My father just passed away tonight.


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 19, 2009
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It really sucks. He was way too young, only 57. I knew he was ill but I just saw him a couple weeks ago and he looked good. Was supposed to drive down tomorrow to see him but they called me just after midnight to notify me he just died. They dont even know why and I had to chew out some Nigerian douche to make sure there was an autopsy. Dick head kept hounding me for when I can claim the body so he can finish his paperwork tonight.
I would have punched him in the focking throat if he were in front of me.

I cant believe hes gone! The damn facility refused to treat him. Said he was too sick and they didnt have it in the budget. They kept trying to talk him into going to Hospice.
Sorry about your loss Bill i know how you feel i lost my dad in 95.
Sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family. Take care.
Sorry to hear about your dad laser,
You and your family are in my prayers.
Stay strong for your family as much as possible.
I'm sure its hard. But buddy I'm sure your dad
Is looking down upon you from heaven, happy
That you turned out to be the man you are.
Sorry to hear that Laser, I feel your pain. My Father suffered a stroke last month on his way home from work (he was a taxi driver). He was in the Hospital for 5 days, and recovering very well when he had a Pulmonary embolism out of the blue, and because of the stroke (actually three around the occipital lobe, He went blind but began regaining some sight) they could not intervene using clot busting drugs, and he died at the age of 66. I am really sorry you have to go through the pain your in now, my prayers are with you. Be strong man, It definitely is tough.
what? no! this is terrible news!
prayers and condolences to you and your family man..
i am sorry to hear that.
Very sorry for your loss, Bill. It is tough, even when you now it's coming. Stay strong, man.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
So sorry to hear this. Keep his memory alive we will pray for you and your family.
sorry to hear this bill. but after all you have been through you will pull through this you always do. very hard to go through it for sure. i'm affraid i will be soon too as my father is in very poor shape as well. i dont want the day to come but we cant stop it. be strong man.
Bill, like i mentioned on FB, my heart goes out to you! Only time will heal the wounds but you will never forget him. Do exactly as he would've wanted you to do. Live on in his name & stay strong! May he rest in peace!
Very sorry for your loss, stay strong, our prayers are with you.
Thanks for all the nice comments from everyone.

Still waiting on an autopsy but talking to the warden this is what happened:
He complained of stomach pains. The drove him from Tennesy Colony to Galviston Hospital. They ran tests and found no problems. Said my father claimed to not be in as much pain so they transfered him to Terrel facility. Next day he complained of pains again and on Friday they sent him back to the Hospital. Warden said it was a 30 mile drive and he spoke to my father as he was being loaded on the van and my father was in good spirits even withthe pain. Driver says my father went to sleep. Upon arriving at the hospital my father was already dead. They dont know why yet.
sorry to hear the news remenber the good things and enjoy the times you had. hope things turn for the better BILL JD

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