The trailer is about to embark on a cross-state maiden voyage and should be properly named before that happens.
Some clever names already put up as possibilities are "Wolk's Wagon", Immaculate Contraption, Taj Mahaul, Haul of Fame and others.
Please feel free to be as clever as possible. I plan on gathering the top five names and post a poll for the results.
There used to be a placard next to the front door. This is where I'll mount a placque with the final choice.
Some clever names already put up as possibilities are "Wolk's Wagon", Immaculate Contraption, Taj Mahaul, Haul of Fame and others.
Please feel free to be as clever as possible. I plan on gathering the top five names and post a poll for the results.
There used to be a placard next to the front door. This is where I'll mount a placque with the final choice.