Dedicated LVC Member
Welcome! You have entered [The LVC Lounge] at 9:17 pm
[Jamler3] 9:17 pm: Yo... LVC Crazies...
[Jamler3] 9:18 pm: WHAT UP Y'ALL
[Black87LSC] 9:18 pm: whats up jamler?
[Jamler3] 9:18 pm: Hey Black... We'll see you Sunday ?
[Black87LSC] 9:18 pm: sunday....
[Black87LSC] 9:18 pm: ?
[Jamler3] 9:18 pm: What color is your VII
[Black87LSC] 9:18 pm: black
[juan rodrigo] 9:18 pm: jim i need to have all interested in the clusters to e-mail me
[brentalan] 9:19 pm: sup
[Black87LSC] 9:19 pm: whats on sunday?
[The LVC Lounge]: Cubster has entered at 9:19 pm
[Cubster] 9:19 pm: Hi guys
[Jamler3] 9:19 pm:
[Black87LSC] 9:19 pm: hey cubster
[Jamler3] 9:20 pm: OK Erirc
[Jamler3] 9:20 pm: I'll arrange for that
[Jamler3] 9:20 pm: Do you have a list who provided a $20 Deposite??????
[juan rodrigo] 9:20 pm: please do to my knowledge there have been only 2 preorders
[juan rodrigo] 9:20 pm: on my pay pal account
[Cubster] 9:21 pm: brent, go to discbrakesrus.com click customers photo
[Jamler3] 9:21 pm: OK... I know of at least 2...
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:21 pm: hello, all
[Jamler3] 9:21 pm: Brent did you provide a 20 Cluster....
[juan rodrigo] 9:21 pm: its so funny seeing my cluster on there sight
[juan rodrigo] 9:21 pm: brent has a gen1
[juan rodrigo] 9:21 pm: no?
[brentalan] 9:22 pm: nah, I have a gen2
[Jamler3] 9:22 pm: Hey Eric... Thats all of our cluster... Gen-2ers anyway
[Cubster] 9:22 pm: Eric, whats your problem w/ me ?
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:22 pm: Jamler, do you have more pictures of your car? I'm a fan of the
midnight greay
[brentalan] 9:22 pm: I am broke though....
[Black87LSC] 9:22 pm: oooooo jamler i cant make that 1
[juan rodrigo] 9:22 pm: whats my problem with you?
[Jamler3] 9:22 pm: Yeah... Haven't posted many...
[juan rodrigo] 9:22 pm: absolutely nothing
[Cubster] 9:22 pm: yes
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:22 pm: so any New England guys here?
[Black87LSC] 9:23 pm: im just reregistering the VII tomorrow, wanna make sure theres
no bugs
[Cubster] 9:23 pm: well last week I said Hi, you totally avoided me
[Jamler3] 9:23 pm: Cubster is NE
[Black87LSC] 9:23 pm: me 2
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:23 pm: where are you from, Cubster
[Cubster] 9:23 pm: Mass here
[Cubster] 9:23 pm: Brockton
[Jamler3] 9:23 pm: Hes' from MASS too cubby
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:24 pm: I'm from Western MA, where abouts are you Cubster?
[juan rodrigo] 9:24 pm: sorry cubby dint see yah joey was pming me
[juan rodrigo] 9:24 pm: over and over to leave
[Black87LSC] 9:24 pm: nick, is that worcester meet serious?
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:24 pm: I'm trying to pull something together, but I am trying to see
where and when people want to meet
[Black87LSC] 9:24 pm: im VERY interested in going
[Jamler3] 9:25 pm: Worcester...
[Jamler3] 9:25 pm: I know that area
[Cubster] 9:25 pm: your mistaken Eric, what I said was, " I didn't understand WHY some
threads stayed & some were displaced
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:25 pm: I know a good number of people are, but not many have
responded yet
[The LVC Lounge]: Joeychgo has entered at 9:25 pm
[Jamler3] 9:25 pm: I used to travel on Business to Fall Riv and New Bedford
[Joeychgo] 9:25 pm: Hello everyone
[Jamler3] 9:25 pm: JOEY......
[The LVC Lounge]: juan rodrigo has left at 9:25 pm
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:25 pm: oh cool, I have a friend who lives in Fall River
[Black87LSC] 9:25 pm: y Joey
[Black87LSC] 9:25 pm: *hey
[Cubster] 9:26 pm: I'd love to have a New England meet !!!!!!!!
[Cubster] 9:26 pm: Hi Joe
[Black87LSC] 9:26 pm: me too!
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:26 pm: where are you from, Cubster?
[Cubster] 9:26 pm: Brockton Ma
[brentalan] 9:26 pm: Whats up
[Jamler3] 9:27 pm: Yo Brent, How ya doing man
[brentalan] 9:27 pm: good
[Joeychgo] 9:27 pm: everyone all ready for the weekend?
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:27 pm: that sounds familiar. Is it by Boston
[Cubster] 9:27 pm: brent , did you go to discbrakesrus.com ?
[brentalan] 9:27 pm: not yet sorry
[Cubster] 9:27 pm: South of bos
[Cubster] 9:28 pm: check out my car w/ the brakes
[brentalan] 9:29 pm: CUBBY - NICE!
[Cubster] 9:29 pm: ty
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:31 pm: OK, it looks like we have a number of guys from the Boston area
and a few guys from Western MA and Connecticut
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:31 pm: Worcester looks like a good halfway point
[Jamler3] 9:31 pm: I am ready for the weekend
[Black87LSC] 9:31 pm: sweet!
[Jamler3] 9:31 pm: Problem is......... Its only Wed
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:32 pm: Where do you guys think we should meet, a restaurant?
[Cubster] 9:32 pm: You won't believe what I did today......... I e-mailed Chip Foose about
my car
[Slow91z] 9:32 pm: oooh chip
[Cubster] 9:32 pm: yup
[Jamler3] 9:32 pm: NO #$%^&* cubby
[Jamler3] 9:32 pm: Cool...
[Cubster] 9:32 pm: I did
[Jamler3] 9:32 pm: Can't wait to see the brakes
[Jamler3] 9:32 pm: you did Chrome Powder on the Cali's right?
[Cubster] 9:32 pm: Saturday
[Black87LSC] 9:32 pm: worcester is perfect
[Cubster] 9:33 pm: yuppers
[Cubster] 9:33 pm: rotors too
[The LVC Lounge]: Slow91z has left at 9:33 pm
[Jamler3] 9:33 pm: Powder Rotors????
