MrWilson MIA?


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Sunny San Diego County
has anyone heard form him ? I've been try`n to get a hold of him (PMs)
but he's seemed to dropped off the face of this site

any help would be great
He's probably .....................

out in the driveway rtying to figure out why the Lincoln will not start with a Monte Carlo key.

Heeelllllloooooooo Mr. Wiiillllsssooonnnn.
He's around. I have his car at the shop so he is Lincolnless right now and may be going through general Lincoln withdraws?
It just plain old will not run. Ill be getting to it this week and we will see whats up.

cool maybe you can pull my coil springs off his car, and sell them for me? since he can't get off his ass and ship that back seat to me.
I just figured he had a really big hill to push his car up and was too busy to post.
Mr.Wilson has had some serious family problems, that is the reason he is not online that much lately.
pepperman said:
Mr.Wilson has had some serious family problems, that is the reason he is not online that much lately.

He's been putting me off since 7-5-06 that when I sent him the coil springs ....
he's had time to mount the springs that I sent him , Yet not the time to mail me the Back Seat that we traded for it!
buddylee said:
dealing with him , has reminded my how much I hate dealing with 20s something boys

thats bull:q:q:q:q man not all of us 20 somethings are ass clowns, some of us have good heads on out here isn't that right 94m5
Im 20 and I have possibly given Mr Wilson more :q:q:q:q than anyone else on this board. [Edit: personal attacks are against board rules.]
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I was going to wait and let Mr.Wilson post this, the reason Mr. Wilson has not been on LVC is that his Grandfather passed away 2 days ago, the reason i know is that he posted a bulletin on Myspace about it.
Dern Humpus said:
Im 20 and I have possibly given Mr Wilson more :q:q:q:q than anyone else on this board.

Although this is your opinion, and I can see why you would think this, You are wrong.

I have had the pleasure of meeting Andy in person while I was out at Carlisle last june. To say the least, he is NOTHING like what he seems to be on this board. People are VERY interesting animals, and can't EVER be summed up over the internet.

I have my opinions about people, and everynow and then let myself get a mental picture in my head what someone will be like when I actually meet them. Andy is one of those people that blew any bad thought I had away the 1st time I met him.

IMHO, everyone needs to lighten up a bit on him once and a while. Buddy lee, I can understand your situation as well. Have you tried calling him, or did you get any contact numbers?
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I gave him my # sometime ago , This isn't about waiting 2 days or 2 weeks ....
it's about over 10 pm's each stating "the box I was going to shipped mom put out in the trash" , and a few "next friday when I get paid" , then "I had to give my paycheck to my mom so she could buy her Meds" and then thier always "it's got to cost $1000 to ship it FEDEX next day air"
I've went as far telling him to ship it on Grey hound bus , and that I'd pick it up at the local bus station ...... and I have a broken leg.
The point is he's treated me like he's worst Ebayer I've had to deal with.
The thing that sticks in me the most is , I saw that he needed coils to keep his car working , I told him to go a head and wait till he got the coils before he even
worried about sending me the seat (my seat has the seam coming undone)
I was helping him out , what I paid for the 2 coils was more than what a back seat would be .

After all the BS I've heard over the last 2 months I can't even conment on anything POSTED on My space.
I feel like bring up the story of the boy who cry`d wolf

Last year I lost both my gandparnts, one 3 days after I had a 18 inch bar put in my leg ...... I stilled paid rent , took my kids too shcool , fed my dog ...... and Kept my Word.

I went above and beyond to make the EZ on him even telling him how wrap it with thick news paper and putting it in a large plasic bag..... because he can't find a box.
I've given my phone #

This whole thing is a Joke to him and I feel I am the Brunt of it
Is that an upper or lower and what color?

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