More evidence WMDs shipped to Syria


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Apr 24, 2005
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Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 11:47 a.m. EST

Iraq Official: Saddam Moved WMD to Syria

The former number two official in Saddam Hussein's Iraqi air force claims the former Iraqi dictator moved weapons of mass destruction from Iraq to Syria in the months preceding the current Iraq war.

Georges Sada revealed the charges in an interview Wednesday with the New York Sun. They are detailed in his new book, "Saddam’s Secrets.”

"Saddam realized, this time, the Americans are coming," Sada told the Sun. "They handed over the weapons of mass destruction to the Syrians.”

The former Iraqi general said Special Republican Guard brigades loaded WMDs onto two converted Iraqi Airways planes.

He said he was told of the operation by two pilots that helped transport the materials. Sada says 56 flights were made, and were accompanied by a ground convoy of trucks carrying similar materials.

The Sun reports that the flights attracted scant international attention because they occurred at the same time that Iraq was sending relief to Syria for a dam collapse.

Sada’s claims echoed those made by Moshe Yaalon, Israel’s top general in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Yaalon told the Sun in December that Saddam had "transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria.”

According to the Middle East Quarterly, Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon issued a similar warning in a Dec. 23, 2002 television appearance on Israel’s Channel 2.

"Chemical and biological weapons which Saddam is endeavoring to conceal have been moved from Iraq to Syria,” Sharon said.

Together, their claims challenge the conventional wisdom in the United States and Europe that pre-war intelligence estimates were incorrect in suggesting the mass-murdering Iraqi dictator either possessed or was close to possessing WMDs.

Even President Bush has conceded the point, telling Americans in a televised address in December, "It is true that many nations believed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. But much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong.”

Recent reports by Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard have similarly challenged the conventional wisdom on Saddam’s relationships with al-Qaida.

Hayes is calling for the release of approximately 2 million unclassified documents recovered in Iraq from the Hussein regime. He claims the documents could prove Saddam maintained significant contacts with al-Qaida.

Sada’s and Yaalon’s claims will be even more difficult, if not impossible, to prove, but several U.S. Senators will try to get to the bottom of the claims. Sada is scheduled to meet with Senators Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., and James Inhofe, R-Okla., next week. Both are members of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

I wonder, if those WMDs turn up in Syria, if we'll hear apologies from all the Fibs accusing Bush of lying.
fossten said:
I wonder, if those WMDs turn up in Syria, if we'll hear apologies from all the Fibs accusing Bush of lying.

I'll be the first to say Bush wasn't lying about the WMD's if they do turn up in Syria. What will you say when/if they don't though? Let me guess, 'They were moved to Iran!'

I will apologize if I am wrong. In the meantime this guy is just trying to sell a book. How much credibility does he have? Why didn't he come forward before. Duh. Isn't he a criminal? How is he allowed to profit from his criminal acts?
barry2952 said:

I will apologize if I am wrong. In the meantime this guy is just trying to sell a book. How much credibility does he have? Why didn't he come forward before. Duh. Isn't he a criminal? How is he allowed to profit from his criminal acts?

Gee, barry, where were you when Wesley Clark was "trying to sell a book?" Or James Risen? Hmmm?

"The former number two official in Saddam Hussein's Iraqi air force"

Did you read the first line of the article you posted. You think this guy is telling the truth?

You seemed smarter than that.
MonsterMark said:

No. The leftocrat’s head spins continuously. It spins, around and around, and then around, again, 360 degrees, on their neck. They search all over the internet for their savior, someone who some century might be able to make a case against the way Bush has handled the attack on our country, on our soil.

It is just amazing how these people extend themselves to defend murderers, terrorists, and insurgents that want to kill human beings, especially American human beings.
barry2952 said:
"The former number two official in Saddam Hussein's Iraqi air force"

Did you read the first line of the article you posted. You think this guy is telling the truth?

You seemed smarter than that.

Well, let's see, James Risen - works for the NYT - has a reason to lie. Wesley Clark - was running for president - has a reason to lie. General Sada - I SAW him on TV - he has no reason to lie, and his story MAKES SENSE.

I never thought you were smart enough to see the difference, barry. I'll bet you could have the actual evidence of the WMDs IN SYRIA shoved under your nose and you'd call it fake.
I said I would apologize if facts were presented. None have. Not a photo, not a document, nothing. Why is that?
barry2952 said:
I said I would apologize if facts were presented. None have. Not a photo, not a document, nothing. Why is that?

Sometimes you just have to use your mind.
barry2952 said:
I said I would apologize if facts were presented. None have. Not a photo, not a document, nothing. Why is that?

But you instantly attacked Sada's credibility, DESPITE the very things you just said.
fossten said:
But you instantly attacked Sada's credibility, DESPITE the very things you just said.

Why is that wrong, after all, you used the same tactic to attack Risen when the NSA spying info was released by the NYTimes. Double standard again?? Let's see, Sada says something that supports Shrub's reason for going to war and is selling a book, must be true. Risen says something about illegal wiretapping by Shrub and is selling a book, must be a liar just trying to sell his book.