[Cubster] 9:34 pm: yes
[Jamler3] 9:34 pm: OMG
[Cubster] 9:34 pm: you'll see
[Jamler3] 9:34 pm: Looking forward to seeing it Sun
[Cubster] 9:34 pm: No RUST.........EVER
[Jamler3] 9:34 pm: Weather is gonna be nice too guys
[Cubster] 9:35 pm: Anyone else from mass going Sunday ?
[Black87LSC] 9:36 pm: no i am reregistering the mark tomorrow, wanna drive it a little,
make sure theres no bugs
[Joeychgo] 9:36 pm: ILL Be there - so will Jibit
[Black87LSC] 9:36 pm: wish i could go
[brentalan] 9:36 pm: Who is Chip Foose?
[Black87LSC] 9:37 pm: omg!!!!
[Cubster] 9:37 pm: lol
[Cubster] 9:38 pm: Have you ever watched Overhaulin
[brentalan] 9:38 pm: no
[Cubster] 9:38 pm: He's the #1 fabricater in Ca
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:39 pm: I like his designs for the most part. Clean and in keeping with
the original design
[Cubster] 9:40 pm: No one better than him, ( my opinion )
[Black87LSC] 9:40 pm: very clean looking
[Cubster] 9:40 pm: yes
[The LVC Lounge]: mk8mx5 has entered at 9:41 pm
[Cubster] 9:41 pm: Hi mk
[Joeychgo] 9:41 pm: I did a count, it looks like alot of LSs are coming Sunday
[Joeychgo] 9:41 pm: Hi MK
[Cubster] 9:41 pm: great
[brentalan] 9:41 pm: So you e-mailed Chip
[Joeychgo] 9:41 pm: Should be a good crowd
[brentalan] 9:41 pm: what did you tell this guy?
[Cubster] 9:41 pm: yup
[brentalan] 9:42 pm: I didn't check yet, are directions posted?
[Cubster] 9:42 pm: Joe, have you spoken to anyone at Carlisle ?
[Joeychgo] 9:42 pm: No - talked to Jamler about it
[The LVC Lounge]: MeNmyMarkVIII has entered at 9:42 pm
[Joeychgo] 9:42 pm: Ill set it up if we have enough in
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:43 pm: Hi Guys
[Cubster] 9:43 pm: I'm sure everyone will want it
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:43 pm: Man, gotta tell ya screen to screen ya all are the best
[Cubster] 9:43 pm: lol, ty
[Joeychgo] 9:44 pm: I got about a week to register the club, if there is enough interest
[The LVC Lounge]: mk8mx5 has left at 9:44 pm
[Joeychgo] 9:44 pm: im not gonna do it for 5 people ,
[Cubster] 9:44 pm: Jesus Joe, do it, if Eric can you surely can
[The LVC Lounge]: 67Continental has entered at 9:44 pm
[Cubster] 9:45 pm: I think more
[Joeychgo] 9:45 pm: gee, thanks
[67Continental] 9:45 pm: #$%^&* car is leaking
[Joeychgo] 9:45 pm: leaking what
[Cubster] 9:45 pm: are byou driving up ?
[67Continental] 9:45 pm: i have noidea from where. it;s all along far right of the headliner
on the passenger side
[67Continental] 9:45 pm: sorry, leaking when it rains
[67Continental] 9:45 pm: it extis at the rear window above the pasenger rear seat
[Cubster] 9:45 pm: close the windows
[Black87LSC] 9:46 pm: lol
[Cubster] 9:46 pm: lol
[67Continental] 9:46 pm: i looked under the headliner and found that part of the seal for
the rear windshield was missing
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:46 pm: daz cold - but good
[67Continental] 9:46 pm: sealed that up, but it's still leaking
[67Continental] 9:46 pm: from elsewhere. i am thinking the passenger side door
[67Continental] 9:46 pm: it's really frustrating
[Jamler3] 9:46 pm: 67 Conti, you comin Sunday?
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:46 pm: I'd post your problem on thelincolnforum.net
[Black87LSC] 9:46 pm: that sucks
[67Continental] 9:46 pm: sunday? no, that would be an 8 hour trip for me, so i really
can't. i wish i could
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:46 pm: there are many more people familiar with the older cars
[67Continental] 9:47 pm: it's not all that old - i am talking about my 94 mark 8
[Joeychgo] 9:47 pm: ha
[Joeychgo] 9:47 pm:
[67Continental] 9:47 pm: but thanks for telling me about that site
[Jamler3] 9:47 pm: ND4 and Black87... Hook up with Cubby and build a Cavalcade to
[67Continental] 9:47 pm: it iwll be useful for my restoration
[67Continental] 9:47 pm: i dont think it's the sunroof, but i can;t be sure
[67Continental] 9:48 pm: sorry to dominate the chat room guys
[67Continental] 9:48 pm: just so frustrated
[Black87LSC] 9:48 pm: its out for me as im recovering from mono 2
[Black87LSC] 9:48 pm: ughh
[Jamler3] 9:48 pm: Won't find many other sites that have more info than this on the
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:48 pm: My 94 was leaking on the pasgr. rear side, but it was from the
top of the window - thought it was from a little body work I had done, but it wasn't bad
[Jamler3] 9:48 pm: Especially the VIII
[Jamler3] 9:48 pm: Or VII for that matter
[67Continental] 9:48 pm: i am going to seal the rear window from the outside as well
[Jamler3] 9:49 pm: MeNmyMark... Are you coming Sunday to NJ??????
[Joeychgo] 9:49 pm: check the sunroof too -
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:49 pm: I'd love to go to the meet, but I have final exams starting that
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:49 pm: how the heck could half the seal be "missing"?
[Jamler3] 9:49 pm: OK...
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:49 pm: a road trip to NJ would just take too much time
[Cubster] 9:49 pm: I think I'd try keeping my windows closed
[67Continental] 9:49 pm: i guess i will just pour water on the sunroof and see if it leaks
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:49 pm: I think I am 4 hours away
[67Continental] 9:49 pm: i put the hose on the rear window and it did leak
[Black87LSC] 9:49 pm: i wouldnt mind the ride
[67Continental] 9:49 pm: and sealed that to the best of my ability from inside
[Jamler3] 9:49 pm: Gotcha ND4... I've got 2 Grad degrees... I understand completely!!!!!
[67Continental] 9:50 pm: but it;s still leaking and looks like it's from the same area, but a
second spot
[67Continental] 9:50 pm: man
[Joeychgo] 9:50 pm: Im 15 hours away and im coming
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:50 pm: maybe you could have a window show remove the window and
reseal it completely
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:50 pm: I wish - right now I don't even have a ride - still looking - just
dropped that one off at the dealers last night sounds like fun though - where is it
[Jamler3] 9:50 pm: 4 hours away in a Lincoln Mark VIII
[Jamler3] 9:50 pm: Unfortunately Joey had to take a Bird!!!!!
