mumumonster is a thief!!

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LVC Member
Apr 12, 2005
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I paid 205.00 via paypal to this guy for a module that was never delivered! He claims the part was sent via USPS with no tracking, how convenient. I asked him for proof that it was sent, he claimed to have a receipt. I asked to see the receipt and nothing.

Yeah, it's only 200.00 bucks but if there is are two things I abhore it's a liar and a thief and this guy appears to be both!!

Avoid him like the plague!:mad:
Youre lucky you paid PayPal. I had a person claim the same thing. After 6 weeks of not getting my part I filed a claim with PayPal and the guy lost, he had no proof of sending anything to me. Good Luck!
I did file a complaint with paypal and they found in my favor after he refused to answer their questions. Of course by the time this was decided, he had no more money in the Paypal account so he still keeps my 200.00. I hope he chokes on every dime.
yeah, I sent him $165 through paypal, and got soon as I paid him, he stopped answering my messages. I filed a claim through paypal and only $13 back.

Oh, and by the way, he is also "tangboy98" on Avoid this guy!!!
Sorry to hear that you got ripped off from this guy. Even though it is too late now, I have banned him from the site, and will try to earmark him so he does not come back under any other assumed name. If anyone sees that this guy comes back please inbox me and let me know I will ban him yet again.....

Again, I know its too little too late, but at least for now he wont be able to rip anyone else off here.
RE: scam‏
From: ed rumrill (
Sent: Thu 10/04/07 10:08 PM
To: (

Guess ur gonna have a hard time doing that because the people who used this address as a ebay acount, and car forum account were deported back to Russia. As of Augest 1st. I have been saving all emails sent to this address and have turned them over to the local police.. if you got scamed..then stand in line..15 others are ahead of you

yeah... I warned you guys. I got screwed on the other car he had w/ the "mint" seat covers that had the mysterious cuts. he also stopped answering my emails. I did finally get the seat covers though. but I had to take them to an upholstry shop to get them recovered. kind of defeats the purpose. -nick
Yeah, he kept trying to get me to send him money for a couple of mirrors. Luckily I never did. The whole thing sounded fishy (he kept changing Paypal email addresses). I IMd a mod on here a while back about him.
I remember when he first posted about his octastar wheels. I inquired about pictures. "3" months later, hes pm's me and says he has pictures now. Then when I declined, he pm'ed me 2 more times. I finally had to tell him explicity, that I was no longer interested in his wheels.
I just found out that a friend of mine actually picked up some stuff from him when he was parting out that tan car. A door and a mirror he said. Strange.
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