More media bias...ABC Quickly Brings In Peacenik Dad to Condemn Zarqawi Killing


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ABC Quickly Brings In Peacenik Dad to Condemn Zarqawi Killing
Posted by Tim Graham on June 8, 2006 - 07:22.

It's sad that within minutes of announcing Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's death, the network morning shows were already carrying criticism of the Bush administration. Not only did NBC invite Sen. Joe Biden to attack Bush incompetence (funny day for that!), ABC's Bill Weir reminded the audience that Zarqawi beheaded American Nicholas Berg, and then replayed Berg's left-wing dad saying at the time that he had no desire for his son's killers to be killed. Weir then reported that he spoke to Berg's father this morning, and he condemned the Zarqawi killing as part of an endless cycle of retribution.
The only thing about this that bothered me - was when the female newscaster on Fox said

"We bring you the wonderful news that Zarqawi has been killed"

That bothered me. Not that Zarqawi is dead. But why is it 'Wonderful" - her tone and choice of words bothered me. I just dont think we should celebrate death like that. Dont get me wrong, this guy was a scumbag and im glad we got him. But what does it say about us as a people when we are considering someones death to be "wonderful"?
Joeychgo said:
The only thing about this that bothered me - was when the female newscaster on Fox said

"We bring you the wonderful news that Zarqawi has been killed"

That bothered me. Not that Zarqawi is dead. But why is it 'Wonderful" - her tone and choice of words bothered me. I just dont think we should celebrate death like that. Dont get me wrong, this guy was a scumbag and im glad we got him. But what does it say about us as a people when we are considering someones death to be "wonderful"?

Because it is "wonderful."

He's directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of U.S. soldiers and thousands of civilians. He wishes for the death of Americans and the destruction of our nation and culture.

It's a an absolutely wonderful day when ever an evil enemy like that is lit up. Hopefully, it was painful.

What does it say about us? It says that there are still a few of us who have a set hanging and treasure or freedom and security, and recognize that it's a violent world.

If you want to know why it's "wonderful," go download the Nick Berg video. Zarqawi is the scum bag sawing his head off.
Great post Calabrio!

I understand what Joey is saying, but....
These are people with no conscience. To do what he did to Nick Berg, I can only wish the worst for Mr. Zarqawi and may Allah provide him with 17 400 pound prostitutes that haven't bathed in 2 months as his reward.:shifty:
Calabrio said:
What does it say about us? It says that there are still a few of us who have a set hanging and treasure or freedom and security, and recognize that it's a violent world.

IM not saying it wasnt necessary, or that it wasnt a just outcome - I wo0uld have liked to saw his nuts off and stuffed them in his mouth, and let him bleed to death knowing he's been neutered.

But do we have to charecterize it as 'wonderful' -- Its not Wonderful. Nothing in war is "Wonderful" - Thats what is suppose to be seperating us from the idiots who dance around with signs wishing Americans dead. We value life. Remember?
Joeychgo said:
IM not saying it wasnt necessary, or that it wasnt a just outcome - I wo0uld have liked to saw his nuts off and stuffed them in his mouth, and let him bleed to death knowing he's been neutered.

But do we have to charecterize it as 'wonderful' -- Its not Wonderful. Nothing in war is "Wonderful" - Thats what is suppose to be seperating us from the idiots who dance around with signs wishing Americans dead. We value life. Remember?
You have fallen prey to the disease of false guilt.

Joey, if you want to feel guilty about America winning a war, go ahead, but don't try to get anybody else to feel that way, ok? That's your own problem and you need to deal with it.

Good on Imus: Catches Boettcher Spinning Bombing as Response to Zarqawi Killing
Posted by Mark Finkelstein on June 8, 2006 - 08:16.

Good on Don Imus! On today's 'Imus in the Morning,' he called NBC reporter Mike Boettcher on his attempt to spin a bombing in Baghdad as a "not good" response to the killing of Zarqawi.

Here's how it went down. Boettcher was reporting from Baghdad and had this to say:

Boettcher: "Well, good morning, Don. We have the response here right now [to the Zarqawi killing], it’s not good. There have been, there has been another bombing. Thirteen people are dead in central Baghdad. So that is apparently the current reaction from the insurgents to Zarqawi's death."

Imus: "How do we know that's a reaction to that, Mike?"

Boettcher started to back down: "We don't know for sure, Don. You’re right, you’re absolutely right."

Imus: "Yeah. I mean, this could be another bombing. They try to blow the place up every day, so, but go ahead, Mike."

