You lost credibility right off the bat, when the author uses comments made on the Al Franken show as a source.
What you have is pictures out of context and quotes from the Al Franken show. Pictures can be titled to appear to be the most messed up thing you've ever seen. If he ignored the firemen the liberals would be up in arms about that. The Al Franken show as a source ..... well, do we even need to go there?
Maybe Bush was touring with some firemen to see what they know first hand from being on the ground? Maybe he is asking them how the federal government can help them help the people in need instead of checking with AL Franken? Or maybe he's asking them if those fireman pants ride up, if tin foil hats protect your brain from aliens or if bears really :q:q:q:q in the woods.
The point is, you don't know what is going on in these pictures, you just paint them with the liberal brush you use to further your agenda! Did you investigate this story from several points of view or just accept the liberal view?
Now, the story about the firemen handing out the fliers for FEMA I do agree is a misuse of talented individuals. I'm quite sure there are some people who would be better suited to that than these firemen while their skills could certainly be of more use in a direct victim assistance role such as Search and Rescue. But, did you see how many of those orders came from President Bush (or the Shrub as you call him). I missed the part where they cited written documentation or even witness accounts that he directed this. You have attributed this misuse directly to the President with absolutely no evidence? Do you care that you don't have any?
Maybe instead of bitching about him doing this, you should call your congressman and have him forward your request that they make better use of these firemen. Because while I wouldn't imagine he was involved on the level to order it, he would get involved on that level to fix it.