Must be my lucky month



I have been stoped by the cops 3 times in that last month
each time a get a warning
can,t figur it out LOL
ones by High way Patrol in Ohio
next was
Local in my City
and the last one was yesterday for doing 60 in a 40 in
a little country town
maybe it,s couse i give them the sad story
i jsut spend all this money on the front air suspension
look at the light still on the ABS and the SES light got get that fixed
maybe the speed sensor needs fixing
the last time the cop sed take it easy these are fast cars but good and run a long time
he stoped me and was talking to me
for like 20 minuts i just wanted to get going agen LOL so i could do 70 in a 40 lol
naw havn,t got a ticket yet
i don,t go for the jinks stuff you only get jinked if you belive in it :)

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