my 92 continental doesn't like to start when the motor is hot


LVC Member
Aug 21, 2010
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Hello all,

My name is Michael and I am the proud owner of a free 1992 Lincoln continental with 78k miles. I have had all of the usual problems with this car minus the blown head gasket. It always seem like there is something wrong with this car but I enjoy working on it. I have recently come across a problem that has baffled many people I have talk to. After unclogging the exhaust and removing the catalytic converters because they exploded and stopped up the exhaust system, The car starts and runs perfectly when the engine is cold but for some reason it acts like it is flooding out when the engine is warm and I try to start it. Basically after I drive it 20-30 miles I have a really difficult time getting it to start again The fuel pressure is right, I have change the fuel pressure regulator, idle speed controler, MAF sensor, PVC valve, there are no vaccum leaks (has 18 inch pound of vaccum at idle), and I have also replace the coolant temp sensor. My last thought was perhaps a fuel injector is leaking down but I wanted to get the thoughts of the masses. Can anyone help? Thanks
get rid of that thing, soon your headgaskets are going to go if its having temperature issues. I had a 95 Cougar with the 3.8 and that thing blew headgaskets like drinking water. They are nice cars but when they start with temperature issues they turn to crap. Does it overheat? if it overheats it wont turn on until it cools down.
the temp gauge was replace recently and the temp gauge doesn't show that it is running hot. Today I got bored at stripped down the top end a little and checked the fuel injectors and they are working great so now I am going to hunt down a compression tester and work my was through the heads and timing chain.i figure before I am through this car will be brand new
Good news or bad news however you look at it. I found the problem I was getting intermittent compression on my number 1,4,& 5 Cylinders. Today I pulled off the 4,5,&6 cylinder head to find that the exhaust valves in on the #4&5 were leaking intermittently and i imagine i'll find a similar situation on the other head with the #1 cylinder with the same symptoms. now I have to find a shop to regrind my valves and valve seats. there is a little bit of good news, at least now I can upgrade the head gaskets to some new beefier ones since the car still had the factory head gaskets and they were still in decent shape.
get rid of it...even if you fix it, its still a matter of time until they go again. Its a design of the engine read it up on google.
solution for problem

i finally found the solution to my problem if anyone out there is wanting to know. I got a hold of a fuel pressure tester to find out that I was only getting 12psi of fuel pressure when the engine was cold and 7psi when it was hot, The book said I need betweeen 30 and 40psi so I swapped the fuel pump and all is well. problem solved

thanks for everyones help

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