickery spreading via the Web.

But our friend Bob Collins at Minnesota Public Radio assures us he's seen it with his own eyes:

There is a billboard along I-35 near Wyoming, Minn., with a huge photo of former president George W. Bush and this question: "Miss Me Yet?"

Now, the push is on to find out who paid to have it put up.

Bob says there's no readily apparent claim of ownership on the billboard, so he's heading back to the scene to see if he can find out who's behind the message. He's also got some local politicos looking into it. He'll keep us posted.

At first glance, it would seem to be from some person or group who isn't thrilled by President Barack Obama's performance so far -- unless it's a more ironic message from those who didn't think too much of Bush and want to remind voters about him.

Anyone out there know anything about where it came from? Tell us and we'll pass the word to Bob. As he says, we could do a little crowdsourcing.

First, how delusional do you have to be to actually think that the billboard is "ironic" from "those who didn't think too much of Bush and want to remind voters about him."

How much do you want to bet that if they find the name of the person who financed the billboard it will be made public and he will be viciously attacked personally in public.
First, how delusional do you have to be to actually think that the billboard is "ironic" from "those who didn't think too much of Bush and want to remind voters about him."

How much do you want to bet that if they find the name of the person who financed the billboard it will be made public and he will be viciously attacked personally in public.

Cal - don't you think it could be from someone who didn't like Bush - I would look at that billboard and think to myself 'thank goodness he isn't in office anymore'.:)
Barack Obama: The greatest thing that ever happened to the Bush Legacy.

Cal - don't you think it could be from someone who didn't like Bush - I would look at that billboard and think to myself 'thank goodness he isn't in office anymore'.:)

No. I think that is ridiculous.
Not that some people didn't like Bush, but to think that was the motivation for paying for the sign.
No. I think that is ridiculous.
Not that some people didn't like Bush, but to think that was the motivation for paying for the sign.

I can see conservatives missing Reagan - but Bush 43? Most conservatives are distancing themselves from him. He talked the talk, but his record certainly showed he didn't walk the walk.

However with the presence of the second sign, it is obviously someone who does miss Bush 43. I guess they aren't very familiar with his record...
However with the presence of the second sign, it is obviously someone who does miss Bush 43. I guess they aren't very familiar with his record...
Or maybe they're just familiar with the records of those in this administration.

"Miss Me Yet?" Bush Merchandise a Hit Online
Posted by Stephanie Condon

The cheery image of former President George W. Bush appeared on a billboard in Minnesota earlier this month, next to the words, "Miss me yet?" It appears a lot of people think it's a fair question.

The online store CafePress saw a spike in demand for items featuring the same image as the billboard, the New York Daily News reports. Ten "Miss Me Yet?" items were on the company's list of its top-selling designs, CafePress spokeswoman Jenna Martin told the Daily News.

"There were no Obama-themed designs on the list," she said. "Bush has stolen the political spotlight, just like Sarah Palin did the week before when she re-surfaced with crib notes written in her palm."

Obama-themed merchandise saturated the Washington area around the time of the president's inauguration last year, but by the fall, the enthusiasm for Obama caps, t-shirts, commemorative plates and so forth, seemed to fizzle. U.S. News and World Report noted earlier this month that even the Obama Store, located in tourist-filled Union Station, has closed, in what "may be the most tangible sign yet that the [Obama] honeymoon is over."

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