My first mod.....

Sifrino3 said:
What the heck? Look around in those pics at everyone else's yard, it's not like i'm making this up. Look at my sig pic on the bottom of my GTP that's what the grass looks like in the summer, very green. I swear I make a car post and u guys rag on me about my grass in my yard :0hahhahahahhahahahah :bash:
well we all ready know the car looks good, and there is no rice to make fun of. so we will make fun of your Foliage maintinace and grooming skills!
Markviiiedrea said:
well we all ready know the car looks good, and there is no rice to make fun of. so we will make fun of your Foliage maintinace and grooming skills!
oh ok, thanks.....i think :)
oh great , now im the target?

congrats, now...its time to take out the air scilencer, and the air you a bit of a sound. Oh, take off the "beauty" covers
MrWilson said:
congrats, now...its time to take out the air scilencer, and the air you a bit of a sound. Oh, take off the "beauty" covers

:I no need for that plastic crap
sho89 i cant find the post but dont you want to see the lms gauges


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