97silverlsc said:
Why is that wrong, after all, you used the same tactic to attack Risen when the NSA spying info was released by the NYTimes. Double standard again?? Let's see, Sada says something that supports Shrub's reason for going to war and is selling a book, must be true. Risen says something about illegal wiretapping by Shrub and is selling a book, must be a liar just trying to sell his book.


Wrong. Risen said something that we (sensible) people KNOW is false concerning so-called spying. It has already been discredited despite the rhetoric from the left. In fact, it's been discredited on this forum. And it will be discredited in court if need be.

You just don't know when you're beaten.
barry2952 said:
I can only hope that this ends up in court.

Why, barry? Do you want us to be less safe? Do you want Al Qaeda to have easier access to their communications in our country? Do you want another 9/11?

You are so blind to the danger it will probably take two or three more such attacks before you realize it. Maybe never.
Yes David I want us to be less safe. Talk about a rediculous statement. BuSh's way is the only way?
barry2952 said:
Yes David I want us to be less safe. Talk about a rediculous statement. BuSh's way is the only way?

I don't hear ANY of your FibWack leaders offering ANY of their own ideas, just bashing Bush's, so yeah, so far Bush's way is the only way.

You don't have any ideas either, except to hamstring our defenses and try to kiss up to the terrorists and hope they leave us alone. Pure pacifism.
fossten said:
Wrong. Risen said something that we (sensible) people KNOW is false concerning so-called spying. It has already been discredited despite the rhetoric from the left. In fact, it's been discredited on this forum. And it will be discredited in court if need be.

You better go look up the definition of "discredited" and compare that to the definition of "proven". If this story is so true, why hasn't the white house run this up the flagpole and paraded it all over the news? Last I heard, GW himself conceded that he made a mistake about WMDs in Iraq.

fossten said:
You just don't know when you're beaten.

:bowrofl: Coming from you .......... :bowrofl: :bowrofl:
Wrong. He conceded that the intel was mistaken.

Nice try revising history.

You better get out of the way of the waves of truth or you'll get trampled.

Reprinted from

Sunday, Jan. 29, 2006 1:33 p.m. EST
Iraqi General: Syria Gave Al Qaida Saddam's WMDs

A former senior military advisor to Saddam Hussein is warning that the chemical weapons used by top Al Qaida terrorist Abu Musab al Zarqawi in a foiled 2004 plot to attack Amman, Jordan were the same weapons Saddam Hussein transported to Syria before the U.S. invasion.

Gen. Georges Sada offered the stunning revelation Saturday while explaining why he didn't decide to go public about Saddam's hidden WMD stockpile until recently.

"As a general, you see, we should keep our secrets," Gen. Sada told WABC Radio's Monica Crowley. But when news broke of the foiled WMD attack on Amman, he changed his mind.

"I understood that the terrorists were going to make an explosion in Amman in Jordan . . . . and they were targeting the prime minister of Jordan, the intelligence [headquarters] of Jordan, and maybe the American embassy in Jordan - and they were going to use the same chemical weapons which we had in Iraq," he told WABC.

Last week, Gen. Sada generated headlines when he told the New York Sun that Saddam had shipped his biological and chemical weapons stockpiles to Syria in the weeks before the U.S. attacked in March 2003.

But until yesterday, the former top Iraqi official had said nothing about al Qaida gaining access to those same weapons.

"It was a major, major operation. It would have decapitated the government," said Jordan's King Abdullah at the time, in an interview about the Zarqawi plot with the San Francisco Chronicle.

Had it succeeded, the WMD strike would have been the most deadly terrorist attack in world history, with Jordanian officials estimating that Zarqawi's al Qaida team could have killed up to 20,000 people.

While King Abdullah said that trucks containing chemical weapons had come from Syria, he did not identify Iraq as the ultimate source of Zarqawi's WMDs.

Gen. Sada, however, said he had no doubt that Zarqawi intended to use the same chemical weapons Saddam had sent to Syria.

Telling Crowley that he was "shocked" when news of the Zarqawi plot broke, Saddam's former top advisor recalled thinking: "My God, I know many things. How can I keep them [secret any longer]."

Gen. Sada also detailed on Saturday the Iraqi dictator's plan to launch his own WMD attack during the first Gulf War, explaining, "He wanted to attack Israel with chemical weapons."

The top Iraqi military man recalled a meeting of senior defense ministers where Saddam ordered: "I want you to do two things that are very important - to attack Israel and to attack Saudi Arabia with chemical weapons."

Gen. Sada said the planned WMD strike was to be carried out by 98 aircraft, including Soviet-built Sukhoi 24s, MiGs and French-built Mirage jets.

"One wave would fly through Syria and the other wave through Jordan and then penetrate to Israel," he said.

Gen. Sada recalled that he was the only one to raise objections, warning Saddam that such an attack would surely provoke a nuclear response from Tel Aviv.

"I told all this directly [to Saddam] and everybody was listening. If a needle was dropped on the carpet you would hear it," he told Crowley.

After presenting a nearly two-hour-long argument against the WMD attack, Gen. Sada said Saddam was finally persuaded to pull the plug on the deadly operation.

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