Mr. Franken's in trouble


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Apr 24, 2005
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I'm gonna be just like Phil!

-From the Washington Times, 7/29/05
Robin Hood and Air America

July 29, 2005

Did Al Franken's liberal radio network Air America divert city money for the elderly and inner-city children to itself? That's the question people should be asking this week after the revelation that the New York Department of Investigation is looking into whether hundreds of thousands of dollars were illegally transferred from a Bronx community center to Air America. Only a community paper and a few Internet bloggers seem interested in what could be an egregious case of illegal funneling of tax dollars to a private, partisan organization.
In late June, city officials designated the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club, a nonprofit organization that runs mentoring programs for children and day care for Alzheimer's patients, a "non-responsible city contractor." Investigators found "significant inappropriate transactions and falsified documents that were submitted to various City agencies." The city subsequently suspended the club's contracts, which run well into the millions.
It turns out, according to sources quoted anonymously by the Bronx News, that the mishandled money went to Air America. One source claims that $480,000 was wrongly transferred. The city investigation is concentrating on Charles Rosen, the club's president for 15 years, and Evan Cohen, the development director, who is a former chairman of Air America. Mr. Cohen resigned from Air America in May after the network's leasing plans in Chicago, San Francisco and elsewhere fell through.
No one has claimed that Messrs. Cohen or Rosen sought to profit personally from any transfers. The money was said to have been a "loan" from the community center to Air America, which Air America would repay with interest at some point in the future. But why the public till should be tapped to rescue a foundering news outlet was a question no one seemed to consider. Maybe Air America officers thought spending public funds on their network was a truly compelling public interest. It isn't, of course, and if the allegations are true, they reveal a misuse of tax dollars to support a partisan organization.
Air America's parent corporation Piquant LLC issued an "explanation" yesterday but did not deny the allegations. It instead tried to pin them on Air America's previous owners, on whose watch the transfer is said to have occured. That won't wash.
Most of the mainstream newspapers have ignored this story. We only found out about it through the reporting of Brian Maloney, who pieced a story together on his blog "The Radio Equalizer" which was picked up by syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin. The New York Daily News buried an item at the end of a column of news briefs. There was nothing in the New York Times, which has heaped flattering coverage on the flailing network.
Air America is struggling to find listeners, leaders and reliable funding. But should it take money from children and the ailing elderly? Al Franken and Randi Rhodes, ever the defenders of the "little guy," should explain this one.
NO WAY! A liberal would never do this. Who would even make such an outlandish claim?


I heard Al Franken has a new book coming out...called

I'm As Dumb As They Come.
By Michelle Malkin · August 02, 2005 05:57 AM

David Lombino of The New York Sun continues to move the Air America story forward. According to Lombino's latest article, Al Franken revealed that Air America's current owners have known about the loan from Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club for some time:

Mr. Franken said he has learned details of the story only in the last week. He said Piquant LLC, current owner and operator of the radio network, found a record of the transfers while conducting a "forensic" investigation into the finances of the previous owner, Progress Media, which was run by [former Air America chairman Evan] Cohen. That internal probe was conducted before the city agency became involved, Mr. Franken said.​
A spokesman for the NYC Department of Investigation, Keith Schwam, told Lombino that if Air America discovered the transfers before the city probe began, "They neglected to tell anyone at DOI or in the city about it."

Franken also said yesterday that "he did not know whether the hundreds of thousands of dollars apparently lent to the radio network by a Bronx social-service organization had indeed been relayed to Air America" by Cohen, who asserted that he needed money to treat a brain tumor. A Piquant spokesman said that Gloria Wise will "be compensated regardless of the amount of money it transferred."

So: by Franken's own admission, Air America's current owners have known for months that their network received a large cash infusion from Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club, a non-profit organization funded primarily by government grants. Presumably, they also knew that Gloria Wise's director of development at the time the money was transferred was also Air America's chairman at the time--a glaring conflict of interest. According to Franken, the owners still don't know whether that cash was ultimately placed in Air America's coffers or diverted somewhere else. (Franken seems to be hinting that the money was embezzled by Cohen.) Yet even as the radio network's hosts railed on about Enron, it didn't occur to any of Air America's accountants, managers, or investors to mention the sketchy Gloria Wise transaction to law enforcement officials until after the city launched its investigation.

