Nancy Pelosi says Terrorists and Americans are the same


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
President Hillary Clinton
Vice-President Bill Clinton
Secretary of State Al Gore
Secretary of Defense John Kerry

Has a nice ring to it, eh!
MonsterMark said:
House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
President Hillary Clinton
Vice-President Bill Clinton
Secretary of State Al Gore
Secretary of Defense John Kerry

Has a nice ring to it, eh!

You forgot to entitle that, "The beginning of the end for the United States of America."
fossten said:
You forgot to entitle that, "The beginning of the end for the United States of America."
Trust me, if we survived 4 years of that, Republicans would have control over all branches of government for another 50 years.
MonsterMark said:
Trust me, if we survived 4 years of that, Republicans would have control over all branches of government for another 50 years.

Bryan, I understand what you're trying to say, but it worries me when people wish harm on this country if only to teach idiots a lesson.

First of all, the far left will NEVER learn their lesson. They don't wish to learn anything, they only wish their power back AT ANY COST.

Secondly, we are now and will for decades be paying for the mistakes of electing Clinton to office. The damage that a bunch like Hillary and Pelosi could do to this country would REQUIRE 50 years of Conservative Republican control JUST TO FIX THE DAMAGE.
MonsterMark said:
House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
President Hillary Clinton
Vice-President Bill Clinton
Secretary of State Al Gore
Secretary of Defense John Kerry

Has a nice ring to it, eh!

Damn Bryan that is going to give me nightmares for a week. :eek:
fossten said:
Bryan, I understand what you're trying to say, but it worries me when people wish harm on this country if only to teach idiots a lesson.

It is my opinion that you are wrong on this one.

Surely I do not 'want' any harm to come to this great Country in any form.

However, let the lesson of 1992-1993 teach us something. We let the Libs back into the drivers seat back in '92. They promptly thru the car in reverse. People said woah, and in 1994 Bill Clinton handed the House and eventually the Senate to the Republicans. As usual the changes enacted in '94 took a couple of years to filter thru so in the meantime Clinton is barely re-elected again in '96 despite the good fortune of having the latest industrial revolution called the Internet grow right under his feet. People surely didn't want leftist propaganda programs and I think they were simply 'entertained' with slick Willie and stocks were up, etc etc, so why rock the horse.

Again, as usual, Americans have a short memory. 9/11 happened only a few short years ago. Many people are living with a pre-9/11 mentality that I find extremely dangerous. We are getting trapped on the path with the peaceniks leading the way, only to once again be lulled to sleep, and only to be rudely awakened again.

So part of me says let's let them have unfiltered access to the US government again. Let's see all the programs in action. Let's see the foreign policy in action. Let's see how bad things will really get. Only at that point will people finally say enough is enough.

If we were to be unfortunately attacked again under the Dems leadership, the US and the world would see how dangerous their policies of 'cut and jog' and 'turn the other cheek' really are.

Republicans would once again sweep to power with huge gains in all sectors of the government and the libs would finally be pushed under the bleachers where they belong.

All I have time for.

Long story short....We haven't obviously learned our lesson yet so it appears to me that the world will need to 'teach' us before we finally get it thru our thick heads. Face it, the world has changed forever.

I laugh when I hear guys like Dean and Murtha and Pelosi and Reid bithc about how much the war has cost. It is a drop in the bucket compared to the damages that will occur (physically, emotionally, monetarily) throughout our Country when the next attack happens. You'll see what is left of our 'liberties' disappear overnight if the Dems are in control when it happens.
MonsterMark, You state that as unfortunate as it may be, an attack on our soil while Democrats are in power is the only way for America to wake up and see that the 'Rights' policies are the only way to go, correct?

Hypothetically speaking, what would you say if America was attacked tomorrow or if a Republican wins in 2008 an attack happens while he is in office?
There is a profound difference between a government that gets hit while ambitiously carrying out a war against terrorism. And one that endulges in idealistic liberal policy.

Another attack is very possible and it's nearly impossible to prevent any/all attacks. But the mere fact we've gone since 2001 without another attack is amazing. I remember 9/11, I remember watching the clock worried we'd see another wave of attacks three hours later on the West coast. And I also remember thinking that world was changed and that we'd see many more of these attacks in the coming years.

That hasn't happened, despite the subversive efforts of organizations like the New York Times and the Democrat Party.
MonsterMark said:
It is my opinion that you are wrong on this one.

Surely I do not 'want' any harm to come to this great Country in any form.

However, let the lesson of 1992-1993 teach us something. We let the Libs back into the drivers seat back in '92. They promptly thru the car in reverse. People said woah, and in 1994 Bill Clinton handed the House and eventually the Senate to the Republicans. As usual the changes enacted in '94 took a couple of years to filter thru so in the meantime Clinton is barely re-elected again in '96 despite the good fortune of having the latest industrial revolution called the Internet grow right under his feet. People surely didn't want leftist propaganda programs and I think they were simply 'entertained' with slick Willie and stocks were up, etc etc, so why rock the horse.

Again, as usual, Americans have a short memory. 9/11 happened only a few short years ago. Many people are living with a pre-9/11 mentality that I find extremely dangerous. We are getting trapped on the path with the peaceniks leading the way, only to once again be lulled to sleep, and only to be rudely awakened again.

So part of me says let's let them have unfiltered access to the US government again. Let's see all the programs in action. Let's see the foreign policy in action. Let's see how bad things will really get. Only at that point will people finally say enough is enough.

