Murdering Babies is big Business


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Planned Parenthood Reports Record Profits, Abortions Performed 6/19/2006
By Melanie Mitroff

Received largest amount of taxpayer funding to date, nearly $273 million.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America released its 2004-2005 Annual Report on June 1, revealing a record income of $882 million and Planned Parenthood’s second-highest profit of $63 million. The organization also set a record number of abortions performed in one year¯255,015¯ and an all-time low in adoption referrals: 180 abortions were performed for every one woman referred to an adoption agency.

The organization is using these alarming numbers to promote their services and gain customers.

“Planned Parenthood will use any means or any claim to lure more customers and money,” said Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America (CWA). “It insists that the morning-after pill will reduce abortions. Yet Planned Parenthood posts its highest number of abortions committed at the same time as its aggressive campaign promoting and selling the morning-after pill.”

On top of its $63 million profit, Planned Parenthood last year received its largest sum of state and federal taxpayer funding ever: $272.7 million, making Planned Parenthood the recipient of $3.9 billion of taxpayer money since 1987.

"During that time [Planned Parenthood] has surgically aborted more than 3.8 million babies in the womb. Just think of all the positive programs that could have benefited from our tax dollars had they not been wasted on such destructive efforts," said Jim Sedlak, the director of STOPP International, an organization specifically created to counter or “stop” Planned Parenthood, in a statement.

These funds, however, have not impeded any efforts for further government funding from the government.

“Planned Parenthood must assume that elected officials can't read a simple annual report,” said Sedlak in, criticizing the organization for its perpetual “begging” for government funding despite its large profits. The organization’s greed may be because without the federal government to give them taxpayer dollars, the overall general public would not support them.

President Ronald Reagan in 1983, on the 10th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, wrote:

Our nationwide policy of abortion-on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy was neither voted for by our people nor enacted by our legislators-- not a single state had such unrestricted abortion before the Supreme Court decreed it to be national policy in 1973.

Planned Parenthood’s desperation is currently seen in South Dakota, where it is seeking support from Washington, D.C., to counter the abortion ban signed into law by Gov. Mike Rounds (R) on March 6. The law makes it a felony for doctors to perform an abortion, except in order to save the life of the mother, and it is the most extensive abortion ban since Roe v. Wade.

The Planned Parenthood Web site that serves Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota denounces the abortion ban, stating, “This unconstitutional law is too restrictive and does not reflect the values of most South Dakotans nor most Americans.”

Wendy Wright disagrees. “If the South Dakota ban did not reflect the views of South Dakotans, then Planned Parenthood could rely on those citizens to fund its attempt to overturn the law passed by the majority of its representatives and signed by the governor,” she said. “But never shy to demand money from taxpayers, corporations, customers or donors, its affiliate director crossed the country to pass the hat among Washington, D.C., elites.”

South Dakota has paved the way for other states to create similar measures. Operation Rescue reports that five other states, Indiana, Georgia, Tennessee, Ohio and Kentucky, have introduced similar bans in their legislatures.

The Louisiana Senate just passed a conditional ban on abortion that would automatically be effective upon the overturning of Roe v. Wade or enactment of a constitutional amendment prohibiting abortion. The law makes exceptions to save the life of the mother or to prevent any permanent or critical injuries. Once the law is effective, those who perform abortions could be subject to up to 10 years in prison and be fined as much as $100,000.

Planned Parenthood is misguided to think that most people are ready and willing to combat current trends by states to ban abortion. Its eagerness in appealing to elected officials in Washington for continued taxpayer funding reveals Planned Parenthood’s inability to appeal to the American people for direct support.

“With Planned Parenthood’s record profits, it is funding a campaign to drum up opposition to abstinence programs and demand more government money,” said Wright. “Americans should use Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report to show government officials that as tax dollars given to Planned Parenthood have increased, so has its number of abortions.”

Melanie Mitroff, a student at Liberty University, is an intern with CWA’s Ronald Reagan Memorial Internship Program.


I thought the common talking points for abortion by the left were to keep abortion "safe, legal, and rare." We all know it's not safe, and now you have proof that it's not rare; in fact, it's increasing as the money pours in. Infanticide is a growth industry in this country, apparently.

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