My Lincoln Was Stolen!


Dedicated LVC Member
May 8, 2004
Reaction score
Saint Marys
Right out of my yard....

Cops found it 300 miles away upstate NY... on the thruway it was a 100+ mph chase and the Chase Cars could not keep up with the Hot Rod Lincoln.. so they called in a helicopter... and the dumb :q:q:q:q thought he got away.. pulled it in to a warehouse in the woods where the Police found about 14 other lincolns... mostly LS's ... Guess the guy wanted a real sports car this time...

Got it back last night. (Stolen on Wednesday Morning)

The Chase exceeded that of 140mph, (Why did they get rid of the Governors on the 98's?)

Suspension hurts,
Serpentine Belt Squeels like a pig

But it made the trip into Manhattan this morning

And those codes the cops write all over the car and windows really don't come off via a "Car Wash" as I was told... I had to razor blade off all the "20050625 Recover" logos!
Glad to see you get her back. Most times you either never get them back, or in pieces. Way to go Hot Rod Lincoln! :Beer
Wow, insane story! Glad to hear you got it back! How did they drive it with all of those special controls?
Wow, that's crazy! Good to hear you got it back.
Tell me out of curiosty the factory alarm'' what role did it play on the theft? I know it's factory but did it do anything at all? like shut the fuel down as they claim. Or it was your own theft system that failed? the reason i am asking it case i might have to consider replacing factory theft system.
Glad you got your car back, only a Lincoln could handle those speeds.
I'm glad they caught the prick. Nothing will boil my blood temperature more than a theif. Send that crook to "pound-me-in-the-ass" prison!
Ahh Hottweelz you need to move like re-locate!!! This with your New Years Eve story. You could have your own Cops show.

Glad your cars is back and in one piece. Take care man!

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