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:50 pm: congrats, Jamler. It's not easy.
[Black87LSC] 9:50 pm: im prob 5 hours away maybe a little more
[Jamler3] 9:51 pm: Nope... Lots of work.. But I actually miss it
[The LVC Lounge]: 67Continental has left at 9:51 pm
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:51 pm: I'd be in a VII. It was one of my childhood dream cars. A 97-98
LSC is on the list though in black or midnight gray or maybe silver with cobra R wheels
[The LVC Lounge]: ONEBADMK8 has entered at 9:52 pm
[ONEBADMK8] 9:52 pm: good gos i am here
[ONEBADMK8] 9:52 pm: happy now
[ONEBADMK8] 9:52 pm: lmaooooooooooooooooo
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:52 pm: I love your car, Jamler
[ONEBADMK8] 9:52 pm: whts up
[ONEBADMK8] 9:52 pm: i am slmmin busy
[Cubster] 9:52 pm: Hi Geno
[ONEBADMK8] 9:52 pm: trying desperately to get the shiop signs up by sunday
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:52 pm: Hi, Geno, do you do custom fabrication?
[Black87LSC] 9:52 pm: nd4 i know where there is a black 97-98 and its been sittin for a
while, i bet they would sell it
[ONEBADMK8] 9:52 pm: im working on the vynil graphics right now as well as a Mopar
[Jamler3] 9:52 pm: Thanks ND4, I owe alot of the credit to Geno.....
[brentalan] 9:52 pm: Hey Gneo
[The LVC Lounge]: pepperman has entered at 9:53 pm
[Jamler3] 9:53 pm: ONEBADMK8...... is Geno... What up Man?
[ONEBADMK8] 9:53 pm: custstuff yes, like what
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:53 pm: I'm interested in some braces for my Mark VII
[ONEBADMK8] 9:53 pm: custom
[Black87LSC] 9:53 pm: its a LSC too
[Jamler3] 9:53 pm: YO PEPPERMAN.... HAPPY B-DAY Dude!!!!!
[pepperman] 9:53 pm: thank you
[ONEBADMK8] 9:53 pm: pepper what up?
[brentalan] 9:53 pm: hi pepperman
[The LVC Lounge]: mcafferty has entered at 9:53 pm
[pepperman] 9:53 pm: not much
[ONEBADMK8] 9:53 pm: i am lining up my Buddy Bobs car or sunday too
[ONEBADMK8] 9:53 pm: very badasssss
[mcafferty] 9:54 pm: hey guys what is up
[ONEBADMK8] 9:54 pm: weather looks good
[ONEBADMK8] 9:54 pm: i hope so or the SUperMark stays home
[mcafferty] 9:54 pm: where you guys from?
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:54 pm: I'd like a shock tower brace in the rear and a rocker panel brace
that connects to subframe connectors
[ONEBADMK8] 9:54 pm: NJ
[Cubster] 9:54 pm: I'm happy about the weather'
[Black87LSC] 9:54 pm: MA
[Jamler3] 9:54 pm: Yeah... Black87 and ND4, we'll have to coordinate something up in NE
[pepperman] 9:54 pm: i wish that i could be there
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:54 pm: MA here
[ONEBADMK8] 9:54 pm: no way on Sunday
[ONEBADMK8] 9:54 pm: no time
[Jamler3] 9:54 pm: MCAFFERTY...... We in NJ
[ONEBADMK8] 9:54 pm: cubby u want that chassis brace?
[Jamler3] 9:55 pm: Where are you??????
[ONEBADMK8] 9:55 pm: New Joizie
[mcafferty] 9:55 pm: what is the best up grade you can do on the ls?
[Black87LSC] 9:55 pm: definately jamler
[mcafferty] 9:55 pm: mn
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:55 pm: Jamler3 love your story man, I am still laughing - I replied to
the thread then logged in here - you going this weekend? anybody coming thru columbus
oh - lol
[ONEBADMK8] 9:55 pm: For the LS we have a cat back system that rocks
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:55 pm: I'd check out the Lincoln LS Owners Club and talk with them
[Jamler3] 9:56 pm: I'm going MeNmyMark... I'll be there Sunday... Yeah, your talking
about the $tealership story right...
[ONEBADMK8] 9:56 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/xx2.wmv
[Jamler3] 9:56 pm: Those Bums...
[ONEBADMK8] 9:56 pm: turn up the speakers
[ONEBADMK8] 9:56 pm: LLSOC is a horde of tools
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:56 pm: yup - das me -
[ONEBADMK8] 9:56 pm: we have a killer ls forum here at LVC
[pepperman] 9:57 pm: that we do
[Jamler3] 9:57 pm: K Cool... Your in Columbus OH hey...?
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:57 pm: dang right - lil ole me jsut walked up in there and got screwed!
[Jamler3] 9:57 pm: You a Clipper Fan???????
[ONEBADMK8] 9:57 pm: hres or family VW Bug with a 427 in the front seat
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:57 pm: Geno, do you have a clip of a Mark VIII with your mufflers?
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:57 pm: yup - party party party
[ONEBADMK8] 9:57 pm: look up
[Jamler3] 9:57 pm: Very Cool......
[ONEBADMK8] 9:57 pm: i just posted th link
[ONEBADMK8] 9:57 pm: xx2 link
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:57 pm: Clip what? You know all we got here is college football
[Jamler3] 9:58 pm: Columbus OH... Clippers... Yankee's Minor League team
[ONEBADMK8] 9:58 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/xx2.wmv
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:58 pm: GO BUCKS - I should have left that dealership when that
moron said he was a michigan fan
[Joeychgo] 9:58 pm:
[Jamler3] 9:58 pm: LOL MeNmy
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:59 pm: Yes, I know thye play on the westside pretty decent fun
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:59 pm: Yeah - I gotta change that name now - to MeN?
[ONEBADMK8] 9:59 pm: joey u get my m i juss sent
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:59 pm: or MeNdatM8
[Joeychgo] 10:00 pm: i got it NICE
[Jamler3] 10:00 pm: Like thatone
[Cubster] 10:00 pm: Joe will be busy getting us a spot at Carlisle
[brentalan] 10:00 pm: that bug is INSANE
[ONEBADMK8] 10:00 pm: yeah the Bug will be there too.
[Cubster] 10:01 pm: brent, did you like the brakes ?
[ONEBADMK8] 10:01 pm: The Bug is a #$%^&* ng hell ride
[ONEBADMK8] 10:01 pm: awsome
[Jamler3] 10:01 pm: Geno... Didn't pick up on the Super Mark Comment
[brentalan] 10:01 pm: Yeah, looks awesome
[Cubster] 10:01 pm: lol
[Jamler3] 10:01 pm: Walt and you gonna bring it?