A by-now abject Boettcher: "No, you’re absolutely right."

Bravo, Imus, for calling Boettcher on this. Would Matt Lauer or another NBC host have done the same, or would they have uncritically bought into Boettcher's spin?

*Hat tip to YaYa123 of Free Republic.
fossten said:
You have fallen prey to the disease of false guilt.

Joey, if you want to feel guilty about America winning a war, go ahead, but don't try to get anybody else to feel that way, ok? That's your own problem and you need to deal with it.

Are you brain dead or something? Do you now read what I write or do you just make up things in your own head? I dont feel guilty about winning a war. Stop friggin twisting my words. Its really starting to piss me off.
Joeychgo said:
IM not saying it wasnt necessary, or that it wasnt a just outcome - I wo0uld have liked to saw his nuts off and stuffed them in his mouth, and let him bleed to death knowing he's been neutered.
So you enjoy his death. It's good news.

But do we have to charecterize it as 'wonderful' -- Its not Wonderful. Nothing in war is "Wonderful" - Thats what is suppose to be seperating us from the idiots who dance around with signs wishing Americans dead. We value life. Remember?
Anything that ulitimately results in making the world safer is wonderful.

Just at a glance, I'd say that Zarqawi was probably turned in by Sunnis. Why? Because, the Sunni's have over played their hand. The terrorist violence may have gotten them a bigger seat at the table before, but now, if the violence continues, it can only result in the U.S. losing will and leaving the Sunni's to be slaughtered by the Shiite majority.

So, I'd expect to start seeing a fall in the number of attacks in organized attacks. There will still be some loonies running around, but those connected with any organization will start toning it down, their existance depends on it.
Joeychgo said:
Are you brain dead or something? Do you now read what I write or do you just make up things in your own head? I dont feel guilty about winning a war. Stop friggin twisting my words. Its really starting to piss me off.

"But what does it say about us as a people when we are considering someones death to be "wonderful"?
See what you wrote, Joey? That shows that you don't want people to think that you're some sort of uncaring, hardcore, bloodthirsty killer. That's your guilt talking.

Don't be angry, Joey. Am I your enemy because I tell you the truth? Or because I'm a conservative?

But to answer your question, it says about us as a people that we care more about preserving the lives of innocents than we do about preserving the lives of terrorists.

It says that we know what it means to celebrate victory in a war, which obviously liberals don't want to do. (Translation: What's good for America is bad for the liberals.)

It says that we have b*lls, that we can stand up to our enemies and not feel GUILTY about killing them, like some sort of conscientious objector.

It says that we are not panty waste liberal bleeding hearts, the same people who complain about Haditha and Abu Ghraib but stood by for Darfur and Saddam's extermination of his own people.

It says that we're human and proud to be killers of those who would kill us. It says that our women and children can feel safer under our protection than they ever would under the dubious protection of a liberal government. (May God have mercy upon our country if that ever happens again.)
CNN International Labels Jordanian Zarqawi 'Top Iraqi Insurgent'
Posted by Rich Noyes on June 8, 2006 - 15:40.

As they do every weekday at noon, CNN’s American viewers were switched over to the CNN International network’s “Your World Today,” a show so far to the left that it makes the rest of CNN look like a Norman Rockwell tribute to the greatness of America. Today, during coverage of the U.S. military’s successful elimination of terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the CNNI caption referred to him as a “top Iraqi insurgent.”

Al-Zarqawi, as everyone (including CNN's foreign bureaus?) surely knows by now, was not an Iraqi, but a Jordanian who spent most of the past three years instigating the deaths of thousands of Iraqi soldiers, police and civilians. Was CNNI trying to falsely paint the self-appointed leader of “Al Qaeda in Iraq” as some sort of nationalist freedom fighter, or are they just sloppy with their choice of words? Either way, it seems like an insult to the people of Iraq to have their worst foreign enemy listed as one of their own.

Now this one makes me really mad:

Zarqawi’s ‘Troubled Childhood’ Leads to Terror?
Posted by Scott Whitlock on June 8, 2006 - 15:36.

The MRC has been following the media’s reaction to the death of terrorist mastermind Abu Musab al Zarqawi all day. Much of the coverage has been focused on downplaying the significance of the event. Now we have a new angle. MSNBC anchor Milissa Rehberger hosted First Look, the early morning coverage of Zarqawi’s death. At 5:45AM EDT, in an attempt to give her audience a full picture, this is how she described the life of a brutal murderer:

Milissa Rehberger: " I just want to take a pause for just a second to bring everyone up to date on who Abu Musab al Zarqawi really was, other then the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq who was killed in an air strike this morning. We are told that he had a troubled childhood where he grew up in Jordan, that he dropped out of high school, that when he was 20-years-old, he went to Afghanistan and joined Al Qaeda."

