Most relevant restaurant slogan when applied to american society at large

Moby and Lucille

Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 29, 2004
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The Psuedo-Metropolis.....Des Moines, IA REPRESENT
I think this can be a fun game.

Take any restaurant slogan and twist it's meaning without changing it's wording to reflect american society. Which is most relevant?

In the spirit of keeping this fun and not starting an argument, I will preclude by saying that this observation is expressed in total neutrality with no positive or negative connotations implied.

Now... (exhales) My vote for the most relavent restaurant slogan when applied to society in the U.S.A. is Taco Johns: "There's a whole lot of mexican going on."

Now you tell me what yours is.... I suppose if restaruants get too limited, we can start using other types of slogans, but lets mmmmmmmmmmm? C

LOL I'm leaving that last part in here... my pomeranian did that when she walked across the keyboard... apparently she is trying to ask us something. :)

Anyway, lets start out with just restaurants.

Have fun!
Bob Evans: stomp on the, no, its down on the farm.

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