If we were to be unfortunately attacked again under the Dems leadership, the US and the world would see how dangerous their policies of 'cut and jog' and 'turn the other cheek' really are.

Republicans would once again sweep to power with huge gains in all sectors of the government and the libs would finally be pushed under the bleachers where they belong.

All I have time for.

Long story short....We haven't obviously learned our lesson yet so it appears to me that the world will need to 'teach' us before we finally get it thru our thick heads. Face it, the world has changed forever.

I laugh when I hear guys like Dean and Murtha and Pelosi and Reid bithc about how much the war has cost. It is a drop in the bucket compared to the damages that will occur (physically, emotionally, monetarily) throughout our Country when the next attack happens. You'll see what is left of our 'liberties' disappear overnight if the Dems are in control when it happens.

I understand your point, and the only part I disagree with is the cross-purpose of hoping it happens so that the liberals REALLY get spanked.

It isn't worth it. What if a major U.S. city is nuked because our country is weakened by liberal rule? That can ONLY make things worse. You'll have martial law instituted around the country if that happens. Nuclear fallout. Our economy is crippled because of it. Riots. Mass chaos. What if it's a city where you have relatives? Something like that would change everything. It might even hurt our government to the point of not being able to respond appropriately. Look how bad things got during Katrina.

You'd also have a massive outcry of fear concerning offending muslims. People would be so afraid of that, our freedom of speech would be virtually wiped out.

I doubt you'll be saying, "Hey, we'll really take the next election now."
fossten said:
I understand your point, and the only part I disagree with is the cross-purpose of hoping it happens so that the liberals REALLY get spanked.

We agree on this point. Actually on your whole post.

Here's the rub.

With the liberal media still in control and I would argue 'currently running amok' in their hatred of this administration and their desperation to get back into power; coupled that with the fact that the American electorate is incredibly stupid and naive, and we have just created a very dangerous potion. The American people are too stupid to realize how dangerous the Dems policies are. The Democratic Party of today is NOT the Democratic Party of the 40's and 50's. But people have been brainwashed for so long and people are so intellectually lazy (watch any Jay Leno 'Jaywalking' episode) and you will see we have create a culture of ambivalence and a plethora of downright stupid people that listen to polls and the twisted medias 10 second sound bites.

Hence the need for another cataclysmic event to finally 'wake' these robots up. We have to be the world's policeman. It is our duty if we want this world to be safe for all it's inhabitants. It is our burden to bear because we are the only ones morally capable (I'll through in England and Australia) to understand the evil that lurks in the world. If we as a Country continue down our slippery slope to godliness, the game is over. We'll have guys like John Kerry and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean, all without morality, running the show and then watch out. They are always doves when out of power but when in power, they become very dangerous hawks. They bark but don't have the bite. We will posture and someone will call our bluff. Boom, we'll get hit, the Dems will freeze in their tracts and our enemy will hold us hostage for whatever they want, and we will appease them in a vain attempt to minimize the damages.

I hope the Dems take a lesson from the Israelis. Act, don't talk.
Calabrio said:
There is a profound difference between a government that gets hit while ambitiously carrying out a war against terrorism. And one that endulges in idealistic liberal policy.

It is a sad commentary of the liberal vs conservative debate that that needs to be pointed out.
MonsterMark said:
We agree on this point. Actually on your whole post.

Here's the rub.

With the liberal media still in control and I would argue 'currently running amok' in their hatred of this administration and their desperation to get back into power; coupled that with the fact that the American electorate is incredibly stupid and naive, and we have just created a very dangerous potion. The American people are too stupid to realize how dangerous the Dems policies are. The Democratic Party of today is NOT the Democratic Party of the 40's and 50's. But people have been brainwashed for so long and people are so intellectually lazy (watch any Jay Leno 'Jaywalking' episode) and you will see we have create a culture of ambivalence and a plethora of downright stupid people that listen to polls and the twisted medias 10 second sound bites.

Hence the need for another cataclysmic event to finally 'wake' these robots up. We have to be the world's policeman. It is our duty if we want this world to be safe for all it's inhabitants. It is our burden to bear because we are the only ones morally capable (I'll through in England and Australia) to understand the evil that lurks in the world. If we as a Country continue down our slippery slope to godliness, the game is over. We'll have guys like John Kerry and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean, all without morality, running the show and then watch out. They are always doves when out of power but when in power, they become very dangerous hawks. They bark but don't have the bite. We will posture and someone will call our bluff. Boom, we'll get hit, the Dems will freeze in their tracts and our enemy will hold us hostage for whatever they want, and we will appease them in a vain attempt to minimize the damages.

I hope the Dems take a lesson from the Israelis. Act, don't talk.

I'll concede your point that not everyone is awake to our danger yet. I would like you to reconsider your opinion about Americans in general being stupid sheep. I think you're reacting in part to the polls, which you also contend are skewed toward the liberals. Look, if they're skewing the polls, then they're creating a phony sense of reality for themselves, which will bite them in the rear come November. Look how arrogant and confident they are that they're going to win.

The '04 election showed that the 'silent majority' of Americans (who never get polled, by the way) speak up loudly when called upon to make decisions for the good of the country. I think the '06 election will be more of the same.

If the Dems take over the Congress/Senate this November, then I'll concede that point to you and silently hope something drastic wakes up the country. I'm not ready to believe that the same people that elected Bush and the Repubs in '04 are all dead or sleeping.

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