[Cubster] 10:01 pm: ty
[ONEBADMK8] 10:01 pm: what comment
[Joeychgo] 10:01 pm: Geno - your going to carlisle
[brentalan] 10:01 pm: I can't wait to see them sunday
[Jamler3] 10:01 pm: You bringin the Super MK8
[ONEBADMK8] 10:01 pm: if theres no rain at all ys
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:01 pm: lines going fast tonnight guys - I am trying to bake cookies -
slow down! heheh
[Cubster] 10:01 pm: they look really good
[Jamler3] 10:02 pm: I saw something posted but didnt go back
[Black87LSC] 10:02 pm: I LOVE that bug!!!!!!!!!
[Jamler3] 10:02 pm: OK, Cool
[ONEBADMK8] 10:02 pm: the bug is wild
[ONEBADMK8] 10:02 pm: its scary
[ONEBADMK8] 10:02 pm: and fun
[ONEBADMK8] 10:02 pm: we have had it since 1973
[The LVC Lounge]: mcafferty has left at 10:03 pm
[Cubster] 10:03 pm: Geno, those headers your getting, are they stainless ?
elcome! You have entered [The LVC Lounge] at 10:15 pm
[Jamler3] 10:15 pm: UGH... THAT HURT
[Cubster] 10:15 pm: g/f just came in, gotta go, see y'all Sunday
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:15 pm: dues thing again huh ?
[Jamler3] 10:15 pm: Dumped... Hard
[Cubster] 10:15 pm: lol
[ONEBADMK8] 10:15 pm: 3 pm: I have the Roadrunner running right now Jamler, Ill take
ya for a nw hellride!!
[The LVC Lounge]: Cubster has left at 10:15 pm
[Jamler3] 10:16 pm: HellRide... Nice Preist Ref G...... Yeah.. I'll have to strap my neck in
[Black87LSC] 10:16 pm: lol
[Jamler3] 10:16 pm: I think I suffered some damage from the last ride
[Jamler3] 10:16 pm: Trying to keep the Camera still ..............LOL
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: lol
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: i mean its running RIGHT
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: the spark plugs were SHOT
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: thats all it ws
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: unreal
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: u felt like 500hp
[The LVC Lounge]: ND4SPDLSC has left at 10:17 pm
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: now u will feel the full 650
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: lol
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:17 pm: Jamler3 - gotta go, early day tomorrow - on top of two exams
I've got to find a Mark - I was talking with the silvercasket - but I am not sure, I've got to go
and find the thread again
[Black87LSC] 10:17 pm: cya
[brentalan] 10:17 pm: wow
[Black87LSC] 10:18 pm: a
[brentalan] 10:18 pm: bye!
[ONEBADMK8] 10:18 pm: take care
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:18 pm: night guys - #$%^&* the friggin cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jamler3] 10:18 pm: OK... See ya MeNmyMarkVIII..... good luck on the tests
[pepperman] 10:18 pm: i got to go early work day tommorrow.
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:19 pm: hey - before I take off - when is the best time to log inand
catch you guys? - Oh the tests arn't until next week - it's the stinkingstudying I have to do
[Jamler3] 10:19 pm: Yo Pepps... Keep up wht good work in the Mem section Bro!!
[Black87LSC] 10:19 pm: happy bday pepperman!
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:19 pm: It is for a certification thru my job - stupid computer crap
[Jamler3] 10:19 pm: Every WED Nite at 9:00
[Jamler3] 10:19 pm: We're HERE
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:19 pm: if any of ya hera of a good deal on a 94-95 Mark - drop me a
[Jamler3] 10:19 pm: Computer crap keeps us all runnin!!!!!
[The LVC Lounge]: pepperman has left at 10:19 pm
[Jamler3] 10:20 pm: There are plenty of em out here in NY/NJ/PA
[Jamler3] 10:20 pm: You'll have to come spend a weekend out here... Trust me you'll drive
one home with a good price too
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:20 pm: I may be on the road again just to check one or two out - the
silver casket is NJ
[Jamler3] 10:21 pm: Ahhh OK... Coolness
[Jamler3] 10:21 pm: Gotta get back on the road!
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:21 pm: I don't think 8 hours to far to drive, heck I can always find a
kicking party and stay then take off in the am
[Jamler3] 10:22 pm: No Doubt... Come see us... Brent's in a band and there is always a
kickin party in New Brunswick!!!!!
[ONEBADMK8] 10:22 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bug2.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:22 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bug3.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:22 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bug3.jpg
[brentalan] 10:22 pm: Yeah, I am playing May 6
[ONEBADMK8] 10:22 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bug4.jpg
[Jamler3] 10:23 pm: 5/6... there ya go... At the Inn Brent?
[brentalan] 10:23 pm: Yup
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:23 pm: sounds like a good time - we will have to try to see if we can
hook up maybe by next weekend
[ONEBADMK8] 10:23 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bug5.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:23 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bug6.jpg
[brentalan] 10:23 pm: again on May 22 in bound brook
[ONEBADMK8] 10:23 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bug8.jpg
[brentalan] 10:23 pm: did you take that thing to the track yet?
[Jamler3] 10:23 pm: Where in BB?
[brentalan] 10:24 pm: Hamilton Street Cafe
[Jamler3] 10:24 pm: Torpedos..... That'll be fun!!!!!!!!
[ONEBADMK8] 10:24 pm: cmon now brent we had it for ovver 30 years
[ONEBADMK8] 10:24 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew1.jpg
[brentalan] 10:24 pm: I've never seen it before, I thought it was new
[ONEBADMK8] 10:24 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew2.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:24 pm: jk
[ONEBADMK8] 10:24 pm: it has over 3000 passes
[brentalan] 10:24 pm: what does it run?
[Jamler3] 10:25 pm: 8's
[ONEBADMK8] 10:25 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew3.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:25 pm: it has gone high 9's in street trim
[ONEBADMK8] 10:25 pm: but we het kicked for no rooll cage
[ONEBADMK8] 10:25 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew4.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:25 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew5.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:26 pm: it has all Chevy Corvair steering and column and wheel
ONEBADMK8] 10:26 pm: it has all Chevy Corvair steering and column and wheel
[ONEBADMK8] 10:26 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew6.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:26 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew7.jpg
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:26 pm: Jamler3 - I gotta fall out - but really sounds like a great plan
so drop me a message with some more details and I will get back with you tomorrow - k
[ONEBADMK8] 10:27 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew8.jpg
:Beer Peace People!!!
[Jamler3] 9:17 pm: Yo... LVC Crazies...
