Need HVAC help and other gen2 issues...


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 23, 2006
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Moorpark, CA
Well this morning it was a little chilly here in So. Cal, so I finally got around to turning on my heater in the Mark VIII for the first time since I bought the car and it worked great! Only problem is when the weather warmed up and I was leaving work I went to put the A/C on and all I get is HOT heat comming from the vents. I tried adjusting the thermostat, the fan speed, switching from auto to max A/C and all that comes out of the vent is full on hot air. Is there a valve on the heater core that might get stuck??? I really don't even know where to begin looking.

Second issue is a random stalling, it happened this morning for the second time since I have had the car. First time I was pulling into a gas station and as I was making a sharp turn to go into the pump at slower than idle speed the car just shut off. I assumed I accidentally hit the key with my hand when I was turning the wheel but I wasnt sure. Well it happened again this morning on the freeway. There is a long freeway interchange that is down hill, and the car builds up its own speed just rolling down it. Every now and then I pop it into netural to help the MPG out and watch the instant mpg go sky rocketing to 99...anyways. Half way down the ramp in the middle of the curve the car shut off again at about 75-80 mph. Lost power steering and had to try to hold the wheel as the car was speeding down the ramp. I turned the key and started it back up. Then it drove fine the rest of the way to work and on the way back home. Now ocassionally when I pull up to a light there is a very slight and hardly noticeable surge in the RPM at idle. I can't really tell unless the music is off and it does not show on the tach. It almost feels like it is slightly misfiring at idle. Can this be the case? The car still has plenty of power, and still averages about 23-24 MPG on each tank... Anyone have an idea what might be causing the car to die?

Any input would be appreciated. I am looking to sell one of my cars soon so I can buy a truck, going to get rid of either the mark 8 or the mark 3 and I want to make sure they are in top notch condition before I sell the car. Thanks in advance!
well, the hvac is probably your blend door (PITA to fix)

The other problem I'm not sure about. The car is probably stalling in tight turns cause you are putting more stress on the power steering pump and in turn putting more stress on the motor to turn the belt. Not that it should be doing it but that's why. Try a tune-up and clean the TB out and possibly the IAC.
04SSHD said:
Any info on the blend door replacement or location?

yeah, but I'd have to kill ya! :p

I thought it was in the tech articles but its not, I'll have to look for it, you may want to search the forums, its a common repair
The A/C compressor works fine, my best guess is the heater core is stuck open
that's it!

Its really just time consuming, its not all that bad. If you need help let me know and give me a call and I'll try to walk you through it.
5-6 hours tops, no problem. Just think of it this way. A shop will charge you close to six bills to install a $35 part! What a savings!
I just called the ford dealer and they wanted $49 out the door for the part, so I called the one my buddys shop uses and got his shop price. $34.49, going to pick it up now and install it. Hopefully it will work, thanks for the help guys!
One thing to remember, after you pull the entire dash apart and reach up behind it and install the thing, be sure to plug it in. Believe you me, you don't want to reassemble the dash and do shake down run and only to find the defroster to work.
It is fixed, took me 3 hours start to finish and it was a pain in the arse. The whole dash and center console pretty much had to come out. Thanks for the tip on the A/C I just need to figure out the random stalling...
ive had mine stall out on me before, three times, all random times, all far apart..... in all three times i was backing out somewhere while i had the wheel turned, so i now it had to do witht he power steering, but what exactly i have no idea :confused:
check the iac, maby it isnt opening fast enough for the combined load of the ps ac etc, and its a easy fix..........................well at leastfor us gen2 guys haha
I have replaced mine w/ a new one from Ford. It still has stalled at low RPM. The last time was after a sharp bump pulling into a flying-J after cruising on the Highway at 75-ish (Legal for AZ) for about 2 hours. Maybe it had gotten stuck.
torquemonkey said:
I have replaced mine w/ a new one from Ford. It still has stalled at low RPM. The last time was after a sharp bump pulling into a flying-J after cruising on the Highway at 75-ish (Legal for AZ) for about 2 hours. Maybe it had gotten stuck.

just kickin sh1t around but did you clean the the passages?? poss pluged up just enough to "choke" the eng under the right conditions, dunno once again just throwing it out there but at least ours are easy

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