My Life...


Well-Known LVC Member
Apr 11, 2006
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Ok guys/girls i have been thinking real hard about my life and everthing and im kind of sad here is why...

I am 19 years old and i work full time at Omega Manufacturing (Wood Place) anyways i work from 2pm-10pm and i realy dont have much time for anything.. after i come home from work its too late to have any fun and i usualy wake up around 11am and then there isent much time to do anything eather expect wash my baby(car) and help my parents with whatever they need before i go to hell(work).. Anyways i am starting Hamilton Collage in August and i am gonna try and pass everthing to become a accountant.. anyone of u gone for that? hard or not realy? i was always a average student..:shifty: anyways i am doing this because i am realy sick of doing :q:q:q:qy jobs and being bossed by some looser thats got a more :q:q:q:qed up life then me..
Now for the girls thing... i had couple that i mess around with but for some reason i got sick of them and dont talk to them anymore... i had a gf a year ago that i still love for some reason, we broke up because her best friend wanted a ride from me one night and i said sure not knowing that shes a bitch anyways she told me to pull over to talk about something and well she kind of jumped on me and started kissing me and i was thinking with the wrong head at the time and somebody seen us and told my gf... u knwo the rest (i know its my fault for everthing)

Anyways so the thing is i still think about my ex and i love her much its kind of sad its been almost a year now... we dont talk much anymore but its not liek we hate each other eather.

I need advice here...quit work when school starts or not? and what do i do about the girl?? dont tell me to go do any girl out there because i cant, i tryed but it just dotn work because i got feelings for my ex.. i guess im a little bit*h :(

Sorry for spelling im in a hurry and im tierd i just came from work.
My friend, life is a crazy ride, good times, bad times, followed by more good times and more bad, I like to compare it to a roller coaster ride. it seems like just yesterday I was 18 and now I'm almost 42!!! now that's crazy. but just remember that just when you think it can't get any worse it will. but then before you know it, it gets better.right now it's not too good for me, but I know it will get better. on the school thing go for it. you will go alot furthur in life than with a sh!tty dead end job. like the one I had at Boeing for 18 years. great pay and good benefits but totally dead end. If you weren't a a$$ kisser. anyways, they laid me off after 18 years last June. like you are just a number. my wife is an accountant and she likes it. and as for the women thing that will work it's self out so don't worry there. as for working and going to school you will have to wait and see if you can handle both some can and some can't. but all in all life is great so enjoy it cause it's too short not to. I hope this helps you out, cause Dr. Phil I'm not,:D but I've got a little bit of experience at it. good luck and please hang in there OK? :)
Best thing to do imo, try to let all the annoyances go. A :q:q:q:qty dead end job is no fun, but at 19, what choice do we have? Im workin at P-boys, now thats a dead end job. If your worried about money, summer is here. You can work more now, and maybe find a better job. As for the ex, if you want her bad enough, you can get her, it all depends on how much you want her. If its short of 10000% though, i doubt she will take ya back, and do ya blame her? Dont fret, one day youll start thinkin with the right head:p For now, just have fun. Get out with friends, and try to forget about her. The best thing imo is to picture yourself with another woman. gl man. and in the infamous words of our former President, "I feel your pain";)
Give the military a chance. Free, or low cost education and lots of travel. Now, if you don't go off and get stupid and join the jarhead Marines (BTW, one of my sons is a Marine, so don't get jumpy), or the grunt Army, you can find a decent time in the Air Force, maybe even in the Navy. Some of the best times of my life were in the military. I've seen the world and worked to get 3 college degrees that Uncle Sam mostly paid for. Even if you don't stay after one enlistment, it will change you life in many positive ways. Like I said, though, stay away from the war stuff.
If you think you have no time now, wait until you REALLY step foot into the real world as an accountant.

