My 02 Ls V8 won't start :(


LVC Member
Mar 16, 2015
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Hey everybody, I'm afraid that my LS might be finished. Recently, it's been making a really ugly sound when starting. It doesn't happen all of the time but when it does, it makes an ugly sound similar to a screech with a ticking noise once it's started. Well, today when I was about to start it up to leave work, it made a really loud sound that nearly brought me physical pain. I aborted it mid start because it sounded so horrible. Now it won't start. It makes a slight click when I try to start it now. The radio and things work and the gauges go up then down but not starting. Any ideas on what that might be? Thanks in advance for the help.
Your battery is too weak. It could be drained because of some electrical problem (like a failing alternator) or it could just be too old. Your description of the rest is not good enough to say too much about it. You could have a failing starter (which may be ruining your flex-plate), or it could be something much more serious.
I appreciate the reply, joegr! If there's anything I can do to give you a better idea just let me know. I, unlike most people in this forum, don't know very much about fixing cars and most of these terms intimidate me lol.
First things first, take your battery to one of the auto stores that will load test it and see what they say.
First things first, take your battery to one of the auto stores that will load test it and see what they say.

To clarify for the OP, since you state you don't know much about working on them, a proper load test should take about a half hour. If it takes them a minute or two, they aren't load testing the battery. If the battery is bad, get the correct vented battery for the car. The Lincoln dealer will have this battery and they are surprisingly competitively priced on batteries.
I just had it towed back to my house. We tried boosting it but no luck. It makes a single click that sounds like it's coming from the front right side of the car. The tow truck driver told me it might be the starter but didn't say anything about a flex plate.
If the battery is bad enough, then even a jump start (boost) won't work.
On the other hand, a seized starter can make the battery seem bad.
I'd still check the battery first, since it is easier to check, more likely to fail, and cheaper to check.
When you say it makes a ticking sound, in previous start ups, did the ticking sound go away once you were driving? Or did it remain the whole trip to work/destination?

Does the car continue to make the loud screech sound while driving? Or just during startup?
The ticking sound went away for the most part when I was driving and wasn't consistent on startups. The screech was just when I started the car and not while driving.
I can see the belt you're talking about but just barely. Also I'm not able to touch it.
A screeching belt is a worn belt and it needs to be replaced. A worn belt may also not grab the alternator tightly enough and prevent it from charging the battery well enough although I'd think you would hear the noise constantly and not just on startup. Would be a good idea to replace the idler and tensioner pulleys at the same time. It's not hard work, but does require that you know how to get to it and be able to use a torque wrench to get the correct torque settings on the pulleys.
After doing some research, I'm thinking and hoping that it's just the starter. How much can I expect to pay for that?

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