Despite the near-total MSM blackout, this story just keeps getting more and more interesting.

Update: Ed Morrissey notes that Franken's statement seems to differ from the first statement issued by Air America last week:

PIQUANT had no involvement whatsoever with funds from GLORIA WISE BOYS &GIRLS CLUB. PIQUANT neither received nor expended any of the sums that are the subject of the City's investigation of the CLUB.​
Update II: Gerard Van der Leun calls its Air Scamerica.
Hey, this copy/paste thing is fun!!! Phil, I like being you!

By Michelle Malkin · July 27, 2005 12:12 AM
*scroll down for updates*

Air America is being investigated in New York for diverting federal/local funds--possibly "hundreds of thousands of dollars"--meant for inner-city kids and senior into the station's coffers.

Um, why isn't the New York Times, which has spilled tons of adulatory ink on the liberal radio network, covering this scandal on its front page?

Radio blogger Brian Maloney has the lowdown. Read the whole thing. He sniffed out the story when he spotted this tidbit buried in the NY Daily News about Air America being targeted in a NYC Department of Investigation probe of kids' and seniors' programs being ripped off in the Bronx:

A Bronx congressman yesterday praised the smooth takeover of dozens of programs serving thousands of youngsters and seniors across the borough after the city yanked funding from two sponsoring agencies that have come under a cloud. The nonprofit Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club and its affiliate Pathways for Youth found their city contracts, running into the millions of dollars, abruptly ended last month by the city Department of Investigation...

In its initial announcement, the DOI said it was probing allegations that program officials "approved significant inappropriate transactions and falsified documents that were submitted to various city agencies."

According to published reports, the allegations involve Charles Rosen, the founder of Gloria Wise who has stepped down as executive director, investing city contract funds in Air America Radio, the liberal talk radio network.

Evan Cohen, Air America's former chairman, had served as Gloria Wise's director of development.

A local community paper, The Bronx News, covers the Air America troubles ignored by the national press:

The Bronx News has learned, through informed sources, that the diversion of hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club in Co-op City to the liberal Air America Radio is at the center of the city’s probe of corruption at the local club. The money, which was reportedly paid to Air America as a loan, was supposed to be paid back with interest, two unidentified informed sources told the News. One source added that Air America officials, led by an official of the Gloria Wise Club, agreed to help the local club by publicizing its activities.

To date, no indictments have been handed down in the New York City Department of Investigation’s ongoing probe of the Gloria Wise Club’s reported transfer of funds to Air America...

...The city’s DOI is pursuing the probe because the Gloria Wise Club depends heavily on city funding for its operations. These funds are subject to extensive audits, as are funds received through the state and federal governments.
The Co-op City-based club, which Rosen has built into an empire in the Co-op City community, reportedly has 19 contracts and at least one grant with the city, worth a total of $9.7 million.

Over the last year, Rep. Joseph Crowley has secured two major federal grants for the Gloria Wise Club, one for a day-care program for Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers and the other for the community’s NORC program for senior citizens. The grant for the program for Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers was for $250,000, while the grant for the NORC program was for $99,410.

In 2003, Crowley secured a $218,500 grant for a mentoring program that the Gloria Wise Club runs.

Cohen, who is reportedly at the center of the Gloria Wise probe, is a Guam-based investors who was reportedly a key principal in the start-up of Air America...

Will Air America's self-proclaimed champions of the poor and downtrodden--Franken? Garafolo? Springer?--touch this story with a ten-foot pole? Will Randi Rhodes trot out her gunshot sound effects to blame the messenger? Or will the gabbers continue maintaining their radio silence?

Like they say: Stay tuned...


Just FYI, I've uploaded Charles Rosen's campaign contribution history via Political Money Line: Download file. Cohen contributed $2,000 to the Kerry campaign in 2003.

Money talks, even if Air America won't.

Update: More on the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club's funding sources...

Proven fundraising abilities promise an even more active future for the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club. The generous support of benefactors including the Charles Hayden Foundation, Con Edison, the Butler Foundation, Metropolitan Life, Pinkerton Foundation, Calder Foundation, and New York Community Trust has helped the club continue to grow in recent years. Most recently, the $200,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice will allow the club to begin a multi-year mentoring program for more than 200 youth by the start of 2003.​
As mentioned above, the NYC Department of Investigations is also apparently looking into diversion of funds from the Pathways for Youth Boys & Girls Club, an affiliate of the Gloria Wise club. According to this site, Pathways has requested $206,872 under its No Child Left Behind Act 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program grant award. The US Department of Education better be examining that request very carefully.

