MsM8tress MsM8tress MsM8tress


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
Surprise, AZ
Due to the overwhelming popularity of MsM8tress's latest thread, Guys Guys Guys. It has been decided by a popular vote to cordially request the same of her!

C'mon girl! Shake it!

P.S. "Quaker Steak and Lube", your killing me Smalls, your killing me.
bigdog1279 said:
Yeah strutt it Debi

Yall know what I look like, Im in the Chicago meet pics. I will work on a pic with my boy, I love taking pics with him....we will have to have a bunch taken at the meet too, then later at HOOTERS of course! lolol.

BDog, Brent and TorqueMonkey are coming and I think once Serg returns he will be coming also.

But here is one for now:

Very nice! Of course you gotta get one with you in the Mark.
whooooooooo weeeeeeeeeee
im trying to hold on the swing guy that hot :)
:gr_hail: :wrench :wave :yourock:
This is already turning out to be better than the guys,guys,guys thread!

torquemonkey said:
P.S. "Quaker Steak and Lube", your killing me Smalls, your killing me.
Is that a... ''Sandlot'' refrence?
come on more more more more more more more more more :) :I :Beer :dancefool
What is a "Sandlot" reference? And I posted the pic over in with the Guys Guys Guys, Debi dont need her own thread - lololololol hummmmm or Does She???????

lololl - you guys are great!
yeah debi dose need her own thread LOL
couse we gona make shur the guy guys guys are filled so you can fill up your own :)
yes......., yes Rich we ALL realize that -lololo

hey my count has about 4789 male LVC members yet to post, who knows what I'll end up wearing (or not!) by the end of my Guys Guys Guys thread!

Post those pics guys, LVC's blood runs thick with Raw LVC Hardbodies! quit hiding post your likeness baby!
hey i still say its not fair come on 1 to every 10 that not right girl
Hey now, down boy... check out the numbers, you guys would get sick of seeing me you wouldn't even want to read a thread! Good things come to those who wait.

Sit Boy, Sit!
MsM8tress said:
yes......., yes Rich we ALL realize that -lololo

hey my count has about 4789 male LVC members yet to post, who knows what I'll end up wearing (or not!) by the end of my Guys Guys Guys thread!

Post those pics guys, LVC's blood runs thick with Raw LVC Hardbodies! quit hiding post your likeness baby!

Are you waiting for those nudes of Joey!!

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