Need air ride help ASAP


Active LVC Member
Jun 13, 2005
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I gota used compressor from a local junkyard and put it in since mine wasnt working... the air compressor kicks on now.. but the air bags never fill up?? My dad said he took the old lid off the old drier and plugged it onto the new one... would that have any affect?? or no? i need help on what could be causing the problem because i cant drive my car.. and i dont want to pay the dealer 120 to diagnose it.
that could be a problem, if the dryer is now not sealing well. another possible problem is the 'new' dryer (from junkyard) is moisture saturated and plugged. There is a way to dry out the dessicant in the dryer, basically taking it apart and baking the beads at like 200 degrees or so for a little while... Look in the tech section for a procedure, if not here over at LoL.

Also, make sure the seal between the compressor and dryer is good. Also the replacement compressor may have a leaky vent valve (rusty usually). If so, I would take it back to the yard and stuff it up part of the yard manager's body that never should see daylight. They sold you a defective part. The vent valve or soleniod is part of the compressor. if its like my compressor (a 91), there is a small panel (or was it the whole top plate?) that can be removed that will expose the vent valve. but its not really repairable.
Your used compressor may just be too worn to lift the car. If the rear fills, but the front doesn't, it's almost guaranteed to be too worn out. I'd take it back and get a rebuilt one if you can or find a known good one off a board member on one of the boards. What year is the car?

On some, you can use a shop air compressor with a minimum of 125 psi output and a few gallons of capacity to manually add air during the fill sequence at start up. Make sure to shut off the suspension after doing this or it will sink if the weak compressor tries to adjust the height.
yea instead of spending more moeny and saving myself from future problems i just bought the Strutmasters conversion kit... i should get it wed. About how much am i looking to pay a local shop to install this would you think?
depends if you replaced the struts or reused your old i'd say probaly 4hrs total front and rear.
I just got the front one struts from strutmaster about two weeks ago there great no I just need to get the back ones
Nice, i get mine today and installed cost for parts and labor.... just about 800$ Ill let you know what i think
For $800, you could have fixed all your problems with the air suspension and probably have replaced all the wear parts in the system. It would have lasted another 10 years or so. Boy, that's a lot.
Yea i thought about that.. but i did the research and Lincoln Dealers wanted to charge 120 just to diagnose a problem.. and then charge me a whole lot more for parts and labor. And if the problem was in the air bags there about 175 a peice... and i would have replaced all of them.. So i figured ide do the conversion now... instead of replacing on thing.. and havng another break.
got the conversion in today.. drove it around.. and love the ride.. and i love the look of the springs behind the tires... lOoks real nice... but the guy who did the install didnt cut the Ride Control light.. anyone know how to eliminate that? Other than that.. everything is greattt!

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