[Jamler3] 9:18 pm: WHAT UP Y'ALL
[Black87LSC] 9:18 pm: whats up jamler?
[Jamler3] 9:18 pm: Hey Black... We'll see you Sunday ?
[Black87LSC] 9:18 pm: sunday....
[Black87LSC] 9:18 pm: ?
[Jamler3] 9:18 pm: What color is your VII
[Black87LSC] 9:18 pm: black
[juan rodrigo] 9:18 pm: jim i need to have all interested in the clusters to e-mail me
[brentalan] 9:19 pm: sup
[Black87LSC] 9:19 pm: whats on sunday?
[The LVC Lounge]: Cubster has entered at 9:19 pm
[Cubster] 9:19 pm: Hi guys
[Jamler3] 9:19 pm:
[Black87LSC] 9:19 pm: hey cubster
[Jamler3] 9:20 pm: OK Erirc
[Jamler3] 9:20 pm: I'll arrange for that
[Jamler3] 9:20 pm: Do you have a list who provided a $20 Deposite??????
[juan rodrigo] 9:20 pm: please do to my knowledge there have been only 2 preorders
[juan rodrigo] 9:20 pm: on my pay pal account
[Cubster] 9:21 pm: brent, go to discbrakesrus.com click customers photo
[Jamler3] 9:21 pm: OK... I know of at least 2...
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:21 pm: hello, all
[Jamler3] 9:21 pm: Brent did you provide a 20 Cluster....
[juan rodrigo] 9:21 pm: its so funny seeing my cluster on there sight
[juan rodrigo] 9:21 pm: brent has a gen1
[juan rodrigo] 9:21 pm: no?
[brentalan] 9:22 pm: nah, I have a gen2
[Jamler3] 9:22 pm: Hey Eric... Thats all of our cluster... Gen-2ers anyway
[Cubster] 9:22 pm: Eric, whats your problem w/ me ?
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:22 pm: Jamler, do you have more pictures of your car? I'm a fan of the
midnight greay
[brentalan] 9:22 pm: I am broke though....
[Black87LSC] 9:22 pm: oooooo jamler i cant make that 1
[juan rodrigo] 9:22 pm: whats my problem with you?
[Jamler3] 9:22 pm: Yeah... Haven't posted many...
[juan rodrigo] 9:22 pm: absolutely nothing
[Cubster] 9:22 pm: yes
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:22 pm: so any New England guys here?
[Black87LSC] 9:23 pm: im just reregistering the VII tomorrow, wanna make sure theres
no bugs
[Cubster] 9:23 pm: well last week I said Hi, you totally avoided me
[Jamler3] 9:23 pm: Cubster is NE
[Black87LSC] 9:23 pm: me 2
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:23 pm: where are you from, Cubster
[Cubster] 9:23 pm: Mass here
[Cubster] 9:23 pm: Brockton
[Jamler3] 9:23 pm: Hes' from MASS too cubby
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:24 pm: I'm from Western MA, where abouts are you Cubster?
[juan rodrigo] 9:24 pm: sorry cubby dint see yah joey was pming me
[juan rodrigo] 9:24 pm: over and over to leave
[Black87LSC] 9:24 pm: nick, is that worcester meet serious?
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:24 pm: I'm trying to pull something together, but I am trying to see
where and when people want to meet
[Black87LSC] 9:24 pm: im VERY interested in going
[Jamler3] 9:25 pm: Worcester...
[Jamler3] 9:25 pm: I know that area
[Cubster] 9:25 pm: your mistaken Eric, what I said was, " I didn't understand WHY some
threads stayed & some were displaced
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:25 pm: I know a good number of people are, but not many have
responded yet
[The LVC Lounge]: Joeychgo has entered at 9:25 pm
[Jamler3] 9:25 pm: I used to travel on Business to Fall Riv and New Bedford
[Joeychgo] 9:25 pm: Hello everyone
[Jamler3] 9:25 pm: JOEY......
[The LVC Lounge]: juan rodrigo has left at 9:25 pm
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:25 pm: oh cool, I have a friend who lives in Fall River
[Black87LSC] 9:25 pm: y Joey
[Black87LSC] 9:25 pm: *hey
[Cubster] 9:26 pm: I'd love to have a New England meet !!!!!!!!
[Cubster] 9:26 pm: Hi Joe
[Black87LSC] 9:26 pm: me too!
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:26 pm: where are you from, Cubster?
[Cubster] 9:26 pm: Brockton Ma
[brentalan] 9:26 pm: Whats up
[Jamler3] 9:27 pm: Yo Brent, How ya doing man
[brentalan] 9:27 pm: good
[Joeychgo] 9:27 pm: everyone all ready for the weekend?
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:27 pm: that sounds familiar. Is it by Boston
[Cubster] 9:27 pm: brent , did you go to discbrakesrus.com ?
[brentalan] 9:27 pm: not yet sorry
[Cubster] 9:27 pm: South of bos
[Cubster] 9:28 pm: check out my car w/ the brakes
[brentalan] 9:29 pm: CUBBY - NICE!
[Cubster] 9:29 pm: ty
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:31 pm: OK, it looks like we have a number of guys from the Boston area
and a few guys from Western MA and Connecticut
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:31 pm: Worcester looks like a good halfway point
[Jamler3] 9:31 pm: I am ready for the weekend
[Black87LSC] 9:31 pm: sweet!
[Jamler3] 9:31 pm: Problem is......... Its only Wed
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:32 pm: Where do you guys think we should meet, a restaurant?
[Cubster] 9:32 pm: You won't believe what I did today......... I e-mailed Chip Foose about
my car
[Slow91z] 9:32 pm: oooh chip
[Cubster] 9:32 pm: yup
[Jamler3] 9:32 pm: NO #$%^&* cubby
[Jamler3] 9:32 pm: Cool...
[Cubster] 9:32 pm: I did
[Jamler3] 9:32 pm: Can't wait to see the brakes
[Jamler3] 9:32 pm: you did Chrome Powder on the Cali's right?
[Cubster] 9:32 pm: Saturday
[Black87LSC] 9:32 pm: worcester is perfect
[Cubster] 9:33 pm: yuppers
[Cubster] 9:33 pm: rotors too
[The LVC Lounge]: Slow91z has left at 9:33 pm
[Jamler3] 9:33 pm: Powder Rotors????
[Cubster] 9:34 pm: yes
[Jamler3] 9:34 pm: OMG
[Cubster] 9:34 pm: you'll see
[Jamler3] 9:34 pm: Looking forward to seeing it Sun
[Cubster] 9:34 pm: No RUST.........EVER
[Jamler3] 9:34 pm: Weather is gonna be nice too guys
[Cubster] 9:35 pm: Anyone else from mass going Sunday ?
