Mom Just Woke up Told Me Maggi May have Had a Mini stroke last night whyll i was gone



:( now im gona be warried all day just walked to the vets house he lives next door to me he dosnt go into work till tomarow becouse of the holiday
He is Orthidox so cant work on Saturday and Maggie seems to be Ok now
but if she gets wors he sed to call his emergenc house phone right away
I am sad now realy sad
My Babby the one i love more than my car may be sick agen :(
she was my Barmizva Gift from my Mom and dad but one of those erly one that you say if you get this for me i wont ask for anything agen shur you keep asking she was one of those
i rescued her in July of 92 and she was about 6 months old at the time
she may be old but she will live long i promise
thanks guys
was just on the other side of town
getting my tire for the rear of the car that i needed one yoused tire
and mom called me maggie was trying she was sick agen could me real lathargick and chacking
the vet is
our nabor to houses down but
he is orthodox
so we cant bother him unless its a major emurgency untill tomarow mornning so if she gets sick agen tonight imm gona carry her over there i think
can do it
you know how bad most vets our and if you go to one that dosnt know your babby they say leave over night
and those places stink so bad most of them they dont take care of them ones you leave most the time
cant do that
thats not right
if i have to i take her to the emugency pet clinic no problem with that
but all the clinic run test and take up to 24 houres to get them back to you
I understand what you are saying, I do hope for the best for your dog.
:I :iconcur: Pets are family to. I really hope she gets better man best of luck.
to me she realy isnt a pet she is like my doughter growing up she was like my little sister but graduly graduated to having to take care of here on my own :)
she ok its nighttime she pulls the yousle stuff
she barks in the middle of the night wakes us up to let her out side then she come in just to get a biscuite then gose back to bed LOL
ok well she just came in and calapsed in front of me called the vet he sed take her to the emurgency vet clinic
so i have to wate till tomarow couse those dam stinking ppl dont do :q:q:q:q if you dont have Money up front
woke up last night and Maggie was crying like a sail in the ocean man
that was bad
man she seems to be abetter thismonriing but man
im getting kinda sad and depressed

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