Brian Maloney points to this June 28 NY Daily News story (which omits reference to Air America, but mentions Charles Rosen):

Local city, state and federal legislators involved in funding the programs met Sunday at the offices of Democratic Rep. Joe Crowley to discuss the situation, said Assemblyman Michael Benedetto (D-East Bronx). He said it was his understanding that the city has brought in other nonprofit agencies, such as the Police Athletic League, to take over the various programs run by the two suspect groups, which have received $9.7 million in 19 contracts and one outright grant.

Benedetto said that workers at Gloria Wise have already been notified their last official day of work will be Thursday.

Besides the city Education Department and the Youth and Community Development Department, the DOI release stated that the Department for the Aging is terminating its contracts with Gloria Wise, and the city Housing Authority is terminating a grant agreement with Pathways for Youth. The Department for the Aging, according to a source, has contracted with the Jewish Association for the Aged to take over the senior center programs, starting July 5.

Calls yesterday to Charles Rosen, executive director of the organization, were not returned as of deadline.

Ed Morrissey observes this morning:

Evan Cohen appears to have sold Gloria Wise a bill of goods in its investment in Air America. First, given AA's performance, anyone putting that kind of money into it and expecting to even see the principal ever again has to be out of their minds. Second, the grant money involved was earmarked for Alzheimer's patients, senior citizens, and a mentoring program. Even if AA sounded like a brilliant investment, earmarked grant money has to go to the specific programs it intends to fund, not a flyer on some hot stock tip. Evan Cohen's involvement on the board of Gloria Wise and his position at AA makes this decision a massive conflict of interest. Cohen had struggled to maintain his position with the netlet after it became clear that the enterprise had not captured much audience even in the more liberal areas it served. Advertising revenues remained very weak and the corporation barely eked out an existence on donations, making it a poor (and badly-behaved) cousin to NPR. If Cohen used his position on the board at Gloria Wise to misdirect government funds, then AA needs to cough up the money immediately, and any ties Cohen has to other non-profits should be thoroughly investigated.

Has Air America paid back the loan, or even made preliminary payments? We don't know; AA hasn't issued a statement, and more curiously, the national media hasn't asked them.

Update II: A caller to KVI-AM's Kirby Wilbur show in Seattle points to this interesting arrangement between Air America and the Gloria Wise Community Center:

Camp Air America , a summer camp for kids from the Bronx.

The Gloria Wise website plugs AA's show, Morning Sedition here.
weeeeeee! It looks like it is. Can I try can try huh... ¿Please?

Wow I am as shocked as Byran isn't :) that liberals would not only still from the rich to empower themselves but from the poor as well to achieve the same goal.

At any rate nice cut an paste work man if this sort of thing were an art you would have a great career in copying those that copy others.
eL eS said:
weeeeeee! It looks like it is. Can I try can try huh... ¿Please?

Wow I am as shocked as Byran isn't :) that liberals would not only still from the rich to empower themselves but from the poor as well to achieve the same goal.

At any rate nice cut an paste work man if this sort of thing were an art you would have a great career in copying those that copy others.

Aww shucks, man, thanks, but...I'll never be as good at it as Phil (97SilverLSC) is.

My thoughts on this:

Okay, you Rove-bashers, now that it appears Franken knew about this, why aren't you all calling for him to step down from his job?

funny that air america come up again today though. johnny poorly made an attempt to horah another lib and swore to avenge the defeated kool-aid drinker from my mental overthow earlier.

johnny boldly proclaimed he shall return and defeat me later... So I asked when air america kool-aid cast was going to start and end so I could have a time frame to expect his kool-aid laiden retorts.
eL eS said:
funny that air america come up again today though. johnny poorly made an attempt to horah another lib and swore to avenge the defeated kool-aid drinker from my mental overthow earlier.

johnny boldly proclaimed he shall return and defeat me later... So I asked when air america kool-aid cast was going to start and end so I could have a time frame to expect his kool-aid laiden retorts.

