Ok, so I take my LS to a mechanic I have used for about a year. I tell him of the fuel pump that I have to double ignition turn to load up enough to stay running at temps below 50. He agrees the fuel pump is the culprit. It takes about a week and I call to check on my car and he says I need to come see him. Upon my arrival, he wants to know do I carry full coverage on this car, I do. He then tells me we need to file on rodent damage. The entire wiring harness is eaten up. It was running fine except early in the morning when it was cold, but ok. So I contact them and sure enough, they will cover it. They contact him and tell him to tear it down and they will come look and approve the work. They arrive 4 days later and the car is not touched. They approve 369 dollars for what he can show them and instruct him to do the job and send in a supplement request. He did not tear it down because he was afraid they would not pay him, his story. So he puts in a wiring harness he says but cannot get the computers to communicate or something. He puts it behind a tow truck and sends it to a guy 50 miles away to complete the job. I have been there several times and there is always some other problem. I contact the insurance company and they say they have tried to contact him but he will not return their calls, the car is still not back, ok get this, he has had this car since December 20 and June 20 will be six months. What would you do?