The word "hypocrisy" is bandied about here so often that it loses its meaning, but this really takes the cake. YOU don't want people telling you how to live? Radical right-wingers such as you can't stop telling the rest of us how we should live. You want to incorporate your bastardized interpretation of Biblical law into every aspect of our lives. You want to "restore" the nation to some "golden age" that never existed except in your clouded memories and homeschool textbooks.
Whether it's gays, abortion, the right to die in dignity, or any number of things that are none of your goddamned business, you seek to force your beliefs on people who just want to "be left alone".
Pretty speech, too bad it's bullcrap. And since you've packaged these claims in a rant form, it's difficult to hold you to task.
You specifically mention "gays, abortion, the right to die as things that are none of the publics "goddamned business." Since you're speaking generally, I can't accurately comment on the statement.
So in what way are those issues totally private and intended to be kept out of the public sphere? And in what way do you maintain some right has been infringed?
Of course, I could presume to know what you mean, but that would be letting you off the hook.
And who the hell are the fear-mongers? For six years, we've had to endure orange alerts (usually around elections), and high-profile arrests of "terrorists" who later turn out to be nothing but losers, like the guy who planned to take down the Brooklyn Bridge using a blowtorch, or the dipsihts in that Florida warehouse. If we didn't invade Iraq, the "smoking gun" was going to be a mushroom cloud. And now Iran.
Let's make this clear. You are clearly implying the the threat of terror recognized by the government since 2001 is little more than an example of fear mongering.
You honestly believe that?
You also are saying that the repeatedly reports of an Iraqi WMD program through the 90s were just the product of fear mongering by President Bush?
And the fact that Iran is on the fast track to having nuclear weapons is not a threat, but fear mongering by the right?
Just clarify this point. You believe that?
These bastards have used fear to justify listening in on Americans' phone calls and internet traffic without a constitutionally mandated warrant.
Again, your continuing this argument under the premise that there is no clear and present threat of terrorist attack within our counrty, or on other free nations.
What "constitutional mandate" are you referring to?
To justify sending prisoners off to foreign lands (some of the our supposed ENEMIES like Syria!) to be tortured. They hide behind "National security" to prevent the American people from participating in the decision process, making a mockery of the concept of "open government".
Again, your premise is that there is no threat of terror attack. You think 9/11 was just a fluke and the damage inflict was negligible. And you want to make sure that terrorist are treated in the most pleasant circumstances possible, hoping that they will provide critical information after CIA officers launch cleverly mounted charm offenses against them.
All the while they rake in billions of tax dollars for their campaign donors.
What the hell are you talking about on this one?
While you guys are bitching and moaning about gays marrying
Actually it's you guys bitching about Gays marrying, we're trying to leave things as they have been.
That's not even a topical issue.....
the people you elected are shredding the Constitution, and you applaud it.
Again, bullcrap. If you want to have a debate, build an argument, doesn't just unload this ridiculous rant.
Yeah the bullying and fear mongering is working. You're proof of it.
And let's recap the nonsense that you believe:
There is no threat of terrorist attack.
9/11 was a fluke occurrence.
Republicans are making up the threat in order to just stamp on rights, willy-nilly.
George W. Bush convinced President Clinton to start lying about Iraq so that when he became President, he could continue the lie and go to war.
Republicans have been doing all this stuff to expand their power, despite the fact they've lost both the House, the Senate, and the majority of state governments.
Terrorists should be treated nicely, with a firm talking to they will reveal their secrets.
Iran is a peaceful nation, and George W. Bush is lying about them having a nuclear weapons program, because he likes launching unpopular wars.
I shouldn't have to explain that I'm concerned about another terrorist attack, because I am. And I want to do whatever is possible--under the law--to avoid another one. But the difference between you and me is that I am not willing to throw away our American laws and principles in order to feel safe.
No you should have to clarify that point, because you seem to either be in denial or HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE WHAT KIND OF ENEMY WE ARE DEALING WITH!!!
Another difference is that you don't even understand what is legal and what isn't. The difference is that you presume everything the Bush and the Republicans have done is illegal or unethical. And you also seem to think that we should conduct a war without getting our hands a bit dirty.
You don't understand the world we live in. That's the biggest difference.