You'll be fine. You're 19. Enjoy life and don't put so much pressure on yourself because before you know it, you're 33 like me asking where the time went. :D
Ok well lets see here im 21 i work full time for a pharmacutical company my hours suck for getting anything done or having close to a normal life i work from 4pm-12:15am but i have to leave my house at 1:40pm to make it to work in time and have some dinner before going up on the floor. I make $26.75 n hr and i am forced to work everyother saturday or put 8 hrs in on the week. not only this but im trying to keep a awsome relationship with my gf. Shes working out fine. But my ex she needed too much of my time that i could not give her so we broke up. of course i banged her friends but i didnt get cought hehehe. My insurence is high becouse i have 10 pts on my nj liscense. this next ins season should be better becouse i now only have 4 pts. ummmm my grandmom died june last year and shortyl after in august i lost my grandfather in a automobile accident that almost took out my grandmom and cousin. Grandmother held on in icu untill recently april 6th she passed away. i have one set of grandparents left and a sprare one. thank god i had 3 sets of grandparents to start out with. i am currently trying to get a job at a closer company called teva pharmecuticals.
yea soooo talk to your ex post some pics too of both girls hehehe.
ummm so how was her friend maybe you should try to get with her sounds like shes pretty wild.

sorry for any typing errors i too work late and typing when i wake up is not great.

ok so we will call this the mylife forum everyone rant whats wrong in their life here
NJ95MARK8 said:
I make $26.75 n hr

lucky you!

NJ95MARK8 said:
My insurence is high becouse i have 10 pts on my nj liscense.

go join the fd. get a badge, and quit. youll never get a ticket again.
damn looks liek im not the only one with problems :(, anyways thanks for the replys guys.. ill keep my head up and stay strong ;)
Hey brotha. I agree with paulownian. Give the USAF a chance. The last ten years of my life in the service have been the best of my life. I have seen so much of the world. 99% of which has been not only free but I actually got paid more to have a great time in many wonderful countries. I have recieved HUGE amounts of training and my college education hasn't cost me a dime. I regularly have people offer me jobs based soley on my work but I have chosen to make the Air Force a career.

Give it a look my friend. You may be suprised.

As for the women. Hey, what can be said that hasn't already been. We've all been burned before and that's just life. The only thing I can tell you is that after 29 years on this earth I have learned that the idea of "the one" is BS. There isn't a "Mrs. Right" but there are a whole lot of "Mrs. Right Now". Love is more about availability than anything else. Feel the right way at the right time with the right woman and "bingo". Relationship.

I guess what I'm trying to say is...don't fret too much. The moment you cease to care about hooking up with someone will.

Peace out and take care.
FreeFaller said:
Hey brotha. I agree with paulownian. Give the USAF a chance. The last ten years of my life in the service have been the best of my life. I have seen so much of the world. 99% of which has been not only free but I actually got paid more to have a great time in many wonderful countries. I have recieved HUGE amounts of training and my college education hasn't cost me a dime. I regularly have people offer me jobs based soley on my work but I have chosen to make the Air Force a career.

Give it a look my friend. You may be suprised.

As for the women. Hey, what can be said that hasn't already been. We've all been burned before and that's just life. The only thing I can tell you is that after 29 years on this earth I have learned that the idea of "the one" is BS. There isn't a "Mrs. Right" but there are a whole lot of "Mrs. Right Now". Love is more about availability than anything else. Feel the right way at the right time with the right woman and "bingo". Relationship.

I guess what I'm trying to say is...don't fret too much. The moment you cease to care about hooking up with someone will.

Peace out and take care.

Spoken WAY past his years.

The one thing that I found is good things come around usually when you are not looking or expecting them. It's kind of the watched pot thing. "A watched Pot never boils".

School is a good choice. If accounting is what you like, if you like the numbers thing go for it.... Also, If nothing else just start college, make sure your electives you take give you an option to see what is in other fields. Just because you start out as an accountant doesn't mean you will graduate at one.

Go take an interest inventory. Most colleges have a place where you can evaluate what you are go at or interested in. See what they have to offer.

Don't stay stuck in a miserable job. I know the job situation isn't the best right now and good jobs are scarce (but you job has to be better than working at DA Wal-Mart, but look around.

Military is always an option! Also gets you into shape! (except the air force you know they are kind of soft) Just Kidding Steve!! Please don't bomb my house.... worse yet my Mark VIII.

Good Luck

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