my best friends brother was killed last sunday


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Sunny San Diego County
I got a call from my friend at 11pm on Monday nite .
his brother was killed when a car did a u turn in front of him.
the papers keep taking about him not having a DOT helmet .... yet he didn't die from head injuries.
I bearly knew his brother just meeting him at my friends house a few times.

Just a few weeks ago he had traded his corvette for the Harley Davidson that he was riding that nite.

My condolances to you and his family-having a dot helmet or no helmet at all is not the issue-people driving cars need to get their heads out of their arse and pay attention to the road!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to hear about your friend..............

buddylee said:
I got a call from my friend at 11pm on Monday nite .
his brother was killed when a car did a u turn in front of him.
the papers keep taking about him not having a DOT helmet .... yet he didn't die from head injuries.
I bearly knew his brother just meeting him at my friends house a few times.

Just a few weeks ago he had traded his corvette for the Harley Davidson that he was riding that nite.


The reason that they dwell on the helmet issue is so they do not draw attention to the fact that someone is dead due to someone else's negligence. I have been riding for many years, and I see stupid things happen all of the time. In Pennsylvania, we are not required to wear helmets if we are over 21, have completed a riders safety course, or have two years of riding experience. They never, and I repeat never, ever put the blame where it needs to be. They always blame the helmetless rider. Look at what happened in the Ben Rothlisberger case. Instead of making an issue out of the fact that the old lady turned right in front of him, they dwelled on the fact that he was not wearing a helmet. Bikers are now, and always will be considered outlaws and worthless. And until that changes, the press will always dwell on the bikers mistakes. Again, I am sorry about your friend.
after speeking to my step son , he said that were it happend is a place were ricers race ..... he would know being a ricer him self.

from what I heard is the bike was in left lane and the car was in the right the driver of the car saw some of his friends going the other way so he pulled to the
right and did a u-turn right in front of the bike.
the bike hit the drivers side door and both riders were on the ground when they were found.

the on the back sounds as if she's going to make it . at first we had heard that she had died .

thanks to all ,

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