A troubled childhood? If only he’d graduated from high school or attended Rob Reiner’s universal preschool program, perhaps his life would have had a different direction.

(A special thanks to Michelle Humphrey for the heads up.)

fossten said:

Your blinders of truth and facts are again distorting your perception of reality, reaffirming your appearance as an incompetent fool.

Zarqawi WAS the "leader Al Qaeda in Iraq”. Are your reading comprehension skills SO LOW that you can't understand what that means? “top Iraqi insurgent” in no way implies that he was of Iraqi decent. Even the RWWs have long contended that many of the insurgents in Iraq have come into Iraq from other countries, yourself included. So of all the Iraqi insurgents, Zarquwi was at the top of the heap.

Your exploitation of such a trivial issue only demonstrates how desperate you are to denounce the MSM and "liberals" and shows just how deep rooted your hate towards them is.
Joeychgo said:
IM not saying it wasnt necessary, or that it wasnt a just outcome - I wo0uld have liked to saw his nuts off and stuffed them in his mouth, and let him bleed to death knowing he's been neutered.

Joey makes a good point here that hints at how low the RWW's expectations of the BuSh administration's "war on terror" have fallen.

Death is much too kind of a punishment for Zarqawi. A much better solution would have been to capture him and bring him to justice and expose him to the humiliation that Saddam is now suffering at trial, followed by execution in the "public square" where all countries effected by his evil can revel in his blood. Instead his followers will make him a martyr with the only country with his blood on their hands being the US. Who do you think will be their primary target for avenging his death?

Oh well, at least he's dead.

The GOP/RWW mantra: "2nd Best is Good Enough for Us"
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Joey makes a good point here that hints at how low the RWW's expectations of the BuSh administration's "war on terror" have fallen.

Death is much too kind of a punishment for Zarqawi. A much better solution would have been to capture him and bring him to justice and expose him to the humiliation that Saddam is now suffering at trial, followed by execution in the "public square" where all countries effected by his evil can revel in his blood. Instead his followers will make him a martyr with the only country with his blood on their hands being the US. Who do you think will be their primary target for avenging his death?

Oh well, at least he's dead.

The GOP/RWW mantra: "2nd Best is Good Enough for Us"

You're delusional...or didn't you notice?

Moussaoui made a mockery of his trial, using the reverse psychology Br'er Rabbit defense - "Kill me! Kill me! Don't imprison me!" Knowing that's exactly what they would do. Saddam is also making a mockery of his trial.

The difference is that Zarqawi was a combatant in the middle of a war, and as such was fair game to be destroyed. You can use all your guilt-ridden bleeding heart liberal panty waste thinking, but you can't escape that fact. You exemplify the cowardly notions of the fringe kook left, frightened by the terrorists and not wanting to make them mad at you, but rather kiss up to them and appease them in the hopes that if they see that we mean them no harm, they will make nice with us. That is old, shopworn, outmoded, ineffective thinking and as such I don't have time for it. This is a war, and you cowardly whiners need to get out of the way so the real warriors can step up and defend this country.

I don't know what on earth you could mean by 2nd best - the fact is that Zarqawi was the NUMBER ONE guy in Iraq, and we killed him. Sorry you don't feel good about that. Maybe you should go find a country that you don't hate and live there.

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
George S. Patton
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Your blinders of truth and facts are again distorting your perception of reality, reaffirming your appearance as an incompetent fool.

Zarqawi WAS the "leader Al Qaeda in Iraq”. Are your reading comprehension skills SO LOW that you can't understand what that means? “top Iraqi insurgent” in no way implies that he was of Iraqi decent. Even the RWWs have long contended that many of the insurgents in Iraq have come into Iraq from other countries, yourself included. So of all the Iraqi insurgents, Zarquwi was at the top of the heap.

Your exploitation of such a trivial issue only demonstrates how desperate you are to denounce the MSM and "liberals" and shows just how deep rooted your hate towards them is.

S: (n) Iraqi, Iraki (a native or inhabitant of Iraq) "the majority of Iraqi are Arab Shiite Muslims although Sunni Muslims control the government"

Wow. You didn't even understand what I meant by the half-mast comment, yet you quoted it. What a brain (lack thereof).

