My Dilemma


Rollin' Twankies
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
Peoria, L-inoise
2 Marks and only one garage. I know Ive got it real rough having 2, but Ive been racking my brain on which to keep in the garage. What do you think?

I thought about a car-port, but they don't offer that much protection, and they look like crap.


Sux to be you!!! :N I remember those days when I owned 3 of them, but really did not have a choice to put one or any of them in a garage, the apartment complex did not have such creature comforts. So, 2 of them had car covers on them, and the third one....well that one was purchased wrecked and did not need :shifty:

If it was me, I would put the LSC in the garage. :D
Chaoticbastard said:
Sell or scrap the gen2 and keep the real one

lol thats funny.

The 95 actually is mechanically in far better shape, but the paint on the 97 is better. I think after i take the cowl hood off the 95 to finish work on it, it will sit outside with the spare hood on. Im just affraid of the stereo out of the 95 getting stolen.

Id like to build a bigger garage, but thats completely out of the question.
k9t8m said:
lol thats funny.

The 95 actually is mechanically in far better shape, but the paint on the 97 is better. I think after i take the cowl hood off the 95 to finish work on it, it will sit outside with the spare hood on. Im just affraid of the stereo out of the 95 getting stolen.

Id like to build a bigger garage, but thats completely out of the question.

I repeat,Scrap or give me the gen2.Ill give you a box of cheerios and your problem is solved
I bought the 97 to make a little money, but still havnt fully if decided Im going to get rid of it. I like it more and more everytime I drive it.

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