[Black87LSC] 9:36 pm: no i am reregistering the mark tomorrow, wanna drive it a little,
make sure theres no bugs
[Joeychgo] 9:36 pm: ILL Be there - so will Jibit
[Black87LSC] 9:36 pm: wish i could go
[brentalan] 9:36 pm: Who is Chip Foose?
[Black87LSC] 9:37 pm: omg!!!!
[Cubster] 9:37 pm: lol
[Cubster] 9:38 pm: Have you ever watched Overhaulin
[brentalan] 9:38 pm: no
[Cubster] 9:38 pm: He's the #1 fabricater in Ca
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:39 pm: I like his designs for the most part. Clean and in keeping with
the original design
[Cubster] 9:40 pm: No one better than him, ( my opinion )
[Black87LSC] 9:40 pm: very clean looking
[Cubster] 9:40 pm: yes
[The LVC Lounge]: mk8mx5 has entered at 9:41 pm
[Cubster] 9:41 pm: Hi mk
[Joeychgo] 9:41 pm: I did a count, it looks like alot of LSs are coming Sunday
[Joeychgo] 9:41 pm: Hi MK
[Cubster] 9:41 pm: great
[brentalan] 9:41 pm: So you e-mailed Chip
[Joeychgo] 9:41 pm: Should be a good crowd
[brentalan] 9:41 pm: what did you tell this guy?
[Cubster] 9:41 pm: yup
[brentalan] 9:42 pm: I didn't check yet, are directions posted?
[Cubster] 9:42 pm: Joe, have you spoken to anyone at Carlisle ?
[Joeychgo] 9:42 pm: No - talked to Jamler about it
[The LVC Lounge]: MeNmyMarkVIII has entered at 9:42 pm
[Joeychgo] 9:42 pm: Ill set it up if we have enough in
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:43 pm: Hi Guys
[Cubster] 9:43 pm: I'm sure everyone will want it
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:43 pm: Man, gotta tell ya screen to screen ya all are the best
[Cubster] 9:43 pm: lol, ty
[Joeychgo] 9:44 pm: I got about a week to register the club, if there is enough interest
[The LVC Lounge]: mk8mx5 has left at 9:44 pm
[Joeychgo] 9:44 pm: im not gonna do it for 5 people ,
[Cubster] 9:44 pm: Jesus Joe, do it, if Eric can you surely can
[The LVC Lounge]: 67Continental has entered at 9:44 pm
[Cubster] 9:45 pm: I think more
[Joeychgo] 9:45 pm: gee, thanks
[67Continental] 9:45 pm: #$%^&* car is leaking
[Joeychgo] 9:45 pm: leaking what
[Cubster] 9:45 pm: are byou driving up ?
[67Continental] 9:45 pm: i have noidea from where. it;s all along far right of the headliner
on the passenger side
[67Continental] 9:45 pm: sorry, leaking when it rains
[67Continental] 9:45 pm: it extis at the rear window above the pasenger rear seat
[Cubster] 9:45 pm: close the windows
[Black87LSC] 9:46 pm: lol
[Cubster] 9:46 pm: lol
[67Continental] 9:46 pm: i looked under the headliner and found that part of the seal for
the rear windshield was missing
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:46 pm: daz cold - but good
[67Continental] 9:46 pm: sealed that up, but it's still leaking
[67Continental] 9:46 pm: from elsewhere. i am thinking the passenger side door
[67Continental] 9:46 pm: it's really frustrating
[Jamler3] 9:46 pm: 67 Conti, you comin Sunday?
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:46 pm: I'd post your problem on thelincolnforum.net
[Black87LSC] 9:46 pm: that sucks
[67Continental] 9:46 pm: sunday? no, that would be an 8 hour trip for me, so i really
can't. i wish i could
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:46 pm: there are many more people familiar with the older cars
[67Continental] 9:47 pm: it's not all that old - i am talking about my 94 mark 8
[Joeychgo] 9:47 pm: ha
[Joeychgo] 9:47 pm:
[67Continental] 9:47 pm: but thanks for telling me about that site
[Jamler3] 9:47 pm: ND4 and Black87... Hook up with Cubby and build a Cavalcade to
[67Continental] 9:47 pm: it iwll be useful for my restoration
[67Continental] 9:47 pm: i dont think it's the sunroof, but i can;t be sure
[67Continental] 9:48 pm: sorry to dominate the chat room guys
[67Continental] 9:48 pm: just so frustrated
[Black87LSC] 9:48 pm: its out for me as im recovering from mono 2
[Black87LSC] 9:48 pm: ughh
[Jamler3] 9:48 pm: Won't find many other sites that have more info than this on the
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:48 pm: My 94 was leaking on the pasgr. rear side, but it was from the
top of the window - thought it was from a little body work I had done, but it wasn't bad
[Jamler3] 9:48 pm: Especially the VIII
[Jamler3] 9:48 pm: Or VII for that matter
[67Continental] 9:48 pm: i am going to seal the rear window from the outside as well
[Jamler3] 9:49 pm: MeNmyMark... Are you coming Sunday to NJ??????
[Joeychgo] 9:49 pm: check the sunroof too -
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:49 pm: I'd love to go to the meet, but I have final exams starting that
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:49 pm: how the heck could half the seal be "missing"?
[Jamler3] 9:49 pm: OK...
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:49 pm: a road trip to NJ would just take too much time
[Cubster] 9:49 pm: I think I'd try keeping my windows closed
[67Continental] 9:49 pm: i guess i will just pour water on the sunroof and see if it leaks
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:49 pm: I think I am 4 hours away
[67Continental] 9:49 pm: i put the hose on the rear window and it did leak
[Black87LSC] 9:49 pm: i wouldnt mind the ride
[67Continental] 9:49 pm: and sealed that to the best of my ability from inside
[Jamler3] 9:49 pm: Gotcha ND4... I've got 2 Grad degrees... I understand completely!!!!!
[67Continental] 9:50 pm: but it;s still leaking and looks like it's from the same area, but a
second spot
[67Continental] 9:50 pm: man
[Joeychgo] 9:50 pm: Im 15 hours away and im coming
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:50 pm: maybe you could have a window show remove the window and
reseal it completely
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:50 pm: I wish - right now I don't even have a ride - still looking - just
dropped that one off at the dealers last night sounds like fun though - where is it
[Jamler3] 9:50 pm: 4 hours away in a Lincoln Mark VIII
[Jamler3] 9:50 pm: Unfortunately Joey had to take a Bird!!!!!
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:50 pm: congrats, Jamler. It's not easy.
