my mark VIII

Yeah seriously...sounds like -something- isn't new need to find which part it is, and make it new again
Took it for a ride,,,,starting off at a light,,felt like a chatter or shudder, (( ,,,,
Since you are getting the hazing treatment I will help. Search for transmission or converter shutter. Changing the fluid to Mercon V fixes it. Also, if you have never replaced the 1-2 acumulator piston and springs, do so (another search). Welcome to LVC.
Oh, he was looking for help? I thought he was just sharing. Didn't see a question mark..... or a question. :lol:
Oh, he was looking for help? I thought he was just sharing. Didn't see a question mark..... or a question. :lol:

I honestly don't know, but I was at dinner and bored:D
marked 8,, thanks,,,, for the reply,as far you you other idiots what comes around goes around,, , Thats what I read,,mine does it now then ,from a stand still or around 25 30 mph,,,,
Do the number of commas separating each thought fragment signify something? And what's with the random parenthesese stuck on the end? An artistic flourish? Wouldn't single periods be easier?
marked 8,, thanks,,,, for the reply,as far you you other idiots what comes around goes around,, , Thats what I read,,mine does it now then ,from a stand still or around 25 30 mph,,,,

Hello Pot, have you met Kettle?

Do the number of commas separating each thought fragment signify something? And what's with the random parenthesese stuck on the end? An artistic flourish? Wouldn't single periods be easier?

In cellphones when using the "," it allows for a tone pause. In Toms case it may be due to mental retardation. :lol:
Im still waiting for him to show me a pic of "(HIS) Mark VIII", i come in this thread everytime someone posts something hoping to see a new mark 8, this thread has officially failed, especially seeing how only two people have asked questions.

no lazer he was not looking for help, just telling us his car is not working correctly, he stated something to the matter of.... my teeth hurt hurt when i chew on rocks.

Frog... yes Tom is definatley an idiot. He insisted on using a lot of coma's in te middle of a sentence, it was really funny when i copied and pasted his jumble of words and had my computer say them

and marcus you asked to many questions for me to answer
Hey there Tommy boy!!! People on here (including myself) will bust balls so you better have thick skin or take your bat and ball and GO HOME!!!!
Ya Im,, Tommy boy big guy in a little coat,,,

Hey there Tommy boy!!! People on here (including myself) will bust balls so you better have thick skin or take your bat and ball and GO HOME!!!!

Hey guys .I like joking around like everyone else,but I figured you guys had these marks,,and knew about them,,Im an old guy, Iv had a lot of lincolns in my time but they were old school,,,,,,,Im new to this mark III,,,,,,and I was never one to take my bat and go home,I would rather stay and smack someone with the bat,,,,

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