My Chromed Plenum


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 4, 2005
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Pictures of my chromed plenum.:D

LS WOW 1.jpg

LS WOW 02.jpg
Whoa!! Where did you get that!! That is awesome bro! Lovin the LS too ;)
Very cool! Is that some non-eletrolytic actual chrome plating or the chrome-look paint? I'm wanting to try "chroming" my coil covers.
a chrome shop by his house.. st. louis chrome or something?
Boomhower said:
dipped or painted?
Some sort of spray on process. The shop has done other work for me. A set of taillights, dash inserts. the stuff looks great.
I wonder if that's not a ceramic coating? It sure looks like it. It's the same thing companies like Jet Hot do to exhaust parts. You can get that with a very chrome like finish...among others. It also wears incredibly well and can be easily cleaned when it gets dirty. Very nice.
I think it's spray on. They can do almost anything in this finish now. I saw someone do a small football on TV a while back.

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