[Black87LSC] 9:50 pm: im prob 5 hours away maybe a little more
[Jamler3] 9:51 pm: Nope... Lots of work.. But I actually miss it
[The LVC Lounge]: 67Continental has left at 9:51 pm
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:51 pm: I'd be in a VII. It was one of my childhood dream cars. A 97-98
LSC is on the list though in black or midnight gray or maybe silver with cobra R wheels
[The LVC Lounge]: ONEBADMK8 has entered at 9:52 pm
[ONEBADMK8] 9:52 pm: good gos i am here
[ONEBADMK8] 9:52 pm: happy now
[ONEBADMK8] 9:52 pm: lmaooooooooooooooooo
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:52 pm: I love your car, Jamler
[ONEBADMK8] 9:52 pm: whts up
[ONEBADMK8] 9:52 pm: i am slmmin busy
[Cubster] 9:52 pm: Hi Geno
[ONEBADMK8] 9:52 pm: trying desperately to get the shiop signs up by sunday
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:52 pm: Hi, Geno, do you do custom fabrication?
[Black87LSC] 9:52 pm: nd4 i know where there is a black 97-98 and its been sittin for a
while, i bet they would sell it
[ONEBADMK8] 9:52 pm: im working on the vynil graphics right now as well as a Mopar
[Jamler3] 9:52 pm: Thanks ND4, I owe alot of the credit to Geno.....
[brentalan] 9:52 pm: Hey Gneo
[The LVC Lounge]: pepperman has entered at 9:53 pm
[Jamler3] 9:53 pm: ONEBADMK8...... is Geno... What up Man?
[ONEBADMK8] 9:53 pm: custstuff yes, like what
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:53 pm: I'm interested in some braces for my Mark VII
[ONEBADMK8] 9:53 pm: custom
[Black87LSC] 9:53 pm: its a LSC too
[Jamler3] 9:53 pm: YO PEPPERMAN.... HAPPY B-DAY Dude!!!!!
[pepperman] 9:53 pm: thank you
[ONEBADMK8] 9:53 pm: pepper what up?
[brentalan] 9:53 pm: hi pepperman
[The LVC Lounge]: mcafferty has entered at 9:53 pm
[pepperman] 9:53 pm: not much
[ONEBADMK8] 9:53 pm: i am lining up my Buddy Bobs car or sunday too
[ONEBADMK8] 9:53 pm: very badasssss
[mcafferty] 9:54 pm: hey guys what is up
[ONEBADMK8] 9:54 pm: weather looks good
[ONEBADMK8] 9:54 pm: i hope so or the SUperMark stays home
[mcafferty] 9:54 pm: where you guys from?
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:54 pm: I'd like a shock tower brace in the rear and a rocker panel brace
that connects to subframe connectors
[ONEBADMK8] 9:54 pm: NJ
[Cubster] 9:54 pm: I'm happy about the weather'
[Black87LSC] 9:54 pm: MA
[Jamler3] 9:54 pm: Yeah... Black87 and ND4, we'll have to coordinate something up in NE
[pepperman] 9:54 pm: i wish that i could be there
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:54 pm: MA here
[ONEBADMK8] 9:54 pm: no way on Sunday
[ONEBADMK8] 9:54 pm: no time
[Jamler3] 9:54 pm: MCAFFERTY...... We in NJ
[ONEBADMK8] 9:54 pm: cubby u want that chassis brace?
[Jamler3] 9:55 pm: Where are you??????
[ONEBADMK8] 9:55 pm: New Joizie
[mcafferty] 9:55 pm: what is the best up grade you can do on the ls?
[Black87LSC] 9:55 pm: definately jamler
[mcafferty] 9:55 pm: mn
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:55 pm: Jamler3 love your story man, I am still laughing - I replied to
the thread then logged in here - you going this weekend? anybody coming thru columbus
oh - lol
[ONEBADMK8] 9:55 pm: For the LS we have a cat back system that rocks
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:55 pm: I'd check out the Lincoln LS Owners Club and talk with them
[Jamler3] 9:56 pm: I'm going MeNmyMark... I'll be there Sunday... Yeah, your talking
about the $tealership story right...
[ONEBADMK8] 9:56 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/xx2.wmv
[Jamler3] 9:56 pm: Those Bums...
[ONEBADMK8] 9:56 pm: turn up the speakers
[ONEBADMK8] 9:56 pm: LLSOC is a horde of tools
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:56 pm: yup - das me -
[ONEBADMK8] 9:56 pm: we have a killer ls forum here at LVC
[pepperman] 9:57 pm: that we do
[Jamler3] 9:57 pm: K Cool... Your in Columbus OH hey...?
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:57 pm: dang right - lil ole me jsut walked up in there and got screwed!
[Jamler3] 9:57 pm: You a Clipper Fan???????
[ONEBADMK8] 9:57 pm: hres or family VW Bug with a 427 in the front seat
[ND4SPDLSC] 9:57 pm: Geno, do you have a clip of a Mark VIII with your mufflers?
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:57 pm: yup - party party party
[ONEBADMK8] 9:57 pm: look up
[Jamler3] 9:57 pm: Very Cool......
[ONEBADMK8] 9:57 pm: i just posted th link
[ONEBADMK8] 9:57 pm: xx2 link
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:57 pm: Clip what? You know all we got here is college football
[Jamler3] 9:58 pm: Columbus OH... Clippers... Yankee's Minor League team
[ONEBADMK8] 9:58 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/xx2.wmv
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:58 pm: GO BUCKS - I should have left that dealership when that
moron said he was a michigan fan
[Joeychgo] 9:58 pm:
[Jamler3] 9:58 pm: LOL MeNmy
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:59 pm: Yes, I know thye play on the westside pretty decent fun
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:59 pm: Yeah - I gotta change that name now - to MeN?
[ONEBADMK8] 9:59 pm: joey u get my m i juss sent
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 9:59 pm: or MeNdatM8
[Joeychgo] 10:00 pm: i got it NICE
[Jamler3] 10:00 pm: Like thatone
[Cubster] 10:00 pm: Joe will be busy getting us a spot at Carlisle
[brentalan] 10:00 pm: that bug is INSANE
[ONEBADMK8] 10:00 pm: yeah the Bug will be there too.
[Cubster] 10:01 pm: brent, did you like the brakes ?
[ONEBADMK8] 10:01 pm: The Bug is a #$%^&* ng hell ride
[ONEBADMK8] 10:01 pm: awsome
[Jamler3] 10:01 pm: Geno... Didn't pick up on the Super Mark Comment
[brentalan] 10:01 pm: Yeah, looks awesome
[Cubster] 10:01 pm: lol
[Jamler3] 10:01 pm: Walt and you gonna bring it?