The only part of the phrase "top Iraqi insurgent" that was even accurate was the word "top." He was NOT an Iraqi, no matter how you try to spin it, nor was he an insurgent, no matter how you try to minimize his brutality and warlike acts. An insurgent denotes an uprising to revolt against government. He was much more than that. He was a brutal killer of innocents, and as such, is a terrorist. Period. Get your terms defined correctly or you will continue down this path of ignorance and futility.

Your defense of such a man only demonstrates how desperate you are to denounce the United States of America and shows just how deep rooted your hatred of this country is.
fossten said:
You're delusional...or didn't you notice?

Moussaoui made a mockery of his trial, using the reverse psychology Br'er Rabbit defense - "Kill me! Kill me! Don't imprison me!" Knowing that's exactly what they would do. Saddam is also making a mockery of his trial. Wrong, they are making idiots of themselves, but if you see that as "mockery", you have a personal perception problem.

The difference is that Zarqawi was a combatant in the middle of a war, and as such was fair game to be destroyed. No argument there. You can use all your guilt-ridden blah, blah tired hate rhetoric, blah blah, vein popping, blah blah, can you pound on your keyboard a little harder?? blah, blah defend this country.

I don't know what on earth you could mean by 2nd best - the fact is that Zarqawi was the NUMBER ONE guy in Iraq, and we killed him. Sorry you don't feel good about that. WRONG, I DO feel good about it, but I'd feel better if we were given a chance to do what Joey suggested. Maybe you should more tired hate rhetoric and live there.
How Could Good News from Iraq Make So Many Bad Headlines?
Posted by Greg Sheffield on June 9, 2006 - 11:50.

If the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi were "good" news, it's hard to imagine how the media could report much worse for "bad" news in Iraq.

Pretend Pundit has a good roundup of media headlines.

One day after the killing of Al-Zarqawi, it's business-as-usual for the Drive-by Media. The Washington Post even ran a poll reminding us that we all think Iraq sucks.

If I'm a Democratic strategist, I couldn't be happier. Here are this morning's top headlines:

CNN: Al-Zarqawi is dead, violence continues
CNN: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was alive when U.S. troops first reached him after the airstrike on his safe house, a U.S. general said, according to news reports. Of course, there's got to be controversy. What did Rumsfeld know and when did he know it?

MSNBC: Al-Zarqawi’s legacy?
MSNBC: ‘Most logical’ successor
MSNBC: Poll: Many support troops, not war

ABC: Al-Zarqawi's Death: A Violent Prelude? A rash of bombings in Baghdad showed that insurgency in Iraq will not end with the al Qaeda leader's death.

CBS: Violence Persists After Zarqawi

NYT: Hatred He Bred Is Sure to Survive Terrorist's Death: "While Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's death could erode his group's ability to carry out attacks, the insurgency he helped ignite will go on without him ...according to officials." (I love when journalists do that)

WP: No clear path in weary Iraq
WP: Corpse makes a chilling portrait
fossten said:
:mad: See, I can twist quotes too:

WRONG. The difference between you and I is, I highlighted my words in red so that it is obvious they were my words, whereas you placed your words in quotes w/ my name attached in a pathetically weak attempt to attack me. The sad thing is, this has become your fall-back tactic when you have nothing to debate or contribute. Therefore it is of no surprise that we see it ALL THE TIME.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
WRONG. The difference between you and I is, I highlighted my words in red so that it is obvious they were my words, whereas you placed your words in quotes w/ my name attached in a pathetically weak attempt to attack me. The sad thing is, this has become your fall-back tactic when you have nothing to debate or contribute. Therefore it is of no surprise that we see it ALL THE TIME.

WRONG. You inserted blah blah blah into my quotes. That's editing, no matter how you slice it. Your explanation [excuse] is pitiful and meaningless.

Too bad for you Johnny. You're such an angry person, and I'm laughing the whole way through this day.

By the way, you certainly are spending a lot of time on the forum today. I thought you didn't do that! :bowrofl:
fossten said:
Your defense of such a man only demonstrates how desperate you are to denounce the United States of America and shows just how deep rooted your hatred of this country is.

Again, here you demonstrate your lack of reading comprehension and penchant for character assasination. You are incapable of understanding written words, nor of perceiving personality traits.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Again, here I demonstrate my lack of reading comprehension and penchant for character assasination. I am incapable of understanding written words, nor of perceiving personality traits.

Is this how it's done, Johnny?

Just trying to learn from the best in demagoguery.;)

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