Money, Sex, and Happiness: An Empirical Study


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
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Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Money, is it overrated?
Economic research focuses on what makes people happy

“The problem we have found is that as (gross domestic product) has gone up, happiness doesn’t go up with it,” said David Blanchflower, a professor of economics at Dartmouth College.

One study by Blanchflower and an associate, based on interviews of 100,000 people over three decades, concludes that despite sharp improvements in living standards “the USA has, in aggregate, apparently become more miserable over the last quarter of a century.”

A critical factor in personal happiness appears to be marriage — or at least a monogamous sexual relationship. A widowed or divorced person would have to make an extra $100,000 a year to be as happy as a comparable married person, Blanchflower and co-author Andrew Oswald estimated.

Blanchflower and Oswald also looked at surveys of sexual activity and found that in general, “The more sex, the happier the person.”

People who have no sexual activity are noticeably less happy than average,” they declared.

Blanchflower Study - Click on Download on the Right to View PDF file
People who have no sexual activity are noticeably less happy than average,” they declared.
well no :q:q:q:q lmao
mespock said:
Blanchflower and Oswald also looked at surveys of sexual activity and found that in general, “The more sex, the happier the person.”

People who have no sexual activity are noticeably less happy than average,” they declared.

Man, those guys at Dartmouth need to get more action if they're just figuring this out...
That's sorta funny. So, like they said, $100,000 is equivalent to marriage, will 100 large get me a lifetime hooker? Hmm... Cheaper than a wife, to be sure.
money sucks

what im saying is if it was posible to be a bum and get layed every night and some times after lunch, and some times in the shower then. then I would be happy. but I could not get that looking like a bum, but it can be done making less than 15,000 a year. but I know you don't have to be married to get that :N
Does Masterbation count as sex!!! Then I think LvC should credit Pep and Sif as the Happy makers on this site! Maybe Joey should give them a special Bling Bling!!! :N
with less than 15gs a year you cant even afford gas for any of the cars you would need to be a member of this board much less lunch or a shower so you are totally not gettin laid lmao

Easy there 'Stroker Ace's' I really do not need that visual pic in my head now, or anytime for that matter.

I think the whole thing is wrong. I know for a fact that the more money I make, the better my sex seems to be. I am not a person that enjoys not having money. When I make money, I spend it even better, and I seem to enjoy spending it. When I make good money (anything more than what I am making now.....) I spend it on my car, which in turns makes me happy. I can see the things that I want to do coming to fruition and that makes me happy, and my sex drive seems to go up.

I have little to no sex drive when I am not making any money.....sorta like is an after least for me. Do not get me wrong, I still like sex, but I do not feel 'in da mood' when I am not making any money. I have to feel that I am contributing to 'our' (my partner and myself) life together, and without a job I do not feel that the sex goes down......

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