[Cubster] 10:01 pm: ty
[ONEBADMK8] 10:01 pm: what comment
[Joeychgo] 10:01 pm: Geno - your going to carlisle
[brentalan] 10:01 pm: I can't wait to see them sunday
[Jamler3] 10:01 pm: You bringin the Super MK8
[ONEBADMK8] 10:01 pm: if theres no rain at all ys
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:01 pm: lines going fast tonnight guys - I am trying to bake cookies -
slow down! heheh
[Cubster] 10:01 pm: they look really good
[Jamler3] 10:02 pm: I saw something posted but didnt go back
[Black87LSC] 10:02 pm: I LOVE that bug!!!!!!!!!
[Jamler3] 10:02 pm: OK, Cool
[ONEBADMK8] 10:02 pm: the bug is wild
[ONEBADMK8] 10:02 pm: its scary
[ONEBADMK8] 10:02 pm: and fun
[ONEBADMK8] 10:02 pm: we have had it since 1973
[The LVC Lounge]: mcafferty has left at 10:03 pm
[Cubster] 10:03 pm: Geno, those headers your getting, are they stainless ?
elcome! You have entered [The LVC Lounge] at 10:15 pm
[Jamler3] 10:15 pm: UGH... THAT HURT
[Cubster] 10:15 pm: g/f just came in, gotta go, see y'all Sunday
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:15 pm: dues thing again huh ?
[Jamler3] 10:15 pm: Dumped... Hard
[Cubster] 10:15 pm: lol
[ONEBADMK8] 10:15 pm: 3 pm: I have the Roadrunner running right now Jamler, Ill take
ya for a nw hellride!!
[The LVC Lounge]: Cubster has left at 10:15 pm
[Jamler3] 10:16 pm: HellRide... Nice Preist Ref G...... Yeah.. I'll have to strap my neck in
[Black87LSC] 10:16 pm: lol
[Jamler3] 10:16 pm: I think I suffered some damage from the last ride
[Jamler3] 10:16 pm: Trying to keep the Camera still ..............LOL
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: lol
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: i mean its running RIGHT
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: the spark plugs were SHOT
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: thats all it ws
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: unreal
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: u felt like 500hp
[The LVC Lounge]: ND4SPDLSC has left at 10:17 pm
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: now u will feel the full 650
[ONEBADMK8] 10:17 pm: lol
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:17 pm: Jamler3 - gotta go, early day tomorrow - on top of two exams
I've got to find a Mark - I was talking with the silvercasket - but I am not sure, I've got to go
and find the thread again
[Black87LSC] 10:17 pm: cya
[brentalan] 10:17 pm: wow
[Black87LSC] 10:18 pm: a
[brentalan] 10:18 pm: bye!
[ONEBADMK8] 10:18 pm: take care
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:18 pm: night guys - #$%^&* the friggin cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jamler3] 10:18 pm: OK... See ya MeNmyMarkVIII..... good luck on the tests
[pepperman] 10:18 pm: i got to go early work day tommorrow.
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:19 pm: hey - before I take off - when is the best time to log inand
catch you guys? - Oh the tests arn't until next week - it's the stinkingstudying I have to do
[Jamler3] 10:19 pm: Yo Pepps... Keep up wht good work in the Mem section Bro!!
[Black87LSC] 10:19 pm: happy bday pepperman!
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:19 pm: It is for a certification thru my job - stupid computer crap
[Jamler3] 10:19 pm: Every WED Nite at 9:00
[Jamler3] 10:19 pm: We're HERE
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:19 pm: if any of ya hera of a good deal on a 94-95 Mark - drop me a
[Jamler3] 10:19 pm: Computer crap keeps us all runnin!!!!!
[The LVC Lounge]: pepperman has left at 10:19 pm
[Jamler3] 10:20 pm: There are plenty of em out here in NY/NJ/PA
[Jamler3] 10:20 pm: You'll have to come spend a weekend out here... Trust me you'll drive
one home with a good price too
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:20 pm: I may be on the road again just to check one or two out - the
silver casket is NJ
[Jamler3] 10:21 pm: Ahhh OK... Coolness
[Jamler3] 10:21 pm: Gotta get back on the road!
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:21 pm: I don't think 8 hours to far to drive, heck I can always find a
kicking party and stay then take off in the am
[Jamler3] 10:22 pm: No Doubt... Come see us... Brent's in a band and there is always a
kickin party in New Brunswick!!!!!
[ONEBADMK8] 10:22 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bug2.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:22 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bug3.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:22 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bug3.jpg
[brentalan] 10:22 pm: Yeah, I am playing May 6
[ONEBADMK8] 10:22 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bug4.jpg
[Jamler3] 10:23 pm: 5/6... there ya go... At the Inn Brent?
[brentalan] 10:23 pm: Yup
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:23 pm: sounds like a good time - we will have to try to see if we can
hook up maybe by next weekend
[ONEBADMK8] 10:23 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bug5.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:23 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bug6.jpg
[brentalan] 10:23 pm: again on May 22 in bound brook
[ONEBADMK8] 10:23 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bug8.jpg
[brentalan] 10:23 pm: did you take that thing to the track yet?
[Jamler3] 10:23 pm: Where in BB?
[brentalan] 10:24 pm: Hamilton Street Cafe
[Jamler3] 10:24 pm: Torpedos..... That'll be fun!!!!!!!!
[ONEBADMK8] 10:24 pm: cmon now brent we had it for ovver 30 years
[ONEBADMK8] 10:24 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew1.jpg
[brentalan] 10:24 pm: I've never seen it before, I thought it was new
[ONEBADMK8] 10:24 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew2.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:24 pm: jk
[ONEBADMK8] 10:24 pm: it has over 3000 passes
[brentalan] 10:24 pm: what does it run?
[Jamler3] 10:25 pm: 8's
[ONEBADMK8] 10:25 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew3.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:25 pm: it has gone high 9's in street trim
[ONEBADMK8] 10:25 pm: but we het kicked for no rooll cage
[ONEBADMK8] 10:25 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew4.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:25 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew5.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:26 pm: it has all Chevy Corvair steering and column and wheel
ONEBADMK8] 10:26 pm: it has all Chevy Corvair steering and column and wheel
[ONEBADMK8] 10:26 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew6.jpg
[ONEBADMK8] 10:26 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew7.jpg
[MeNmyMarkVIII] 10:26 pm: Jamler3 - I gotta fall out - but really sounds like a great plan
so drop me a message with some more details and I will get back with you tomorrow - k
[ONEBADMK8] 10:27 pm: http://www.lincolnmotorsport.com/bugnew8.jpg
:Beer Peace People!!!