my trip home, pics


Speed Bump
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bloomington, MN
So I finally moved back to Minnesota, it’s a 24-hour drive. Well it took me about 50 hours. It started out fine I left Daytona about noon on Monday and spent the night in Atlanta the next day I get up late and get on the road about 9 am. So I’m driving and my check air ride message came on so I stopped and saw that the front driver side sensor broke off on the bottom of the sensor. So I get some way to red neck rig it and I am on my way.

I get to Mt Vernon Illinois and I get gas there and I noticed I have cord showing on my pass front tire, so I get that fixed.

No here is the worst part I get to El Paso ill and I was doing about 70 when I get in the left lane to get past a truck and there is this 6x6x24 bored in the road. I dint have time to react, I hit it with my drivers front the hole car goes a foot in the air and the engine stalls,

I manage to regain control of the car and bring it to a stop. After dealing with the state trooper the flat bed shows up and we head back to a ford dealership. (Keep in mind this 10:00pm last night). So he drops the car off in the service bay. We get it over to a lift and look at the damage, the strut tower has a hole in it from the control arm going through it, part of the sub frame is damaged and the hydraulic for the hood was bent and broken.

We removed the inner fender (course that was deserted) and get the spare on there then we try to figure out why the car wouldn’t start, than I realized the inertia switch, flipped it and the car started right up. Got out of there for 70 bucks.

I had to drive 450 miles on that donut, so now the car sits in my driveway on jack stands taken apart. It looks like some fuel lines got smashed so I need to replace them with steal breaded lines and the fuel pump as long as the tank is down,

Now I need to find the money to get my cobra R's and some kumo's. Of course I’m driving on 3 nice rims and I need to find a t-bird rim for now.

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the amazing thing is even though the rim looks like that it dint pop, nor did the air bags go off, so i think I'm lucky
holy crap thats nuckin futs

glad to hear your okay.

what :q:q:q:qty luck though

pants are clean but alot of choice words where said, after i got back on the road i put in master of pupets and turnd it up all the way, made me feel a little bit better.

if that tire blew i would have been alot worse off, allways where your seat belt. i thank god i allways do .
That sucks man. Don't you love Illinois State Troopers? Prolly gave you a rationing of :q:q:q:q did'nt they? Iv'e had nothing but bad luck with them, My older brother is a trooper with district 20, and I havent talked to him in a few years, because of his attitude.

Sorry to hear about your car. Wish I could help you out.
Wow your lucky thats all that happened it could have been worse.
I hope your luck gets better Florida to Minesota??? Wow that must took a lot of thinking :eek2:
Markviiiedrea said:
pants are clean but alot of choice words where said, after i got back on the road i put in master of pupets and turnd it up all the way, made me feel a little bit better.

if that tire blew i would have been alot worse off, allways where your seat belt. i thank god i allways do .
Metallica helps, but holy :q:q:q:q!!!
Well I was moving because I am done with college, and I am living in my mom’s basement (insert stereo type here).

Unfortunately I only had one Metallica CD with me for the trip so I listed to it all the way home, course my Sirius was not working right

I was so looking forward to go cruising with my friends too, I moved to fl and got the Lincoln and haven’t been home in 2 years, so I was really excited for this week end, DOH! It looks like I will be driving the truck around this weekend.
A little off topic, but very nice routing of the motorsport wires.Looks clean.
thank god u did get control of the car, u could have gone right off the road and that woulda been the last of that
I have a wrecked 96. I am a little ways away in west michigan, but if you were to come down I would give you the parts you need for free, you pull them.
well I got some nice Lincoln rims and tires for 300 bucks, but thank you though, i still need a hood support and inner fender for the drivers font. There real easy to get off.

there is some one in here that has the same rims as i had on there before, well since i have only 3 good ones now, I’m keeping 2 of them for slicks and wanted to know if this person want's the one good one for a spare or i can sell you them for slicks, what ever, i will give you a real good deal. PM me.

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