now im gona be warried all day just walked to the vets house he lives next door to me he dosnt go into work till tomarow becouse of the holiday
He is Orthidox so cant work on Saturday and Maggie seems to be Ok now
but if she gets wors he sed to call his emergenc house phone right away
I am sad now realy sad
My Babby the one i love more than my car may be sick agen
she was my Barmizva Gift from my Mom and dad but one of those erly one that you say if you get this for me i wont ask for anything agen shur you keep asking she was one of those
i rescued her in July of 92 and she was about 6 months old at the time
she may be old but she will live long i promise
He is Orthidox so cant work on Saturday and Maggie seems to be Ok now
but if she gets wors he sed to call his emergenc house phone right away
I am sad now realy sad
My Babby the one i love more than my car may be sick agen
she was my Barmizva Gift from my Mom and dad but one of those erly one that you say if you get this for me i wont ask for anything agen shur you keep asking she was one of those
i rescued her in July of 92 and she was about 6 months old at the time
she may be old but she will live long i promise