Well, hello to you too. We're so pleased (well, at least, I am) that you've found us. The introduction you posted is great... what? What do you mean, you didn't introduce yourself? I mean, the idea of just jumping right in and getting schit done is a good one most of the time, but not in this case.
You see, while we'll be glad to help you out, we're not here to cater to your... problems. Al least not without first showing us that you've tried searching around a bit.
Furthermore, we have a sub-forum dedicated to Mark VII's. Questions regarding that model should be asked in that sub-forum and not in one of the general chit-chat forums.
In the interest of keeping up with my nice guy (chuckle) image, I will suggest you check your brakes. Mainly, your brake lights fuse. It would be a good place to start.