I just spent ....*goes to get the reciept*.....956.79. That was just on Base, Clear, and the required additives. (reducer, hardener, flex-additive)
You got a good job from what I can tell through the pictures, and you should be very happy with it. I'm getting ready to start re-painting the 95 to Bright Amber Metallic. The car is being reduced to Weekend/Show status from now on, and the paint will show it. I've stripped it down completely to fix ALL of the flaws in the body.
The passenger-side door is being replaced, and both front fenders are as well. I'm doing the bodywork myself, and paying a local shop here in my area to use their new paint booth. By the time i'm done I'll have gone through a few packs of 2000 grit wet/dry paper, and a couple gallons of 3M auto polish.
Was your final top coat wet sanded? If not..... ask how many coats they put on it. If 4 or more...I would take it and have EVERYTHING wet sanded and then polished. You'll be AMAZED at the difference.
You repainted to garnet red.......i'm getting away from it. (Looks too pink to me.)
EDIT.......Do you know what brand of Paint they used? I'm thinking they used something like Omni AU. It's a good brand for the price.