More of the Camel Spider


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
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Madison, Wisconsin, United States
This story was just received by
According to the soldiers relatives; the bite must have happened while he was sleeping. He wasn't even aware that he had been bitten. He woke up to a large lump on his arm. Then while out on maneuvers, the cyst-like area ruptured open. He was then sent on to the MASH Unit in Kuwait. They dug everything out (puss & ??) then packed it with gauze, put him on a strong round of antibiotics with instructions to re-pack the site several times a day. The area was too large for them to stitch shut. They claimed that it would cause an air pocket under the skin. So it had to be allowed to heal from the inside - out! It seems to have healed pretty well, leaving a small scar about the size of a penny.


Some common Camel Spider Myths:

1. Camel spiders can move at speeds over 30 MPH, screaming while they run.
2. Camel spiders can be as large as a frisbee.
3. Camel spiders venom is an anesthetic that numbs their prey.
4. Camel spiders can jump three feet high.
5. Camel spiders get there name because they eat the stomachs of camels.
6. Send us your myths for inclusion here...


Most of these claims are false or greatly exaggerated.

1. Camel spiders top speed - 10 mph.

2. Size: Up to 6 inches

3. They have no venom.

4. They don't jump.

5. Called camel spiders because they live in the desert.

They actually aren't spiders at all, they're solpugids.. Along with spiders, they are members of the class Arachnida. For more camel spider pictures..

so teach enlighten me more...if the nasty thing didnt have venom, why did our boys elbow turn into chernoble (ewhhhh!)?

Oh, how ya doing hun?
Well maam. Venom acts on the nervous system, generally incapacitating the spider's victim by immobilizing it. Some venom outright kills the spider's victim. The Black Widow Spiders' venom is famous for killing a man in no time flat.

Spiders also inject a liquifying agent, which does just what the name implies. It liquifyes tissue, so the spider can suck it out, just like we suck on our sinfully delicious milkshakes.

The camel spider is non venomous, and I KNOW that it hurts like a mother effer when it bites. I've never been bitten, but one of my old team mates was, and this guy could take pain... still, he swore with such euphemisms (sp?) that would make any sailor proud.
Many times bites by organisms, no I didn't say orgasms Debi, cause more damage from infection than the venom. Bacteria in infects the bitten area.

All spiders have venom the camel spider is not a spider. Still I wouldn’t want to be bitten by one.
lolol - busted me Rich, lolol

Thank you guys, thought it might be cause of infection or something.

What's fun is to take a Camel Spider and a Scorpion and put them in the same box to watch them duke it out. Sometimes you gotta shake the box to get them real riled up though.

Oh, and in case you're wondering...the camel spider usually lasts longer...but getting stung about a thousand times by the scorpion usually means they die soon after. Ah, desert fun...
FreeFaller said:
What's fun is to take a Camel Spider and a Scorpion and put them in the same box to watch them duke it out. Sometimes you gotta shake the box to get them real riled up though.

Oh, and in case you're wondering...the camel spider usually lasts longer...but getting stung about a thousand times by the scorpion usually means they die soon after. Ah, desert fun...

Hahah, that would be awesome to see. Those mofo's are crazyyy. :Beer

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