Yeah I read that...that's what made me think of it. Funny, I had never even heard of Air America until the story came out. Shows how little impact Franken(stein) has.
I consume a lot of media some of it AA, haha air America, should be called error America. Any way NPR, PBS numerous print, lots of internet and very little tube.

I don't eve have a TV in my living room any longer due to the overwhelming amount of adult content available in commerical and programming. I have a son that is 6 and frankly their are things I just do not care for him to know about yet nor care to explain yet.

Commericals for the products and programs are tough to filter.
I don't know why anybody ever paid attention to Stewart Smally anyway. I didn't. Al Frankin was the beginning of the end for SNL, as far as I am concerned. Buncha girly men. That homo is soooo far gone!
I wish I was a comedian so that I could consider myself an expert in politics!!
MAllen82 said:
I wish I was a comedian so that I could consider myself an expert in politics!!

Well there is a stay at home program that the libs can put you on that should get you well on your way to a great poitical career under the DNC banner.... Oh wait this just in the aforementioned career is actually a path to government program dependecy and certain moral doom. We now retur you to to the liberal agenda already in progress...
Man, there is all kinds of *owned* ing going around this site today.
Barry, where are you man? I usually enjoy your arguments!!

Air America Hires Dan Rather as Scandal Spokesman
by Scott Ott

(2005-08-03) -- Air America, the unabashedly liberal radio network plagued by allegations of high-level fraud and embezzlement of money meant to benefit children and Alzheimer's patients, today hired former CBS news anchor Dan Rather as the public relations 'point man' to serve as a spokesman for the network.

Al Franken, the former comedian who has become the voice of Air America, said the veteran CBS newsman brings "the appearance of credibility to an organization still struggling to establish its own facade of integrity with the American public."

Mr. Rather said he looks forward to "telling the true story" about the Air America executive who borrowed $800,000 from a Bronx, New York, agency which normally helps children and Alzheimer's patients.

"On the surface, I'll grant you, these charges look bad," said Mr. Rather. "But is there really that much difference between helping little children and helping the staff of Air America? And is it really malfeasance to take money intended for people who can't remember anything, and give it to a liberal radio network?"

Despite his employment agreement with Air America, Mr. Rather said, "If there has been any wrongdoing here, I want to break that story."

Network officials said Mr. Rather's six-figure Air America salary is funded by a loan from a nonprofit organization that grants wishes to dying children.
MonsterMark said:

Air America Hires Dan Rather as Scandal Spokesman
by Scott Ott

(2005-08-03) -- Air America, the unabashedly liberal radio network plagued by allegations of high-level fraud and embezzlement of money meant to benefit children and Alzheimer's patients, today hired former CBS news anchor Dan Rather as the public relations 'point man' to serve as a spokesman for the network.

Al Franken, the former comedian who has become the voice of Air America, said the veteran CBS newsman brings "the appearance of credibility to an organization still struggling to establish its own facade of integrity with the American public."

Mr. Rather said he looks forward to "telling the true story" about the Air America executive who borrowed $800,000 from a Bronx, New York, agency which normally helps children and Alzheimer's patients.

"On the surface, I'll grant you, these charges look bad," said Mr. Rather. "But is there really that much difference between helping little children and helping the staff of Air America? And is it really malfeasance to take money intended for people who can't remember anything, and give it to a liberal radio network?"

Despite his employment agreement with Air America, Mr. Rather said, "If there has been any wrongdoing here, I want to break that story."

Network officials said Mr. Rather's six-figure Air America salary is funded by a loan from a nonprofit organization that grants wishes to dying children.

Wow. Once again, :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:
Funny how conservatives get accused of being bigots who starve children and throw the elderly into the street.

[size=+1]Michelle Malkin: Air America and the race hustlers (Where are Jackson and Sharpton?)[/size]
Forsyth County News ^ | 8/05/05 | Michelle Malkin

Posted on 08/05/2005 3:11:13 PM PDT by Libloather

Air America and the race hustlers
By Michelle Malkin

Where are they? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are the supermen of the civil rights establishment -- able to leap tall buildings in a single bound to get in front of a picket line. When victim politics calls, the demagogic duo leap into patented action: March. Boycott. Shakedown. Repeat.

But the raging reverends are nowhere to be found as a scandal involving the liberal radio network Air America and a Bronx, N.Y.-based inner city charity for poor children brews. Why the silence?

It's all about the Benjamins, as they say.

First, a summary of the financial fiasco that the liberal media won't touch: The New York City Department of Investigation has been probing allegations that officials of the nonprofit Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club and one of its affiliates, Pathways for Youth, approved "significant inappropriate transactions and falsified documents that were submitted to various city agencies." The charities receive large portions of their budgets from local, state and federal government grants. At the center of the controversy is Evan Montvel Cohen, the disgraced former chairman of Air America, who was in charge of the liberal radio network at the same time he was serving as Gloria Wise's director of development.

The New York Sun's David Lombino reported this week that Cohen received more than $800,000 in loans for himself and Air America during his tenure, according to Gloria Wise executive committee President Jeannette Graves. Graves alleges that Cohen funneled $613,000 to himself and Air America without her authorization or knowledge. Other loans were approved by the Gloria Wise executive committee when Cohen claimed he needed money to cover medical expenses for himself and his father. As a result of an ongoing investigation, the city canceled its contracts with both Gloria Wise and Pathways in June -- causing a near-shutdown of services to poor minority kids, Alzheimer's patients, and other underprivileged clients until other nonprofit agencies were brought in to take over the old management.

Air America's ever-evolving statements about the controversy have raised more questions than they've answered. After radio industry blogger Brian Maloney ( called attention to the probe last week, the liberal radio network initially shrugged off corporate responsibility by asserting that its current management, Piquant LLC, "had no involvement whatsoever" with the funds and was "not being investigated." A follow-up statement then revealed that Air America "agreed months ago to fully compensate" Gloria Wise for the loan (despite having "no involvement" with it). This week, Air America host Al Franken acknowledged that Piquant had conducted an internal probe of the matter before the city got involved -- and, according to the city, failed to tell authorities about it.

If a conservative radio network had been entangled in a scam to steal from black children to line the pockets of wealthy white con artists, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would already be staging hunger strikes in protest. But both have hefty political and financial stakes in Air America's success -- and the big mouths aren't about to badmouth their friends.

Air America's flagship New York City station is housed on Park Avenue at WLIB-AM, owned by Inner City Broadcasting. The company shunted aside its black-themed talk format at WLIB to accommodate Air America. In return, Air America made room for a few minority radio hosts and also entered into lucrative lease management agreements with Inner City Broadcasting, which owns and operates 17 radio stations in five markets.

The co-founder of Inner City Broadcasting is New York media mogul Percy Sutton, best known as Malcolm X's lawyer and former Manhattan borough council president. Sutton helped bail Sharpton out after Sharpton was ordered to pay former Dutchess County prosecutor Steven Pagones over the Tawana Brawley race hoax. Sutton also raised and donated money for Sharpton's 2004 presidential bid. Sharpton still broadcasts a Sunday radio show on WLIB. Sutton and Jackson are longtime friends and partners. Sutton served as Jackson's 1988 presidential campaign finance chairman. Jackson has lobbied on Sutton's behalf. Sutton sits on Jackson's Citizenship Education Fund. As original investors, Jackson and his wife reportedly hold more than 23,000 shares in Inner City Broadcasting.

Now you know why there will be no boycotts at Air America headquarters over the possible bilking of poor Bronx children. Race hustlers care about only one color: green.

Michelle Malkin is a nationally syndicated columnist. Her e-mail address is

Only 17 stations in 5 markets? Guess not too many people listen when all you do is tell lies.
Anytime anybody wants to make the argument about there not being a liberal bias in the media, just point to these episodes. If this was a mainstream or conservative predicament, it would be front page news day after day at the New York Times, The LA Times, CNN, you name it.

Liberals = hypocrites.

I love how Michele Malkin *owned* owns people.
I just checked. We've had a grand total of ONE (1) liberal response in this thread, and it wasn't even relevant or substantive.

Talk about kicking their A$$!
fossten said:
I just checked. We've had a grand total of ONE (1) liberal response in this thread, and it wasn't even relevant or substantive.

Talk about kicking their A$$!


There's #2, you happy now?

I've never listened to Franken or Air America. But I think it's great how you RWWs can make a mountain out of this molehill and can circle-jerk each other for weeks about it. YOU DA MAN!! :bowrofl:
JohnnyBz00LS said:
But I think it's great how you RWWs can make a mountain out of this molehill
You should know. You and Barry have been perfecting that trick for over a year here.

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